Showing posts with label Geopolitics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Geopolitics. Show all posts



[View our own blogs of similar vein by clicking on the label NWO in right hand column]

Time To Go Dark

So now Melbourne’s grounded again. In the old times, I would’ve made a joke about that. Something about the sex shops being outraged that primary schools will stop buying supplies from them, or about Third World dishwashers having to survive on one grain of rice a week now instead of five. Maybe something about trannies.

But this is no joke. People are hurting. Normal people. Decent people. Aussies have lost their businesses and their jobs. Families are going to break up at even faster rate than they were already. Good, honest, hardworking Australians who always followed the rules and did what they were told are going to lose everything they thought they’d built up.

It’s not a time for jokes.

When I started writing a bit over four years ago I was trying to fight something. I’d seen that our society is deluded. It is brainwashed. I set out to fight that brainwashing and by doing so get to the heart of what was behind it. Along with you readers and fellow writers here and elsewhere, I think we’ve done that. We know what was done to our society, to our civilisation. We know who did it. We know how and even why they did. There’s nothing left to figure out.

We know.

I knew a financial collapse was coming due to the debt-based economic system the Anglo-American empire has relied upon to subdue the world on behalf of its masters. It was inevitable. Now it’s here, hidden behind a plague. What an ingenious solution to an insoluble problem.

Create a perfectly terrifying yet not-too-destructive biological weapon and release it in a way that had been predicted by movies in order to ensure the public was so blinded by fear they’d accept being grounded in their homes by governments in a way never done before in all of human history.



Note the wet market scenes. Spooky.

Then use your control of organisations like the World Health Organisation to delay declaration of a pandemic and spread the frankenvirus you created at a Level 4 research lab to every country and get the whole world locked down. Wargame the whole thing beforehand to make sure it would go smoothly.

Purposefully detonate the world economy ahead of its inevitable collapse anyway, and then use the crisis you engineered to bring about a Great Reset you’ve drooled about for years. Maybe decades. Maybe centuries.



They’re not even bothering to hide this. It’s out in the open. They don’t care if you know. It’s almost like they want us to know.

 [EDIT: There's a longer video here, but will only give the link for those wanting to get really absorbed ]


Don’t watch that last one. Don’t bother. You know what they’re going to say. It’s the same type of soulless corporatespeak you’ve heard at work or school from the type of people who end up becoming managers in our degenerate, postmodern, anti-truth institutions. The spineless despots who have made our society so bloody unbearable.

So who did this?

The billionaires. The Davos ruling caste in coordination with other factions of the global oligarchy, including the Chinese communist elite. They did it. It’s an attack by the billionaires on the millionaires and the people who rely on those millionaires to create businesses that provide us jobs. That process will also wipe out democratic socialism and the enormous public sector bureaucracies it supports. The private sector as well as the public sector are being eliminated to bring about an elite vision of total utopian control.

COVID-19 is a biological attack upon the people of the West by the billionaire overlords who are planning on replacing us with robots and AI now that the economic system our labour and war service enabled has provided them with the tech singularity they needed to make it happen. We proles have been made obsolete, and the plan is for most of us to be wiped out this decade via plague, famine and war. The everything bubble has popped, and now the population bubble it supported is popping too.

Most of the world’s population is slated to die this decade, and Bill Gates thinks it’s hilarious.


 [EDITOR..... Just wondering what Bill has been doing to have callouses on his palms]?

The ideology they’re using as a solution to the reaction to the problems they’ve created has a name. It’s communitarianism; a corporate-communist synthesis of the worst elements of international capitalism and international socialism. These leftists from San Francisco have done a good job outlining what it’s all about.



Hippie researcher Niki Raapana wrote a book warning about it in 2012. You can get it for free now. She was hounded by the small hats and had to go live in a yurt in Alaska. You know the story.

The day I was writing this, the internet was down for millions of people around Sydney and Melbourne due to a cyber attack. Last month, I went to buy my son a Star Wars Lego set and there were none in the store because ‘Russian hackers’ had disrupted shipments for months. The lockdowns are again intensifying, and this time they won’t ease up on them quickly. Lockdowns are the new normal and masks are how you keep nana safe.

All of this is happening due to a cycle that has been aggressively hidden by the reality engineers who run our societies. The sun has gone cold, and whenever that has happened in history it has been accompanied by economic collapse, war, famine, pestilence and plague. We have all of those right now, and they’re intensifying around the world. It will get worse as the decade progresses.

We know all this. There’s nothing left to find out. As the normies realise they’re not in Kansas anymore, they’ll do idiot normie things like protest and complain because they think the power structure of society is what they were taught in school. Once they do, they’ll get the rainbow-coloured jackboot to the face. Big Sister is done with acting nice. It’s now time for you filthy, ungrateful proles to do what you’re told so that Bill Gates can save the world and the chosen master race can take their place ruling it.

There’s nothing you can do about that. The gay cake is baked. Resistance is futile. At least for now.

You have the misfortune of belonging to a group whose lives don’t matter anymore on a planet which has been brainwashed to hate your guts by your ancient enemies who you did everything to help. Those same enemies control technology, politics, culture, education and the media.

You’re cancelled, bigot.

Once the stunned normies process that it was all fake and there was never any future for them, they might be ready to organise and resist. Until then, let them be. Let them go through the process of finding out how bad things truly are.

Until then, there’s nothing left to fight for.

This is the last political piece from me. There’s no more point to politics. There never was.

What are you going to do when billionaires and Marxists make an alliance to attack your family with a bioweapon and they get away with it?

Make a YouTube video about it?

Make a meme?


No. I’m going to ground to focus on getting prepared for it all to go down. If you need me, I’ll be in the garden with my kid feeding the chooks. I might make normie-friendly prepper content in future to help people make the transition into the dark age. People are going to need a lot of help, and if you’ve been ahead of this there’s a role for you helping them process the blackpill and adjust to their Hunger Games reality.

But for now, it’s time to find a safe place and hunker down.

It’s time to focus on real-life community.

It’s time to go dark.


David Hilton




[View our own blogs of similar vein by clicking on the label NWO in right hand column]

Time To Go Dark

So now Melbourne’s grounded again. In the old times, I would’ve made a joke about that. Something about the sex shops being outraged that primary schools will stop buying supplies from them, or about Third World dishwashers having to survive on one grain of rice a week now instead of five. Maybe something about trannies.

But this is no joke. People are hurting. Normal people. Decent people. Aussies have lost their businesses and their jobs. Families are going to break up at even faster rate than they were already. Good, honest, hardworking Australians who always followed the rules and did what they were told are going to lose everything they thought they’d built up.

It’s not a time for jokes.

When I started writing a bit over four years ago I was trying to fight something. I’d seen that our society is deluded. It is brainwashed. I set out to fight that brainwashing and by doing so get to the heart of what was behind it. Along with you readers and fellow writers here and elsewhere, I think we’ve done that. We know what was done to our society, to our civilisation. We know who did it. We know how and even why they did. There’s nothing left to figure out.

We know.

I knew a financial collapse was coming due to the debt-based economic system the Anglo-American empire has relied upon to subdue the world on behalf of its masters. It was inevitable. Now it’s here, hidden behind a plague. What an ingenious solution to an insoluble problem.

Create a perfectly terrifying yet not-too-destructive biological weapon and release it in a way that had been predicted by movies in order to ensure the public was so blinded by fear they’d accept being grounded in their homes by governments in a way never done before in all of human history.



Note the wet market scenes. Spooky.

Then use your control of organisations like the World Health Organisation to delay declaration of a pandemic and spread the frankenvirus you created at a Level 4 research lab to every country and get the whole world locked down. Wargame the whole thing beforehand to make sure it would go smoothly.

Purposefully detonate the world economy ahead of its inevitable collapse anyway, and then use the crisis you engineered to bring about a Great Reset you’ve drooled about for years. Maybe decades. Maybe centuries.



They’re not even bothering to hide this. It’s out in the open. They don’t care if you know. It’s almost like they want us to know.

 [EDIT: There's a longer video here, but will only give the link for those wanting to get really absorbed ]


Don’t watch that last one. Don’t bother. You know what they’re going to say. It’s the same type of soulless corporatespeak you’ve heard at work or school from the type of people who end up becoming managers in our degenerate, postmodern, anti-truth institutions. The spineless despots who have made our society so bloody unbearable.

So who did this?

The billionaires. The Davos ruling caste in coordination with other factions of the global oligarchy, including the Chinese communist elite. They did it. It’s an attack by the billionaires on the millionaires and the people who rely on those millionaires to create businesses that provide us jobs. That process will also wipe out democratic socialism and the enormous public sector bureaucracies it supports. The private sector as well as the public sector are being eliminated to bring about an elite vision of total utopian control.

COVID-19 is a biological attack upon the people of the West by the billionaire overlords who are planning on replacing us with robots and AI now that the economic system our labour and war service enabled has provided them with the tech singularity they needed to make it happen. We proles have been made obsolete, and the plan is for most of us to be wiped out this decade via plague, famine and war. The everything bubble has popped, and now the population bubble it supported is popping too.

Most of the world’s population is slated to die this decade, and Bill Gates thinks it’s hilarious.


 [EDITOR..... Just wondering what Bill has been doing to have callouses on his palms]?

The ideology they’re using as a solution to the reaction to the problems they’ve created has a name. It’s communitarianism; a corporate-communist synthesis of the worst elements of international capitalism and international socialism. These leftists from San Francisco have done a good job outlining what it’s all about.



Hippie researcher Niki Raapana wrote a book warning about it in 2012. You can get it for free now. She was hounded by the small hats and had to go live in a yurt in Alaska. You know the story.

The day I was writing this, the internet was down for millions of people around Sydney and Melbourne due to a cyber attack. Last month, I went to buy my son a Star Wars Lego set and there were none in the store because ‘Russian hackers’ had disrupted shipments for months. The lockdowns are again intensifying, and this time they won’t ease up on them quickly. Lockdowns are the new normal and masks are how you keep nana safe.

All of this is happening due to a cycle that has been aggressively hidden by the reality engineers who run our societies. The sun has gone cold, and whenever that has happened in history it has been accompanied by economic collapse, war, famine, pestilence and plague. We have all of those right now, and they’re intensifying around the world. It will get worse as the decade progresses.

We know all this. There’s nothing left to find out. As the normies realise they’re not in Kansas anymore, they’ll do idiot normie things like protest and complain because they think the power structure of society is what they were taught in school. Once they do, they’ll get the rainbow-coloured jackboot to the face. Big Sister is done with acting nice. It’s now time for you filthy, ungrateful proles to do what you’re told so that Bill Gates can save the world and the chosen master race can take their place ruling it.

There’s nothing you can do about that. The gay cake is baked. Resistance is futile. At least for now.

You have the misfortune of belonging to a group whose lives don’t matter anymore on a planet which has been brainwashed to hate your guts by your ancient enemies who you did everything to help. Those same enemies control technology, politics, culture, education and the media.

You’re cancelled, bigot.

Once the stunned normies process that it was all fake and there was never any future for them, they might be ready to organise and resist. Until then, let them be. Let them go through the process of finding out how bad things truly are.

Until then, there’s nothing left to fight for.

This is the last political piece from me. There’s no more point to politics. There never was.

What are you going to do when billionaires and Marxists make an alliance to attack your family with a bioweapon and they get away with it?

Make a YouTube video about it?

Make a meme?


No. I’m going to ground to focus on getting prepared for it all to go down. If you need me, I’ll be in the garden with my kid feeding the chooks. I might make normie-friendly prepper content in future to help people make the transition into the dark age. People are going to need a lot of help, and if you’ve been ahead of this there’s a role for you helping them process the blackpill and adjust to their Hunger Games reality.

But for now, it’s time to find a safe place and hunker down.

It’s time to focus on real-life community.

It’s time to go dark.


David Hilton




Rumors Of Wars: China, India, North Korea, South Korea, Israel And Turkey All Move Toward War

by Michael Snyder

As if we didn’t have enough already going on in 2020, now we are facing the possibility that several regional wars may erupt.  China and India had both been pouring troops into a disputed border region, and now there has been an incident where they were actually killing each other.  On the Korean peninsula, North Korea just blew up “a joint liaison office” that it had used for talks with the South Korean government.  And in the Middle East, Turkey is warning of grave consequences if Israel goes ahead with a plan to annex portions of Judea and Samaria.  If a major regional war erupts at even one of these flashpoints, it will be another devastating blow for a global economy that is already imploding, and there is a very strong probability that the U.S. and other major western powers could be drawn into the conflict.

Right now, most Americans are focused on our internal problems, and so they are paying very little attention to the growing crisis on the border between China and India.

Both nations had sent substantial contingents of troops to an area of the border that has long been disputed, and a meeting that was supposed to defuse tensions actually resulted in soldiers killing one another

Chinese state media described the incident Monday night in the Galwan River valley where both countries have deployed troops in recent weeks as “the most serious clash between Chinese and Indian soldiers so far,” confirming casualties but offering no further details about them. Indian government sources speaking on the condition of anonymity told The Times of India that 20 Indian army personnel had died in the fighting.

American intelligence believes 35 Chinese troops died, including one senior officer, a source familiar with that assessment tells U.S. News. The incident took place during a meeting in the mountainous region between the two sides – both of which had agreed to disarm – to determine how the two militaries would safely withdraw their presences from the region.

This is the very first time in decades that Chinese and Indian troops have killed each other, and apparently very little shooting was involved

The meeting grew tense and resulted in a physical confrontation between the troops. According to the assessment, all of the casualties were from the use of batons and knives and from falls from the steep topography, the source says.

That sounds like a scene from an overly gory Hollywood war movie, but reportedly this actually happened.

Hopefully the leaders of the two nations will be able to cool tensions for a while, but the Chinese have a very long history of very bitter border disputes with their neighbors, and without a doubt China will continue to make attempts to exercise sovereignty over this area.

Meanwhile, tensions on the Korean peninsula have risen to a level that we haven’t seen in many, many years.  On Tuesday, North Korea actually blew up a building that had been used for negotiations with South Korea

North Korea has blown up a joint liaison office used for talks between itself and South Korea, the latest sign that ties between the two longtime adversaries are rapidly deteriorating.

North Korean state media reported that the four-story building, which is located in the town of Kaesong just north of the demilitarized zone that divides the two Koreas, was “completely destroyed by a “terrific explosion” at 2:50 p.m. local time.

That is certainly one way to make a statement.

And this comes just days after Kim Jong Un’s sister, Kim Yo Jong, had issued a very ominous warning

In a cryptic statement late Saturday, Kim Yo Jong vowed her country would “soon take a next action” against South Korea — a move she suggested would be carried out by the country’s military.

“By exercising my power authorized by the Supreme Leader, our Party and the state, I gave an instruction to the arms of the department in charge of the affairs with enemy to decisively carry out the next action,” Kim said in the state-run Korean Central News Agency.

All of a sudden, North Korea’s approach to relations with South Korea has dramatically shifted, and that shift has coincided with Kim Yo Jong taking a much more prominent role in national affairs.

I believe that there is much more going on in North Korea than we are being told, and Kim Yo Jong appears to favor a much more militant approach than what we have become accustomed to in recent years.

Over in the Middle East, the Times of Israel is reporting that the IDF is gearing up for a “state of war” as Israel prepares to annex portions of Judea and Samaria…

Just over two weeks before a possible Israeli annexation of some as-yet unspecified portion of the West Bank, the Israel Defense Forces is preparing for a wide range of scenarios for potential regional fallout — up to and including a large-scale wave of terror attacks — while still not being told exactly what the government has in mind.

The military is gearing up for possible massive unrest, Channel 12 reported Sunday evening, including what it is calling a potential “state of war” characterized by a Second Intifada-style onslaught of suicide bombing attacks.

This week, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu once again made it clear that he does not intend to alter his plans, and that means that the process of annexation could start as soon as the beginning of July.

A few weeks ago, I wrote an entire article about how this could potentially spark a major war in the region, and Arab leaders continue to make it clear that there will be “consequences” if Israel goes through with this…

Israel’s plan to extend its sovereignty to the Jordan Valley, and parts of Judea and Samaria, will “destroy all hopes” for lasting peace in the Middle East, Turkey’s top diplomat said on Wednesday.

“If the occupying power [Israel] crosses the red line, we [Muslim countries] must show that this will have consequences,” Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said during a special meeting of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation Executive Committee, according to Turkey’s Anadolu Agency.

We shall see what happens.

I think that Netanyahu is convinced that Donald Trump is probably going to lose in November, and so that means that he probably believes that he only has a window of a few months in which he could annex portions of Judea and Samaria with U.S. support.

It appears that Netanyahu is absolutely determined to move forward, and it also appears that Israel’s Arab neighbors are prepared to respond very forcefully.

In just a few weeks, missiles could start flying back and forth, and the entire Middle East could erupt in flames.

This is such a critical time, and let us pray for peace.

But without a doubt we are living during a time of “wars and rumors of wars”, and it certainly isn’t going to take much to unleash a major conflict.




Rumors Of Wars: China, India, North Korea, South Korea, Israel And Turkey All Move Toward War

by Michael Snyder

As if we didn’t have enough already going on in 2020, now we are facing the possibility that several regional wars may erupt.  China and India had both been pouring troops into a disputed border region, and now there has been an incident where they were actually killing each other.  On the Korean peninsula, North Korea just blew up “a joint liaison office” that it had used for talks with the South Korean government.  And in the Middle East, Turkey is warning of grave consequences if Israel goes ahead with a plan to annex portions of Judea and Samaria.  If a major regional war erupts at even one of these flashpoints, it will be another devastating blow for a global economy that is already imploding, and there is a very strong probability that the U.S. and other major western powers could be drawn into the conflict.

Right now, most Americans are focused on our internal problems, and so they are paying very little attention to the growing crisis on the border between China and India.

Both nations had sent substantial contingents of troops to an area of the border that has long been disputed, and a meeting that was supposed to defuse tensions actually resulted in soldiers killing one another

Chinese state media described the incident Monday night in the Galwan River valley where both countries have deployed troops in recent weeks as “the most serious clash between Chinese and Indian soldiers so far,” confirming casualties but offering no further details about them. Indian government sources speaking on the condition of anonymity told The Times of India that 20 Indian army personnel had died in the fighting.

American intelligence believes 35 Chinese troops died, including one senior officer, a source familiar with that assessment tells U.S. News. The incident took place during a meeting in the mountainous region between the two sides – both of which had agreed to disarm – to determine how the two militaries would safely withdraw their presences from the region.

This is the very first time in decades that Chinese and Indian troops have killed each other, and apparently very little shooting was involved

The meeting grew tense and resulted in a physical confrontation between the troops. According to the assessment, all of the casualties were from the use of batons and knives and from falls from the steep topography, the source says.

That sounds like a scene from an overly gory Hollywood war movie, but reportedly this actually happened.

Hopefully the leaders of the two nations will be able to cool tensions for a while, but the Chinese have a very long history of very bitter border disputes with their neighbors, and without a doubt China will continue to make attempts to exercise sovereignty over this area.

Meanwhile, tensions on the Korean peninsula have risen to a level that we haven’t seen in many, many years.  On Tuesday, North Korea actually blew up a building that had been used for negotiations with South Korea

North Korea has blown up a joint liaison office used for talks between itself and South Korea, the latest sign that ties between the two longtime adversaries are rapidly deteriorating.

North Korean state media reported that the four-story building, which is located in the town of Kaesong just north of the demilitarized zone that divides the two Koreas, was “completely destroyed by a “terrific explosion” at 2:50 p.m. local time.

That is certainly one way to make a statement.

And this comes just days after Kim Jong Un’s sister, Kim Yo Jong, had issued a very ominous warning

In a cryptic statement late Saturday, Kim Yo Jong vowed her country would “soon take a next action” against South Korea — a move she suggested would be carried out by the country’s military.

“By exercising my power authorized by the Supreme Leader, our Party and the state, I gave an instruction to the arms of the department in charge of the affairs with enemy to decisively carry out the next action,” Kim said in the state-run Korean Central News Agency.

All of a sudden, North Korea’s approach to relations with South Korea has dramatically shifted, and that shift has coincided with Kim Yo Jong taking a much more prominent role in national affairs.

I believe that there is much more going on in North Korea than we are being told, and Kim Yo Jong appears to favor a much more militant approach than what we have become accustomed to in recent years.

Over in the Middle East, the Times of Israel is reporting that the IDF is gearing up for a “state of war” as Israel prepares to annex portions of Judea and Samaria…

Just over two weeks before a possible Israeli annexation of some as-yet unspecified portion of the West Bank, the Israel Defense Forces is preparing for a wide range of scenarios for potential regional fallout — up to and including a large-scale wave of terror attacks — while still not being told exactly what the government has in mind.

The military is gearing up for possible massive unrest, Channel 12 reported Sunday evening, including what it is calling a potential “state of war” characterized by a Second Intifada-style onslaught of suicide bombing attacks.

This week, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu once again made it clear that he does not intend to alter his plans, and that means that the process of annexation could start as soon as the beginning of July.

A few weeks ago, I wrote an entire article about how this could potentially spark a major war in the region, and Arab leaders continue to make it clear that there will be “consequences” if Israel goes through with this…

Israel’s plan to extend its sovereignty to the Jordan Valley, and parts of Judea and Samaria, will “destroy all hopes” for lasting peace in the Middle East, Turkey’s top diplomat said on Wednesday.

“If the occupying power [Israel] crosses the red line, we [Muslim countries] must show that this will have consequences,” Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said during a special meeting of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation Executive Committee, according to Turkey’s Anadolu Agency.

We shall see what happens.

I think that Netanyahu is convinced that Donald Trump is probably going to lose in November, and so that means that he probably believes that he only has a window of a few months in which he could annex portions of Judea and Samaria with U.S. support.

It appears that Netanyahu is absolutely determined to move forward, and it also appears that Israel’s Arab neighbors are prepared to respond very forcefully.

In just a few weeks, missiles could start flying back and forth, and the entire Middle East could erupt in flames.

This is such a critical time, and let us pray for peace.

But without a doubt we are living during a time of “wars and rumors of wars”, and it certainly isn’t going to take much to unleash a major conflict.