DON'T GET ME WRONG, Andrew Hastie is one of our better MP's in my unhumble opinion, but whistle blowing that he and the head of our Intel Agency are very conscious of keeping us safe - then why does the Govt. keep importing those sworn to kill us according to their "holy" books?  Do they not understand that the far right is only a concern because they created this problem. That's the Communist Dialectic - create a problem and then big note yourself for enacting draconian measures to solve it. By draconian measures, I am not referring to restrictions placed on Muslims, no, I'm talking about the crack-down on free speech on from the conservative side and the surveillance on reactionary groups that they have brought about. Oh anyway, here's Andrew Hastie's missive of today with a link to his web site.

Dear ******,
Most of us will never see the work ASIO does in the shadows to keep us safe.
That’s why the Director General’s Annual Threat Assessment speech is so important. It was a speech to the Australian people.
I attended the speech this week at ASIO headquarters where the DG gave insight into the work they are doing. I encourage you to read the primary document yourself. 
I trust the Director General. He has strategic vision and is operationally focused. He understands his mission: to hunt those who would do us harm. 
The DG outlined the two main threats to our country.
The first is terrorism. There is credible intelligence that individuals and groups have the capability and intent to conduct terrorism onshore.
Violent Islamic extremism of the type embodied by Islamic State and al’Qaida remains the principal concern.
Extreme right wing groups are also a growing problem. The DG warned that “in suburbs around Australia, small cells regularly meet to salute Nazi flags, inspect weapons, train in combat and share their hateful ideology.”
Australia has fought and defeated both Islamic militants and Nazis in the past. Neither have a place in our country.
The second threat to Australia is the unprecedented rise in espionage and foreign interference. The DG warned:
“The intent is to engineer fundamental shifts in Australia’s position in the world, not just to collect intelligence or use us as a potential ‘back-door’ into our allies and partners.”
The threats are significant. The security landscape is evolving and Australia’s adversaries are more determined and sophisticated than ever before.
But so is ASIO and its partners.
They strive to out-wit and out-imagine our adversaries.
Parliament works closely with our agencies to ensure they have the laws, resources and funding needed to disrupt threats and keep Australians safe.
For example, the DG described how the Assistance and Access Act, which was refined through the PJCIS, was used within ten days of it coming into effect.
We lead the world with our counter-terror, foreign interference and espionage laws. We are making sure they are fit for purpose in a digital age.
It is a job I take very seriously.

Andrew Hastie

Other News


DON'T GET ME WRONG, Andrew Hastie is one of our better MP's in my unhumble opinion, but whistle blowing that he and the head of our Intel Agency are very conscious of keeping us safe - then why does the Govt. keep importing those sworn to kill us according to their "holy" books?  Do they not understand that the far right is only a concern because they created this problem. That's the Communist Dialectic - create a problem and then big note yourself for enacting draconian measures to solve it. By draconian measures, I am not referring to restrictions placed on Muslims, no, I'm talking about the crack-down on free speech on from the conservative side and the surveillance on reactionary groups that they have brought about. Oh anyway, here's Andrew Hastie's missive of today with a link to his web site.

Dear ******,
Most of us will never see the work ASIO does in the shadows to keep us safe.
That’s why the Director General’s Annual Threat Assessment speech is so important. It was a speech to the Australian people.
I attended the speech this week at ASIO headquarters where the DG gave insight into the work they are doing. I encourage you to read the primary document yourself. 
I trust the Director General. He has strategic vision and is operationally focused. He understands his mission: to hunt those who would do us harm. 
The DG outlined the two main threats to our country.
The first is terrorism. There is credible intelligence that individuals and groups have the capability and intent to conduct terrorism onshore.
Violent Islamic extremism of the type embodied by Islamic State and al’Qaida remains the principal concern.
Extreme right wing groups are also a growing problem. The DG warned that “in suburbs around Australia, small cells regularly meet to salute Nazi flags, inspect weapons, train in combat and share their hateful ideology.”
Australia has fought and defeated both Islamic militants and Nazis in the past. Neither have a place in our country.
The second threat to Australia is the unprecedented rise in espionage and foreign interference. The DG warned:
“The intent is to engineer fundamental shifts in Australia’s position in the world, not just to collect intelligence or use us as a potential ‘back-door’ into our allies and partners.”
The threats are significant. The security landscape is evolving and Australia’s adversaries are more determined and sophisticated than ever before.
But so is ASIO and its partners.
They strive to out-wit and out-imagine our adversaries.
Parliament works closely with our agencies to ensure they have the laws, resources and funding needed to disrupt threats and keep Australians safe.
For example, the DG described how the Assistance and Access Act, which was refined through the PJCIS, was used within ten days of it coming into effect.
We lead the world with our counter-terror, foreign interference and espionage laws. We are making sure they are fit for purpose in a digital age.
It is a job I take very seriously.

Andrew Hastie

Other News

Days After Pakistani Rape Gang Report is Hidden, Westminster Child Abuse Scandal Cover Up Exposed


Muslim Rape gangs
Westminster Child Abusers.

First is a video on the Pakistani rapists with some info on the Westminster case.
Secondly, a report from researcher, Cathy Fox, with links to the actual Westminster Report.

IICSA Report – Allegations of child sexual abuse linked to Westminster

IICSA have released their 153 page report into Allegations of child sexual abuse linked to Westminster, with 20 pages of Annexes. Westminster for those that do not know is where Members of Parliament meet. So this is an important report into Government and MP child abuse which has been covered up for decades.
Pdf download available from cathyfoxblog [1] or direct from IICSA [2]
I have not read it yet, so will not comment, but reproduce it here as ..
  • Reports have a habit of going missing from national and local Government and police websites only months after publishing.
  • Corporate media, very rarely give a source for their reporting as they take their Mockingbird media job seriously. They act as though they do not want you to think and read for yourselves but just to read their opinion, so they shape your view.  Since most were complicit in the cover up, they minimise nearly all abuse and never give the primary source.
Hence misleading headlines like this, and of course no link to source report. Article by chief propagandist from the Mail, Martin Robinson, if that is even the name of a real person.
Mail £118m child sex abuse inquiry finds no evidence of Westminster paedophile network at the heart of government despite Tom Watson’s 2012 claims from Nick the Fantasist [3]
Shameful, but these people appear to have no shame and pocket large salaries to do the bidding of their paymasters, whether that be foreign based millionaire and billionaire owners or the inaptly names “intelligence services”, as part of Mockingbird.
The Independent has more accurate headline but of course no link to the source document. Independent Westminster child sex abuse: Senior police and politicians knew about widespread paedophilia but ‘turned a blind eye to it’, inquiry finds [4]
More balanced but again no link to source report Mirror Westminster child sex abuse report gives damning verdict on decades of cover-up [5]
Again no link to the source report, why is this not important? – Guardian Police and politicians ‘turned blind eye’ to Westminster child abuse claims [7] 

IICSA tweets state
Our #WestminsterReport, released today, makes clear that Westminster has had major problems in its responses to the sexual abuse of children. Institutions must learn from past mistakes in order to better protect children in future.
The investigation launched following major concerns about #Westminster institutions’ handling of allegations of child sexual abuse. A consistent pattern of deference towards people of public prominence emerged, with political status repeatedly valued above children’s welfare.

The report examines seven key issues: police misconduct, political parties, whips’ offices, the Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE), prosecutorial decisions, the honours system and current safeguarding policies in government, parliament and political parties.

I have no doubt that IICSA by the nature of its structure, personnel and the Home Office secretariat, have not got the bottom of the extent of the abuse or the cover up, but at least it is a start, and exposes Boris Johnson Prime Ministers ignorant comments that police spending on child sexual abuse investigations was “spaffed up a wall”, which not only was incorrect, but doubly disgusting as he used a sexual reference to masturbating to make his point. Mirror Boris Johnson says spending on child sex abuse investigation ‘spaffed up a wall’ [8]
Talk is cheap, we shall see what action is taken and what other documents IICSA publishes.

[1] 2020 Feb 25 IICSA (on cathyfoxblog) wordpess Allegations of child sexual abuse linked to Westminster
[2] 2020 Feb 25 IICSA on iicsa websiteAllegations of child sexual abuse linked to Westminster
[3]  2020 Feb 25 Mail £118m child sex abuse inquiry finds no evidence of Westminster paedophile network at the heart of government despite Tom Watson’s 2012 claims from Nick the Fantasist archive
[4] 2020 Feb 25 Independent Westminster child sex abuse: Senior police and politicians knew about widespread paedophilia but ‘turned a blind eye to it’, inquiry finds

[5] 2020 Feb 25 Mirror Westminster child sex abuse report gives damning verdict on decades of cover-up
[6] 2016 Dorset Eye Margaret Thatcher, William Hague, Leon Brittan, Dolphin Square, North Wales and the VIP child abuse connection
[7] 2020 feb 25 Guardian Police and politicians ‘turned blind eye’ to Westminster child abuse claims
[8] 2019 Mar 13 Mirror Boris Johnson says spending on child sex abuse investigation ‘spaffed up a wall’ police spending on child sexual abuse investigations was “spaffed up a wall”.
I only post on Twitter at present, if you have found this post useful, please post on other social media – facebook, instagram, pinterest, gab – whichever ones you are on. This is most helpful to spread the information. The people who do this are essential. Thankyou.