That said, it may be worth referring to our previous post on the Gates' association with the "Lucifer Trust". See -
Why does Melinda Gates wear an upside-down cross?
Melinda Gates, 55, is the wife of Microsoft co-founder and its former chairman, CEO, and president Bill Gates, 64. A former general manager herself at Microsoft, Melinda and Bill in 2000 co-founded the powerful Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the world’s largest private charitable organization as of 2015. Melinda has consistently been ranked as one of the world’s most powerful women by Forbes.
The Gates are Democrats. Both were suggested as possible vice-presidential picks in the 2016 presidential election, according to an email from Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman, John Podesta, which was obtained and published by WikiLeaks. (Time)
Melinda Gates is also a Roman Catholic. In 2014, Bill told Rolling Stone magazine that he and Melinda raised their three children as Catholics, the family goes to a Catholic church, and that religious morality inspires a lot of his charity work.
Melinda Gates’ Catholicism goes against the Gates Foundation’s funding, until 2013, of abortion by donating $71 million to Planned Parenthood and affiliated organizations. In 2014, she said that the foundation “has decided not to fund abortion”, focusing instead on family planning and contraception in order to avoid conflation of abortion and family planning. (Wikipedia)
Then there is the matter of Melinda’s jewelry.
Longtime FOTM reader/commenter Lola sent me this pic of Melinda Gates wearing a necklace with a pendant that’s an upside-down cross.
The pic is a screenshot taken from a video of Melinda’s appearance on an NBC “Today” show on May 8, 2020:
The upside-down or inverted cross is a symbol that stems from the martyrdom of St. Peter the Apsotle. Catholic tradition is that when the Romans sentenced Peter to death by crucifixion, he requested that his cross be upside down, as he felt unworthy of being crucified in the same manner as his Lord and savior Jesus Christ. That is why there are images of the Pope wearing the inverted or Petrine Cross because the Pope is the successor of St. Peter as Bishop of Rome.
However, in our times, the upside-down cross has been co-opted by satanists to mock Christ’s crucifixion, just as the Black Mass is an inverted mockery of the Catholic Mass.
So the question is: Given the upside-down cross having become a satanic symbol, why would Melinda Gates, a self-professed Catholic, wear that as necklace? Why not a regular, rightside-up cross instead?
There’s also something else that’s disturbing about Melinda’s appearance.
Twitterer @Inevitable_ET posted comparison pics of Bill and Melinda, past and present, which show Melinda looking very different from what she was before. She now has a bigger and fatter nose, which can’t be from weight gain. She also looks like a man in drag.
See also:
- WH petition for investigation into Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation’s role in coronavirus pandemic
- 4 times Bill Gates said vaccines would reduce world population
- Bill Gates Foundation funds permanent contraception for Third World
- Bill Gates funds contraceptive/abortion microchip that’s remote-controlled
- Bill Gates says only socialism can save world from climate change
- Bill Gates, Emma Watson and Oprah Winfrey among ten stars with colossal carbon footprints