WHAT'S THE TRUTH CONCERNING THE VIRUS? We don't know because the spy we implanted in the Wuhan virological laboratory suddnely died. BUT, we have heard every theory under the sun, as you have. Jokes aside, we are blogging on this subject - not because we know the truth - but because facebook and other platforms will NOT allow opinions, other than those of the zeitgeist promulgated by the media, our governments and official bodies like the WHO. Why not? Do they have something to hide?
Theories and opinions being bandied about in the underground media suggest a number of theories.
E.G. * The virus was stolen from North America labs by the Chinese.
. * It was weaponised to spread and be sprayed to deplete the population.
. * It was contracted from bats [in the belfry].
. * It was developed to necessitate a vaccine which would either make developers rich, or
. * the vaccines would either kill us or make us compliant.
. * The virus was a genuine research project which accidentally escaped from Wuhan labs, or
. * was released deliberately for the purpose of ........ [ theory 1,2,3,4,etc].
. * A typical Hegelian plot of Thesis, Antithesis, Synthesis, or Action, Reaction, Solution.
. * Just one of those things - She'll be right, mate.
. * Somewhat over-hyped false flag and no worse than any other malady such as the 'flu.
While we are entitled to hear the myriad of opinions, some expert, some common sense, some conspiratorial, and to make of them what we will, we are not permitted to do that in the media or on SM platforms. Hence, this blog [among the many]. TODAY, WE BRING YOU OPINIONS ON THE LAST THEORY ONLY .......... That the scare is rather overdone for some nefarious purpose, and the coronavirus is no worse than normal outbreaks of known viruses. We present 3 articles on this particular theory, two Aussies, Adam Piggott and TOTT NEWS, then the Nth. American, Jon Rappoport [who can be checked out for his preceding 14 articles on the subject].
Just a quick Thursday post as I have a rather busy day today. On the subject of prepping I have never been a big fan. I also think that the Corona virus is more fear-mongering than anything else, specifically designed to crash the US economy in time for the November election.
However, I am also a dedicated student of risk and its inherent randomness in the real world sense, not in an academic capacity. So all things considered you might want to buy a few more groceries this week.