
The Media Navigator

The Media Navigator classifies 72 influential media outlets based on their political stance and their relationship to power. In many cases, the latter is more significant.
The Media Navigator has been developed based on an in-depth analysis of news coverage, commentary, media ownership and financing. 
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Direct links to media outlets

  1. Liberal & close to power: HuffPost / The Daily Beast / VICE News / CNN / MSNBC / The Guardian / The Washington Post / Politico / VOX
  2. Liberal & intermediateSlate / Mother Jones / Democracy Now! / The Young Turks / AlterNet / Counterpunch / The Intercept / The Nation / The Real News Network
  3. Liberal & distantThe Canary / Jacobin / WSWS / offGuardian / The Grayzone / 21st Century Wire / TruthOut / TruthDig / Mint Press News
  4. Center & closeBBC / CBS News / ABC News / The New York Times / The Financial Times / The Hill / TIME Magazine / The Economist / USA Today
  5. Center & distantGlobal Research / Anti-Empire / Corbett Report / Moon of Alabama / Consortium News / Last American Vagabond / ICH / The Saker / Voltaire Network
  6. Conservative & closeWall Street Journal / Washington Times / Daily Mail / New York Post / National Review / Washington Examiner / FOX News / Commentary / American Conservative
  7. Conservative & intermediateTownhall / Daily Wire / Washington Free Beacon / Newsmax / Drudge Report / Epoch Times / OAN / Breitbart News / Daily Caller
  8. Conservative & distantZero Hedge / Activist Post / Anti War / Strategic Culture / New Eastern Outlook / Lew Rockwell / The New American / Veterans Today / The Unz Review




The Media Navigator

The Media Navigator classifies 72 influential media outlets based on their political stance and their relationship to power. In many cases, the latter is more significant.
The Media Navigator has been developed based on an in-depth analysis of news coverage, commentary, media ownership and financing. 
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Direct links to media outlets

  1. Liberal & close to power: HuffPost / The Daily Beast / VICE News / CNN / MSNBC / The Guardian / The Washington Post / Politico / VOX
  2. Liberal & intermediateSlate / Mother Jones / Democracy Now! / The Young Turks / AlterNet / Counterpunch / The Intercept / The Nation / The Real News Network
  3. Liberal & distantThe Canary / Jacobin / WSWS / offGuardian / The Grayzone / 21st Century Wire / TruthOut / TruthDig / Mint Press News
  4. Center & closeBBC / CBS News / ABC News / The New York Times / The Financial Times / The Hill / TIME Magazine / The Economist / USA Today
  5. Center & distantGlobal Research / Anti-Empire / Corbett Report / Moon of Alabama / Consortium News / Last American Vagabond / ICH / The Saker / Voltaire Network
  6. Conservative & closeWall Street Journal / Washington Times / Daily Mail / New York Post / National Review / Washington Examiner / FOX News / Commentary / American Conservative
  7. Conservative & intermediateTownhall / Daily Wire / Washington Free Beacon / Newsmax / Drudge Report / Epoch Times / OAN / Breitbart News / Daily Caller
  8. Conservative & distantZero Hedge / Activist Post / Anti War / Strategic Culture / New Eastern Outlook / Lew Rockwell / The New American / Veterans Today / The Unz Review
