Gays, lesbians vastly overrepresented on TV in UK: diversity monitoring group

The number of on-screen homosexual contributors at some networks is more than three times the general population.
Featured Image
Tristan Fewings / Getty Images
Doug Mainwaring By Doug Mainwaring

February 28, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) – British television employs people who identify as LGBT on and off-screen in numbers that vastly overrepresent their actual presence in the general population, according to a just-released major industry survey.  
In its Diamond: The Third Cut report, the Creative Diversity Network (CDN) surveyed  “over 30,000 diversity forms relating to over 600,000 TV production contributions.”
Although gays and lesbians comprise 6.4 percent of the UK’s workforce and national population, the percentage of on-screen contributions by gays and lesbians was universally high at British TV networks.
At BBC, homosexual on-screen contributions amounted to 10.7 percent; at ITV, 10.5 percent; and at Channel 4, 13.1 percent.  
At 18.1 percent, Channel 5 was found to have the highest percentage of on-screen contributions by homosexuals -- nearly three times their 6.4 percent presence in the general population.
Sky was found to have the lowest percentage, but at 7.6 percent it is still significantly above the actual population of homosexuals in the UK.
The on and off-screen contributions of self-identified homosexuals to children’s programming amounts to 12.8 percent and 14.3 percent, respectively. 
“People who identify as LGB are represented well across all genres, without exception, both on and off-screen,” the report stated.
The report also further broke down the percentages of homosexuals serving in various production positions. Homosexuals occupy 14.9 percent of all senior production staff, with 20.6 percent acting as producers and a whopping 26.3 percent serving as series producers, more than four times the actual proportion of the homosexual population within the UK.    
Information about the on- and off-screen contributions by transgenders is sketchy in the report, with much of it redacted due to low sample sizes.  
Surveys taken of the television industry in the United States have reported similar findings.
In its annual report on the state of LGBT representation in television released late last year, the pro-LGBT pressure group GLAAD said, “Of the 879 series regular characters expected to appear on broadcast prime-time scripted programming in the coming year, 90 (10.2 percent) were counted as LGBTQ.” 
Prime-time “representation” in the United States is more than double Gallup’s 2017 estimate that 4.5 percent of the U.S. population identifies as LGBT. 
Interestingly, the overrepresentation of homosexuals in on- and off-screen positions, and as characters in shows remains lower than what most people falsely believe to be the percentage of homosexuals in the population. 
In what is a testament to the marketing acumen of LGBT lobbyists and promoters, U.S. adults, on average, continue to believe that about 25 percent of the population is gay or lesbian, more than five times the actual number.
Overall, a full 90 percent believe in an inflated number, with 54 percent of Americans estimating that gays and lesbians constitute more than 20 percent of the population, according to a June 17, 2019 Gallup poll. Only 8 percent of those polled come close to accurately estimating the LGBT population in the United States at around 4.5 percent.
“Overestimations of the nation’s gay population may in part be due to the group’s outsized visibility,” suggested Gallup at the time, citing a GLAAD report that had found 8.8 percent of prime-time TV characters are LGBT during the previous year.




Gays, lesbians vastly overrepresented on TV in UK: diversity monitoring group

The number of on-screen homosexual contributors at some networks is more than three times the general population.
Featured Image
Tristan Fewings / Getty Images
Doug Mainwaring By Doug Mainwaring

February 28, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) – British television employs people who identify as LGBT on and off-screen in numbers that vastly overrepresent their actual presence in the general population, according to a just-released major industry survey.  
In its Diamond: The Third Cut report, the Creative Diversity Network (CDN) surveyed  “over 30,000 diversity forms relating to over 600,000 TV production contributions.”
Although gays and lesbians comprise 6.4 percent of the UK’s workforce and national population, the percentage of on-screen contributions by gays and lesbians was universally high at British TV networks.
At BBC, homosexual on-screen contributions amounted to 10.7 percent; at ITV, 10.5 percent; and at Channel 4, 13.1 percent.  
At 18.1 percent, Channel 5 was found to have the highest percentage of on-screen contributions by homosexuals -- nearly three times their 6.4 percent presence in the general population.
Sky was found to have the lowest percentage, but at 7.6 percent it is still significantly above the actual population of homosexuals in the UK.
The on and off-screen contributions of self-identified homosexuals to children’s programming amounts to 12.8 percent and 14.3 percent, respectively. 
“People who identify as LGB are represented well across all genres, without exception, both on and off-screen,” the report stated.
The report also further broke down the percentages of homosexuals serving in various production positions. Homosexuals occupy 14.9 percent of all senior production staff, with 20.6 percent acting as producers and a whopping 26.3 percent serving as series producers, more than four times the actual proportion of the homosexual population within the UK.    
Information about the on- and off-screen contributions by transgenders is sketchy in the report, with much of it redacted due to low sample sizes.  
Surveys taken of the television industry in the United States have reported similar findings.
In its annual report on the state of LGBT representation in television released late last year, the pro-LGBT pressure group GLAAD said, “Of the 879 series regular characters expected to appear on broadcast prime-time scripted programming in the coming year, 90 (10.2 percent) were counted as LGBTQ.” 
Prime-time “representation” in the United States is more than double Gallup’s 2017 estimate that 4.5 percent of the U.S. population identifies as LGBT. 
Interestingly, the overrepresentation of homosexuals in on- and off-screen positions, and as characters in shows remains lower than what most people falsely believe to be the percentage of homosexuals in the population. 
In what is a testament to the marketing acumen of LGBT lobbyists and promoters, U.S. adults, on average, continue to believe that about 25 percent of the population is gay or lesbian, more than five times the actual number.
Overall, a full 90 percent believe in an inflated number, with 54 percent of Americans estimating that gays and lesbians constitute more than 20 percent of the population, according to a June 17, 2019 Gallup poll. Only 8 percent of those polled come close to accurately estimating the LGBT population in the United States at around 4.5 percent.
“Overestimations of the nation’s gay population may in part be due to the group’s outsized visibility,” suggested Gallup at the time, citing a GLAAD report that had found 8.8 percent of prime-time TV characters are LGBT during the previous year.



Studio10 says, if you have a problem with the Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras you’re a hateful radical extremist

If you have an issue with the Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras, you’re a radical extremist, according to the hosts of Channel Ten’s morning television chat show Studio10.
In a 6-minute segment uploaded to social media on Thursday, the show’s presenters claimed they were “surprised” not everyone liked the program’s rainbow-themed advertisement promoting this year’s Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras (SGLMG).
Sarah Harris, one of the show’s hosts, claimed the short cringeworthy promo received reactions that were “hateful”, “bigoted” and “just plain mean.”
“We were pretty surprised actually, by the reactions that it provoked in some of you,” Harris said. “Some was good, some was bad, some were just hateful.”
After Kerri Anne Kennerly, one of the show’s presenters, asked if any of the hateful commenters had a photograph, the program aired the full names and profile pictures of several people who had expressed negative feedback.
“Nup, sorry, not interested,” one commenter wrote. “Stop shoving it down our throats.”
Another said, “Yup, want equality but shove it down peoples throats.” And, “When it comes to them, out of sight out of mind, for the alphabet crew.”
They are relatively tame reactions, but of course, the show’s hosts mocked the comments, before applauding a more affirming reaction which suggested people “grow up” because “celebrating sexuality… is love”.
Lesbian co-host Narelda Jacobs said the disapproving comments made her sad, but they didn’t surprise her because it’s what most LGBTQ people deal with, especially from religious people.
“It’s what every member of the LGBTIQA+ community faces when they come out. To their family, to their community, to their sports team, particularly when there’s religion involved,” Jacobs said.
Jacobs went on to describe the SGLMG as a time for celebration, saying she hopes in the next year or two the event will be celebrating the overturning of the “Religious Discrimination Bill.”
“[It] so needs to be kicked in the guts because it’s fuelling attacks like the ones that we’ve seen on our Facebook page. And it’s just got to go. There’s no reason for it and it’s got to go,” she said.
After at least four times claiming the LGBTQ community is a “marginalised group” in society, Joe Hildebrand, another presenter on the panel, contradicted Jacob’s point by suggesting those who have an issue with SGLMG are the ones on the fringe.
“These people [opposed to SGLMG] are the ones in the margins,” he said. “You’re the extremist. Donald Trump just appointed a gay person to his cabinet. So, if you’ve still got a problem with it, you hate Donald Trump.”
Hildebrand went on to say, “It’s the haters, you are the radicals, not the people marching.”
Yes, you’re now considered a radical extremist, not if you parade about in public wearing nothing but a jockstrap, but if you take issue with other people doing it.
Photos from the Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras.
The problem is Studio10 conflates disapproving of SGLMG with hatred for people who identify as LGBTQ. This is an issue for a number of reasons.
First, there are plenty of people in the “LGBTQ community” who have criticised the event as an overtly sexualised parade that reduces LGBTQ people to vulgar, sex-obsessed caricatures. Just because something is done within the “LGBTQ community” it does not mean that everyone in that “community” must, by necessity, approve.
Second, disapproving of an ideology that, as Hildebrand noted, is widely accepted, celebrated and publicly lauded, does not equate to hating the people who subscribe to that ideology. They know this because they have no issue disapproving of religious ideas they don’t like and doing so in the name of “love.” Love and disapproval are not mutually exclusive, not even by their own inconsistent standards.
And yet more often than not, LGBTQ advocates consistently portray disapproval of LGBTQ ideology as being, by necessity, motivated by hatred and “homophobia.” But that’s simply not the case.
The argument that disagreement equals hatred is only ever selectively applied to Christians and Conservatives with a pretence of virtue. It’s an old tactic. Portray all disagreement and debate as stemming from ill-motives, then feign the moral high ground in shutting down and silencing your opponent.
But have these “LGBTQ advocates” ever considered the impact this might have on vulnerable people who identify as LGBTQ? Nobody has told the “LGBTQ community” that they are hated more than those who claim to be on their side. These are often the same people who acknowledge LGBTQ people are more likely to kill themselves.
Can you imagine believing that someone was likely to commit suicide, and then at the same time, repeatedly telling that person they are hated and despised by everyone who does not adopt their worldview?
In reality, however, the vast majority of Christians and Conservatives do not hate homosexuals or transgender people. We may strongly disagree, but despite what “LGBTQ advocates” might say, that doesn’t mean Christians must hate gays any more than it means gays must hate Christians.
There’s a lie often perpetuated suggesting that unless Christians and Conservatives abandon their convictions they cannot love or respect people who do not share those convictions. Anyone propagating that notion is most likely just exploiting the vulnerable for an anti-Christian and anti-Conservative political cause. That’s why the claim is often attached to a call to political action. Regardless of where we fall ideologically, we must all learn to recognise when we’re being manipulated.
But the real issue here is that we’ve forgotten, not only how to disagree, but that its OK to disagree. There’s no debate anymore. We simply have people building strawmen, then knocking them to the ground and claiming victory. But what does it actually achieve? Falsely portraying “religious” people as hateful and bigoted because they hold to their own convictions, won’t convince religious people that they’re hateful bigots. They know they’re not. But it may lead a vulnerable LGBTQ person to incorrectly believe that their Christian neighbour despises their existence and wishes them harm.
So, if Christians don’t hate LGBTQ people why don’t they just embrace everything LGBTQ? Because Christians, by definition, acknowledge Jesus as Lord. That means his Word, the Bible, is the ultimate authority in our lives on every subject, defining right and wrong, moral and immoral. LGBTQ ideology, however, presupposes Jesus was wrong on the subject of sexuality. That’s a serious issue for Christians because we cannot embrace LGBTQ beliefs and practices as “morally acceptable” without renouncing our belief in the supreme authority of Jesus and his Word.
LGBTQ advocates may attempt to muzzle Christians with Orwellian laws policing thought and speech, but two thousand years of church history will testify to the fact that Christians would sooner die than deny their Lord. At some point, LGBTQ advocates need to realise that forced conformity of thought is not a realistic solution. In fact, church history will also testify to the fact that the Christian church is most potent in the face of pressure and persecution.
If advocates really want to help the “LGBTQ community”, they would do well to stop telling LGBTQ people that they are hated and despised by everyone who does not affirm the rainbow worldview. If we want to actually return to civility, “LGBTQ allies” must stop suggesting that disagreement equals hatred, or that diversity in thought is bigotry. Because disagreement does not equal hate.



Studio10 says, if you have a problem with the Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras you’re a hateful radical extremist

If you have an issue with the Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras, you’re a radical extremist, according to the hosts of Channel Ten’s morning television chat show Studio10.
In a 6-minute segment uploaded to social media on Thursday, the show’s presenters claimed they were “surprised” not everyone liked the program’s rainbow-themed advertisement promoting this year’s Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras (SGLMG).
Sarah Harris, one of the show’s hosts, claimed the short cringeworthy promo received reactions that were “hateful”, “bigoted” and “just plain mean.”
“We were pretty surprised actually, by the reactions that it provoked in some of you,” Harris said. “Some was good, some was bad, some were just hateful.”
After Kerri Anne Kennerly, one of the show’s presenters, asked if any of the hateful commenters had a photograph, the program aired the full names and profile pictures of several people who had expressed negative feedback.
“Nup, sorry, not interested,” one commenter wrote. “Stop shoving it down our throats.”
Another said, “Yup, want equality but shove it down peoples throats.” And, “When it comes to them, out of sight out of mind, for the alphabet crew.”
They are relatively tame reactions, but of course, the show’s hosts mocked the comments, before applauding a more affirming reaction which suggested people “grow up” because “celebrating sexuality… is love”.
Lesbian co-host Narelda Jacobs said the disapproving comments made her sad, but they didn’t surprise her because it’s what most LGBTQ people deal with, especially from religious people.
“It’s what every member of the LGBTIQA+ community faces when they come out. To their family, to their community, to their sports team, particularly when there’s religion involved,” Jacobs said.
Jacobs went on to describe the SGLMG as a time for celebration, saying she hopes in the next year or two the event will be celebrating the overturning of the “Religious Discrimination Bill.”
“[It] so needs to be kicked in the guts because it’s fuelling attacks like the ones that we’ve seen on our Facebook page. And it’s just got to go. There’s no reason for it and it’s got to go,” she said.
After at least four times claiming the LGBTQ community is a “marginalised group” in society, Joe Hildebrand, another presenter on the panel, contradicted Jacob’s point by suggesting those who have an issue with SGLMG are the ones on the fringe.
“These people [opposed to SGLMG] are the ones in the margins,” he said. “You’re the extremist. Donald Trump just appointed a gay person to his cabinet. So, if you’ve still got a problem with it, you hate Donald Trump.”
Hildebrand went on to say, “It’s the haters, you are the radicals, not the people marching.”
Yes, you’re now considered a radical extremist, not if you parade about in public wearing nothing but a jockstrap, but if you take issue with other people doing it.
Photos from the Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras.
The problem is Studio10 conflates disapproving of SGLMG with hatred for people who identify as LGBTQ. This is an issue for a number of reasons.
First, there are plenty of people in the “LGBTQ community” who have criticised the event as an overtly sexualised parade that reduces LGBTQ people to vulgar, sex-obsessed caricatures. Just because something is done within the “LGBTQ community” it does not mean that everyone in that “community” must, by necessity, approve.
Second, disapproving of an ideology that, as Hildebrand noted, is widely accepted, celebrated and publicly lauded, does not equate to hating the people who subscribe to that ideology. They know this because they have no issue disapproving of religious ideas they don’t like and doing so in the name of “love.” Love and disapproval are not mutually exclusive, not even by their own inconsistent standards.
And yet more often than not, LGBTQ advocates consistently portray disapproval of LGBTQ ideology as being, by necessity, motivated by hatred and “homophobia.” But that’s simply not the case.
The argument that disagreement equals hatred is only ever selectively applied to Christians and Conservatives with a pretence of virtue. It’s an old tactic. Portray all disagreement and debate as stemming from ill-motives, then feign the moral high ground in shutting down and silencing your opponent.
But have these “LGBTQ advocates” ever considered the impact this might have on vulnerable people who identify as LGBTQ? Nobody has told the “LGBTQ community” that they are hated more than those who claim to be on their side. These are often the same people who acknowledge LGBTQ people are more likely to kill themselves.
Can you imagine believing that someone was likely to commit suicide, and then at the same time, repeatedly telling that person they are hated and despised by everyone who does not adopt their worldview?
In reality, however, the vast majority of Christians and Conservatives do not hate homosexuals or transgender people. We may strongly disagree, but despite what “LGBTQ advocates” might say, that doesn’t mean Christians must hate gays any more than it means gays must hate Christians.
There’s a lie often perpetuated suggesting that unless Christians and Conservatives abandon their convictions they cannot love or respect people who do not share those convictions. Anyone propagating that notion is most likely just exploiting the vulnerable for an anti-Christian and anti-Conservative political cause. That’s why the claim is often attached to a call to political action. Regardless of where we fall ideologically, we must all learn to recognise when we’re being manipulated.
But the real issue here is that we’ve forgotten, not only how to disagree, but that its OK to disagree. There’s no debate anymore. We simply have people building strawmen, then knocking them to the ground and claiming victory. But what does it actually achieve? Falsely portraying “religious” people as hateful and bigoted because they hold to their own convictions, won’t convince religious people that they’re hateful bigots. They know they’re not. But it may lead a vulnerable LGBTQ person to incorrectly believe that their Christian neighbour despises their existence and wishes them harm.
So, if Christians don’t hate LGBTQ people why don’t they just embrace everything LGBTQ? Because Christians, by definition, acknowledge Jesus as Lord. That means his Word, the Bible, is the ultimate authority in our lives on every subject, defining right and wrong, moral and immoral. LGBTQ ideology, however, presupposes Jesus was wrong on the subject of sexuality. That’s a serious issue for Christians because we cannot embrace LGBTQ beliefs and practices as “morally acceptable” without renouncing our belief in the supreme authority of Jesus and his Word.
LGBTQ advocates may attempt to muzzle Christians with Orwellian laws policing thought and speech, but two thousand years of church history will testify to the fact that Christians would sooner die than deny their Lord. At some point, LGBTQ advocates need to realise that forced conformity of thought is not a realistic solution. In fact, church history will also testify to the fact that the Christian church is most potent in the face of pressure and persecution.
If advocates really want to help the “LGBTQ community”, they would do well to stop telling LGBTQ people that they are hated and despised by everyone who does not affirm the rainbow worldview. If we want to actually return to civility, “LGBTQ allies” must stop suggesting that disagreement equals hatred, or that diversity in thought is bigotry. Because disagreement does not equal hate.


DESMOND'S "HANDLERS" AND PROMOTERS are one thing, but the abhorrent part of this will be the hundreds of voyeurs who will turn up to cheer and cast their lascivious eyes on the spectacle of a 12 year old gyrating and twerking for the deviant pleasure of adults. Millstones needed.

This is re-blogged from BINARY with a link in the article.

12-year-old Drag Queen coming to Australia

Desmond is Amazing, a 12yr old drag queen, is coming to Australia. He will be a special guest at the Melbourne Drag Queen Expo in August.
Still only a child, 12yr old Desmond will be sharing the stage with many adult entertainers.
The featured Drag Queens for the expo specialise in sexually explicit content. They perform in bars and 18+ spaces – and that’s where they belong. Adult entertainers are of adults.
One has to ask then, what business does a 12-year-old have with such performers? Why is the expo featuring a 12 year old? This will attract attention from other kids as well. You can be sure they will check out the social media profiles of some of the Drag Queens. What they will discover is drag queens are not for kids.
Here is just a sample:
Alaska Thudnerf*ck – The name says it all and the bio says: A well-traveled, campy extraterrestrial does have her perks and her irritations. Transients and drifters are directed to the nearest black hole via her pre-screw-you GPS navigation, and drug-addled layabouts are allowed to create their own black holes. She promises to upload each and every one into the system. How dangerous can Thunderfuck be? As dangerous as a black hole.
Archie Arsenic –When kids visit his Facebook page they will be confronted with image after image of him dressed as the devil – topless, with glitter over the nipples, in bondage style lingerie, being sexually provocative and playing with fire. Definitely 18+ material there.
Weird Alice Yankadic: FB page features sexualised cartoons and images of him with breasts being fondled by himself and others in the bed.
Sharon Needles: From the performers webpage:  “Sharon Needles is the most paranoid, disgusting, vile, lewd, corrupt, and obscene bitch I’ve ever met. And I mean that in a good way. Basically, there are three human needs in life: Sex, Scotch, and Sharon Needles.”
Bible Girl 666 is described as “Internet reality trash”
D Flowers advocates political activism and wants to promote the gender fluid agenda. “Anyone who breaks the gender binary is not only making a political statement; they are also making social, historical, and economical statements as well. We all know that heterosexual society is rather binary, and drag does tend to break down a lot of the boundaries and create visceral reactions. I feel it can expose individuals to the idea that gender is a fluid, social construct.”
Dwight Trash: His bio Instagram describes him as the King of Camp Cowboy Trash.He is “Here to confuse and unsettle the masses.” And is “The one your mother warned you about.”
Penny Cillin: one of his first images on Instagram is captioned “Solid gold d*ckhead”
Kane Enable: contains adult content on Instagram: “Still finding glitter on my neck, my back, in my p*ssy and my crack.”
Cherylyn Barnes: Social media: “this is for all mi lost biches xxxxx Pussi kiss.”
Kirralie Smith, Binary spokeswoman, is concerned about the trend to involve children in adult entertainment.
“Drag queens are not for kids. They are adult entertainers who perform for adults. Why on earth would anyone want to expose children to hypersexualised men, dressed as stereotyped sexualised women? Children who follow Desmond will no doubt investigate the social media pages of the other drag queens. Their content is definitely not for kids!”