So this is who is leading the new progressive, far-left,
Democrat darling entity of CHAZ in Washington State. The Democrats
cannot go much further down than this.

Story line and pictures from Yaacov Apelbaum
[On the RED-GREEN ALLIANCE, see here: https://apelbaum.wordpress.com/2019/08/16/the-red-green-alliance-and-the-real-devil-of-mogadishu/ ]
Welcome to the Minneapolis Caliphate
We know that the Red-Green alliance is behind the riots and that they fully control BLM and other related organizations like ANSWER and Antifa. On the surface, It may not be obvious, but what the alliance is trying to achieve has little to do with the much needed
criminal justice system reform. The real objective behind these riots
is the creation of independent nation state enclaves styled after the
one operated by the Nation of Islam in Chicago. Once the alliance gets
to control the territory, these self-governed entities will have their
own paramilitary forces, police, an extortion based economy, and the
ability to levy taxes and control their borders. In this vision of a
quasi domestic Liberia, these enclaves will quickly expand into nearby
neighborhoods, metastasizing and increasing their size and political
Due to the rapidly growing middle eastern and south American illegal
immigrant population in many large cities in the US, highly saturated
ethnic centers such as LA, Dearborn, Minneapolis, Queens and Brooklyn
are ripe for this takeover. The funding for the expansion and growth of
these city-states already comes from foreign sources such as Qatar and Turkey (through proxies like Mustafa Gulan), and drug cartels which have strategic interest in establishing these bridgeheads in US cities.
If you think that this is some far fetched conspiracy theory, check out the city of Chicago. The west side is controlled by the narco cartels militias and the south side by the Nation of Islam
fruit of Islam battalion. The Chicago Police doesn’t dare to venture
into these areas because of the native’s superior fire power. The
following causality stats
illustrate just how these self-governed territories operate. Last week,
between May 29 to June 1, 2020 (one weekend) Chicago had 85 shootings
resulting in 24 people killed and 61 wounded. This is despite the fact
that Chicago has one of the strictest anti-gun laws. Not surprisingly,
there were no BLM demonstrations in these locations in support of any of
the 24 victims—many of which were innocent law abiding blacks.

Image 6: The Fruit of Islam (FOI), the military arm of the Nation of Islam
What Is to Be Done? Or As Lenin Said Chto Delat’?
danger of allowing this trend to spread is that large urban areas like
Minneapolis can become pseudo city-states. Ilhan Omar’s and Keith
Ellison’s attacks on the police (carried out surreptitiously through
their children) and their calls to defund it is just an opening gambit
in this game. The rationale is that once law enforcement is out of these
neighborhoods, the local chieftains and warlords would be able to form
‘Mogadishu style’ militias that will (depending on the ethnic makeup of
the city-state) include either a foreign army of “cartel sicarios” or
“jihadi brothers”. Once entrenched, the leadership will start shaking
down the locals and making demands for millions of dollars in
‘protection fees’ from the state on the grounds of ‘no justice, no
peace’ violence. Once this happens, we can kiss goodbye any enforcement
of legal jurisdiction in these locations. An attempt to serve or execute
US law in such enclaves will turn into a full-blown military
confrontation—a risk that no state politician would dare to undertake.
By the time that someone in DC does finally wake up and decides that we
need to re-raise the American flag over these territories, they would
have to conduct a house-to-house battle of Iowa Jima style operation.
We know who is funding the Red-Green Alliance and who their leaders, organizers, and activists
are. The time has come to act now! Anyone related to these
organizations should be arrested and prosecuted, including leading media
figures, academics, high-tech executives, and politicians. All foreign
citizens involved in these subversive activities should be promptly
detained and tried as enemy combatants by military tribunals. They
should not have the benefit of access to our court system—where they can
drag the process for years. Any foreigners who are even remotely
affiliated with subversive political activity—including foreign
students/UN staff/diplomats—should have their visas promptly canceled
and be deported. Finally, violent foreign demonstrators and rioters
should be treated as Ex parte Quirin; non-uniformed enemy saboteurs.

Image 7:
The profile and linkage of Israel Adam Burns, a BLM leader and a
leading New York civil rights attorney who called on live TV for the
rioters to burn down one of the districts of Manhattan
For this past week, New York and other US cities have come to
resemble the lawless Tombstone on the eve of October 26, 1881. We are
now effectively on the verge of civil war and the president should
invoke the Insurrection Act of 1807 and the Alien and Sedition Acts. He
should also strictly enforce the Smith Act in order to above all protect
life and personal property.
The tacit support by progressive politicians, the MSM, and several
governors for the gangs of anarchists and rioters—who now, with complete
impunity, attack the police and law-abiding citizens and destroy their
property—constitutes a dissolution of the social contract and their
rights. Beyond the woke thin veneer of activist slogans that justify the
violence, what we are really seeing here is a Red October style insurrection and an armed rebellion to topple the US government.

Image 8:
Hope Walz, the daughter of Minnesota governor Tim Walz, and Isra Hirsi,
the daughter of Congresswoman Ilhan Omar actively supporting the
rioters in real-time
Over the past three years, we’ve heard a lot of talk about the need
to do away with the second amendment and ‘modernize’ the constitution.
In 1859, President Lincoln had the following to say about a similar
“The people—the people—are the rightful masters of both
congresses, and courts—not to overthrow the constitution, but to
overthrow the men who pervert it.”
What we urgently need now is not a new constitution, but for the DOJ/FBI to take a short break form their political activism
and incessantly blaming imaginary “white supremacists” for the violence
and stand up in ‘Gunfight at the O.K Corral’ style to the anarchist mob
and Red-Green Alliance gangs. In the meantime, we should all put our trust in G-d and keep our powder dry.
*** Update 06/8/202-06/11/2020 ***
The Seattle Antifa and BLM leadership has captured a 6 block area
which they call the “Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone”. The roads leading
into this area are blocked with barricades and protected by AR-15 and
AK-47 armed militia. The police has abandoned their precinct station
located in this zone.
The New York Times (a member of group of US newspapers registered as Chinese agents,
who were paid > $19 millions to publish its propaganda) leads the
campaign promoting the riots. In one such article titled: “Free Food, Free Speech and Free of Police: Inside Seattle’s ‘Autonomous Zone’”, the author presents the violent anarchy as progressive street performance art:
“What has emerged is an experiment in life without the
police—part street festival, part commune. Hundreds have gathered to
hear speeches, poetry and music. On Tuesday night, dozens of people sat
in the middle of an intersection to watch 13th, the Ava DuVernay film
about the criminal justice system’s impact on African-Americans. On
Wednesday, children made chalk drawings in the middle of the street.”

Image 9: Antifa and BLM self-declare Capitol Hill autonomous zone (CHAZ)

Image 10: The source of the firearms in the CHAZ

Image 11: The profile of Solomon Samuel Simone AKA “RAZ” the warlord of CHAZ

Image 12: RAZ’s Bulgarian AK-47 with a folding steel stock and high capacity hand gun magazines.