From the article below we have two differing views.

First: "World Health Organisation (WHO), have stressed "there is no evidence that companion animals/pets such as dogs or cats can be infected with the new coronavirus."

Second:  Dr. Sam Kovac: " ....
while admitting it’s “theoretically possible” that coronavirus could become a pandemic in dogs, although there’s no effective way of diagnosing the disease in Australia."


Australia Today

People in Sydney Are Asking Vets to Euthanise Their Dogs So They Don't Get Coronavirus

One Sydney vet says he's received several "harrowing" phone calls.

by Gavin Butler
05 March 2020, 10:30am
Last week, in Hong Kong, a pet dog belonging to a coronavirus patient tested “weak positive” to the disease, with health officials confirming the animal has a “low-level infection” from what is likely the first reported case of human-to-animal transmission.
Now, this week in Sydney, pet owners have been approaching vets and asking for their dogs to be euthanised, amid fears that they might be at risk of catching the virus via animal-to-human transmission. Dr Sam Kovac, owner of Southern Cross Veterinary—which has clinics both in Sydney’s Inner West and its Eastern Suburbs—told Nine News it was "harrowing" to be receiving calls from people asking for their pets to be put down.
"We didn't put any of the pets down but instead consulted with them and explained there is no evidence the virus is in the Australian dog population and no evidence that dogs can give it back to people," he said—while admitting it’s “theoretically possible” that coronavirus could become a pandemic in dogs, although there’s no effective way of diagnosing the disease in Australia. For pet owners who are particularly concerned, there is a safe vaccine available that protects against dog coronavirus—although it doesn't offer protection to humans.
"The trouble in Australia is there is no validated test for COVID19 in dogs yet… there is no reliable way to diagnose it,” Dr Kovak said. “[But] there really is not enough information to say that coronavirus in pets is a public health risk right now. I think we should be concerned but not alarmed."
This sudden uptick in euthanasia enquiries follows reports of a “pet crisis” in China, as paranoid owners around the country abandon their cats and dogs for fear of catching coronavirus—and animal shelters struggle to cope with the influx. It bears repeating here that a number of medical experts and authorities, including the World Health Organisation (WHO), have stressed "there is no evidence that companion animals/pets such as dogs or cats can be infected with the new coronavirus."
WHO adds, however, that “it is always a good idea to wash your hands with soap and water after contact with pets. This protects you against various common bacteria such as E.coli and Salmonella that can pass between pets and humans.”
For those thinking of taking slightly more drastic measures, Dr Kovac offered some stern advice.
"Absolutely do not consider euthanasia as an option, you'd be mad,” he said. “If you're considering making the call or signing the form to euthanise your pet, you have no right to own a pet.”



From the article below we have two differing views.

First: "World Health Organisation (WHO), have stressed "there is no evidence that companion animals/pets such as dogs or cats can be infected with the new coronavirus."

Second:  Dr. Sam Kovac: " ....
while admitting it’s “theoretically possible” that coronavirus could become a pandemic in dogs, although there’s no effective way of diagnosing the disease in Australia."


Australia Today

People in Sydney Are Asking Vets to Euthanise Their Dogs So They Don't Get Coronavirus

One Sydney vet says he's received several "harrowing" phone calls.

by Gavin Butler
05 March 2020, 10:30am
Last week, in Hong Kong, a pet dog belonging to a coronavirus patient tested “weak positive” to the disease, with health officials confirming the animal has a “low-level infection” from what is likely the first reported case of human-to-animal transmission.
Now, this week in Sydney, pet owners have been approaching vets and asking for their dogs to be euthanised, amid fears that they might be at risk of catching the virus via animal-to-human transmission. Dr Sam Kovac, owner of Southern Cross Veterinary—which has clinics both in Sydney’s Inner West and its Eastern Suburbs—told Nine News it was "harrowing" to be receiving calls from people asking for their pets to be put down.
"We didn't put any of the pets down but instead consulted with them and explained there is no evidence the virus is in the Australian dog population and no evidence that dogs can give it back to people," he said—while admitting it’s “theoretically possible” that coronavirus could become a pandemic in dogs, although there’s no effective way of diagnosing the disease in Australia. For pet owners who are particularly concerned, there is a safe vaccine available that protects against dog coronavirus—although it doesn't offer protection to humans.
"The trouble in Australia is there is no validated test for COVID19 in dogs yet… there is no reliable way to diagnose it,” Dr Kovak said. “[But] there really is not enough information to say that coronavirus in pets is a public health risk right now. I think we should be concerned but not alarmed."
This sudden uptick in euthanasia enquiries follows reports of a “pet crisis” in China, as paranoid owners around the country abandon their cats and dogs for fear of catching coronavirus—and animal shelters struggle to cope with the influx. It bears repeating here that a number of medical experts and authorities, including the World Health Organisation (WHO), have stressed "there is no evidence that companion animals/pets such as dogs or cats can be infected with the new coronavirus."
WHO adds, however, that “it is always a good idea to wash your hands with soap and water after contact with pets. This protects you against various common bacteria such as E.coli and Salmonella that can pass between pets and humans.”
For those thinking of taking slightly more drastic measures, Dr Kovac offered some stern advice.
"Absolutely do not consider euthanasia as an option, you'd be mad,” he said. “If you're considering making the call or signing the form to euthanise your pet, you have no right to own a pet.”


[Publishing articles does not imply our assent with the views expressed].


Quarantines and military lockdowns are coming to Australia

First it was toilet paper.
Next it will be food.
The people laughing at ‘panic buyers’ now will be panicking then, and blaming those who prepared for their lack of preparation. Should things get bad enough in the winter ahead, we’ll see violence as Australians face their vulnerability and reliance upon complex resource distribution systems and a debt-based financial system for the first time with horror.
It’s not the virus that we should be concerned about. Take steps to avoid it, but it’s not the greatest threat. The greatest danger to you and your family right now are the emotionally fragile and mentally unstable kidults in this country who haven’t taken coronavirus seriously and will lash out once it gets real.
Australia is about to face its greatest wave of public fear since 1942, and I strongly recommend you and your family get out of its way by making preparations now. Get supplies. Come up with infection avoidance protocols for your household. Get ready for everyone to be home together for a month or more. Get right with Jesus and ask for guidance.
You may as well repent anyway if you’re going to die from pneumonia.
There is no way Australia avoids outbreaks and quarantines at this stage. It is certain now that our health system will be overwhelmed this coming winter, and people will not get the first world treatment they have come to take for granted. There will be a small number of people who die while everyone else is bored. Right now, it’s the storm before the calm.
Clusters are forming around the world which will soon become outbreaks. The cluster threatening New York right now is centered in the Jewish community of New Rochelle, Westchester County.

North Sydney already has multiple clusters. If we want to see what’s coming for Australia, probably within the next month, look at China, Iran and Italy.
Boring, and for some probably quite frightening. They wouldn’t be so frightened if they’d stocked up and gotten ready.
For those of us who don’t wait for the TV to tell us what to think, this is not surprising. We’ve been watching scenes from Wuhan since January, and following the rise in cases and responses of governments and people overseas closely. It was God’s grace that we got the chance to see what happened to other countries first, so that we could prepare.
But Australians didn’t prepare.
They laughed at first. Then they panicked about toilet paper. Then they got angry at anyone else who wasn’t panicking about toilet paper because they’d prepared ahead.
It didn’t have to be like this. Our government could have closed the borders in January, or even before as surely our intelligence agencies knew what was happening in Wuhan back in 2019. We’re an island. Stringent controls and a managed public response would have saved lives and prevented the shocks which are about to hit us.
Instead, the government chose to prioritise GDP and the interests of the billionaires over the health and wellbeing of the Australian people. Irresponsible politicians and media talking heads are still poo-pooing the idea of a coming shock.
I bet those elites have toilet paper in plentiful supply at home.
Everyday Australians who aren’t understanding what’s coming are at a disadvantage to the complexity of geometric progressions. They see that Australia only has 20 or 50 cases and they think there’s no threat. I did maths in space at school, but even I can understand that’s not how it works.
If you’re struggling with a family member or friend who just doesn’t get it, and you don’t want to have to support them for weeks on end once quarantines start, try this. Ask them if they would prefer one million dollars straight up, or one magical dollar which doubles every minute for an hour.
Most people will take the million cos thinking hurts.
Then show them this.
$1 doubling every minute:
After 15 minutes – $16,384
After 30 minutes – $536,870,912
After 45 minutes – $17,592,186,044,416
After 1 hour – 5.764607523034235e + 17
I don’t even know how to read that last number, but it’s more money than a Rothschild has. That’s the magic and the mystery of compounding.
It seems the Wuhan coronavirus doubles in numbers of infections every six days. We also know that we have no herd immunity, and probably 60% of the population will get it. It will spread through the population the same way smallpox did through the natives of the New World.
The virus seems to have a case fatality rate of around 2%, give or take. As of today, Australia has about 100 infections.
Keep in mind, many who are infected don’t even know. Others end up in ICU on life support.
Let’s do the maths then. This isn’t a prediction, but it’s a solid extrapolation based on the data we’ve got.
11/3/20 – 100
17/3/20 – 200
23/3/20 – 400
29/3/20 – 800
4/4/20 – 1,600
10/4/20 – 3,200
16/4/20 – 6,400
22/4/20 – 12,800
28/4/20 – 25,600
5/5/20 – 51,200
11/5/20 – 102,400
17/5/20 – 204,800
23/5/20 – 409,600
29/5/20 – 819,200
4/6/20 – 1,638,400
10/6/20 – 3,276, 800
16/6/20 – 6,553,600
2% of 6.5 million is 130,000.
That’s a lot of nanas and pops, and it’s inevitable unless the government imposes draconian quarantine restrictions.
Prepare now so that you can be a support to others when it begins. A plague is coming, on all our houses.


[Publishing articles does not imply our assent with the views expressed].


Quarantines and military lockdowns are coming to Australia

First it was toilet paper.
Next it will be food.
The people laughing at ‘panic buyers’ now will be panicking then, and blaming those who prepared for their lack of preparation. Should things get bad enough in the winter ahead, we’ll see violence as Australians face their vulnerability and reliance upon complex resource distribution systems and a debt-based financial system for the first time with horror.
It’s not the virus that we should be concerned about. Take steps to avoid it, but it’s not the greatest threat. The greatest danger to you and your family right now are the emotionally fragile and mentally unstable kidults in this country who haven’t taken coronavirus seriously and will lash out once it gets real.
Australia is about to face its greatest wave of public fear since 1942, and I strongly recommend you and your family get out of its way by making preparations now. Get supplies. Come up with infection avoidance protocols for your household. Get ready for everyone to be home together for a month or more. Get right with Jesus and ask for guidance.
You may as well repent anyway if you’re going to die from pneumonia.
There is no way Australia avoids outbreaks and quarantines at this stage. It is certain now that our health system will be overwhelmed this coming winter, and people will not get the first world treatment they have come to take for granted. There will be a small number of people who die while everyone else is bored. Right now, it’s the storm before the calm.
Clusters are forming around the world which will soon become outbreaks. The cluster threatening New York right now is centered in the Jewish community of New Rochelle, Westchester County.

North Sydney already has multiple clusters. If we want to see what’s coming for Australia, probably within the next month, look at China, Iran and Italy.
Boring, and for some probably quite frightening. They wouldn’t be so frightened if they’d stocked up and gotten ready.
For those of us who don’t wait for the TV to tell us what to think, this is not surprising. We’ve been watching scenes from Wuhan since January, and following the rise in cases and responses of governments and people overseas closely. It was God’s grace that we got the chance to see what happened to other countries first, so that we could prepare.
But Australians didn’t prepare.
They laughed at first. Then they panicked about toilet paper. Then they got angry at anyone else who wasn’t panicking about toilet paper because they’d prepared ahead.
It didn’t have to be like this. Our government could have closed the borders in January, or even before as surely our intelligence agencies knew what was happening in Wuhan back in 2019. We’re an island. Stringent controls and a managed public response would have saved lives and prevented the shocks which are about to hit us.
Instead, the government chose to prioritise GDP and the interests of the billionaires over the health and wellbeing of the Australian people. Irresponsible politicians and media talking heads are still poo-pooing the idea of a coming shock.
I bet those elites have toilet paper in plentiful supply at home.
Everyday Australians who aren’t understanding what’s coming are at a disadvantage to the complexity of geometric progressions. They see that Australia only has 20 or 50 cases and they think there’s no threat. I did maths in space at school, but even I can understand that’s not how it works.
If you’re struggling with a family member or friend who just doesn’t get it, and you don’t want to have to support them for weeks on end once quarantines start, try this. Ask them if they would prefer one million dollars straight up, or one magical dollar which doubles every minute for an hour.
Most people will take the million cos thinking hurts.
Then show them this.
$1 doubling every minute:
After 15 minutes – $16,384
After 30 minutes – $536,870,912
After 45 minutes – $17,592,186,044,416
After 1 hour – 5.764607523034235e + 17
I don’t even know how to read that last number, but it’s more money than a Rothschild has. That’s the magic and the mystery of compounding.
It seems the Wuhan coronavirus doubles in numbers of infections every six days. We also know that we have no herd immunity, and probably 60% of the population will get it. It will spread through the population the same way smallpox did through the natives of the New World.
The virus seems to have a case fatality rate of around 2%, give or take. As of today, Australia has about 100 infections.
Keep in mind, many who are infected don’t even know. Others end up in ICU on life support.
Let’s do the maths then. This isn’t a prediction, but it’s a solid extrapolation based on the data we’ve got.
11/3/20 – 100
17/3/20 – 200
23/3/20 – 400
29/3/20 – 800
4/4/20 – 1,600
10/4/20 – 3,200
16/4/20 – 6,400
22/4/20 – 12,800
28/4/20 – 25,600
5/5/20 – 51,200
11/5/20 – 102,400
17/5/20 – 204,800
23/5/20 – 409,600
29/5/20 – 819,200
4/6/20 – 1,638,400
10/6/20 – 3,276, 800
16/6/20 – 6,553,600
2% of 6.5 million is 130,000.
That’s a lot of nanas and pops, and it’s inevitable unless the government imposes draconian quarantine restrictions.
Prepare now so that you can be a support to others when it begins. A plague is coming, on all our houses.


I have seen 3 articles claiming that vaccines are not far away to combat coronavirus - one from Israel, one from Australia and one from an Armenian group. Readers can google search for more on that. Meanwhile, this virologist claims that a vaccine is not coming.


A vaccine isn’t coming

by escargotisntfastfood
I don’t mean soon. I mean ever.
I’m going to try to ELI5 (explain it like I’m 5), and there’s supporting documents at the bottom if you want to check my math. To be clear, I’m not antivax, and I’ll happily eat these words if I’m ever proven wrong.
I keep reading about people who say that we just need to hold out until there is a vaccine. That it’s just a few months away, that a company in California invented a vaccine in 3 hours. None of that is going to work.
The way that cells normally fight a virus is to create unique ‘Y’ or ‘V’ shaped antibodies that stick to the surface of the virus and prevent it from attaching to a cell.
A virus without the antibodies will attach to the cell and push it’s genetic material inside. The cell is tricked into using that genetic material to make more viruses.
But inactivated viruses with antibodies attached to the surface can’t do that. They float around until they’re ‘eaten’ by a type of white blood cell called a macrophage.
And once you’ve had a virus, your body usually “remembers” which antibodies fight that virus.
So to make a vaccine, you’d usually either give the body a dose of the working antibodies, or you give it a weakened or killed version of the virus to ‘practice’ on so that it’s ready for the real thing.
And once you’ve survived a virus, (West Nile, Ebola, zika, etc.) you’re usually immune to that same virus for life.
There’s a virus called Dengue that’s transmitted by a mosquito bite. It’s really four viruses that are closely related.
The first time you’re infected, your body will fight it off, just like a normal virus. But after that, if you’re ever bitten by a mosquito with one of the other three types of Dengue, your immune system tries to respond with the same antibodies.
But those antibodies can’t totally cover the second virus up to inactivate it.
When the macrophage (white blood cell) tries to “eat” the virus, it gets infected and tricked into making more viruses.
This is called antibody-dependent enhancement, or ADE. There is currently no effective vaccine for Dengue virus because of it.
If you’re thinking “it infects white blood cells? Isn’t that what HIV does?” The answer is yes, and that’s a big part of why we can’t develop an HIV vaccine as well.
So why do we think this Coronavirus causes ADE?
For starters, it is closely related to two other Coronaviruses, SARS and MERS. Neither of those have vaccines, and both have been shown in laboratory animals to use ADE to infect white blood cells.
You don’t even need a second type of the virus. ADE is happening with the same virus that was cured the first time. You just need to get reinfected. And ADE makes the virus way worse the second time around.
The second reason is what we’ve seen from reports out of China.
People are getting reinfected, or maybe the virus is going dormant in their bodies and resurfacing.
It’s too early to know which, for sure, but the cases can be severe the second time around.
Also, the Chinese hospitals are using the serum (blood minus the cells) of people who’ve gotten the virus and recovered as medicine for infected people. This should be full of working antibodies that will help their bodies fight off the virus.
Sometimes the patient survives and sometimes they don’t. It should work every time, unless there’s antibody-dependent enhancement at work.
So no vaccine is coming. Once you’ve gotten this Coronavirus, it looks like you can get it again.
Unless we have a huge leap forward in medical science this year, any vaccine will be ineffective at best, and make you MORE susceptible to the virus at worst.
Links: Wikipedia page on antibody-dependent enhancement:
I like the graphic from this article on ADE: Red = first viral infection, and blue = second viral infection
Scholarly publication on SARS antibody-dependent enhancement in rhesus monkeys:
One for MERS (abstract only):
And another of MERS antibody-dependent enhancement in rabbits: Of note in this one: “passive transfer of serum from previously infected rabbits to naïve rabbits was associated with enhanced inflammation upon infection.”
Dr. Peng, a 29 year old respirologist who died in Wuhan despite receiving serum therapy:
Reinfection of Coronavirus in Japan:
Doctors warning about reinfection in China:
Bottom line: don’t get infected. If you do, you REALLY don’t want to get reinfected. This isn’t the flu.
Full disclosure: I work in an antiviral laboratory, and I have a lot more hope for remdesivir, Kaletra (lopinavir/ritonavir) and chloroquine.


I have seen 3 articles claiming that vaccines are not far away to combat coronavirus - one from Israel, one from Australia and one from an Armenian group. Readers can google search for more on that. Meanwhile, this virologist claims that a vaccine is not coming.


A vaccine isn’t coming

by escargotisntfastfood
I don’t mean soon. I mean ever.
I’m going to try to ELI5 (explain it like I’m 5), and there’s supporting documents at the bottom if you want to check my math. To be clear, I’m not antivax, and I’ll happily eat these words if I’m ever proven wrong.
I keep reading about people who say that we just need to hold out until there is a vaccine. That it’s just a few months away, that a company in California invented a vaccine in 3 hours. None of that is going to work.
The way that cells normally fight a virus is to create unique ‘Y’ or ‘V’ shaped antibodies that stick to the surface of the virus and prevent it from attaching to a cell.
A virus without the antibodies will attach to the cell and push it’s genetic material inside. The cell is tricked into using that genetic material to make more viruses.
But inactivated viruses with antibodies attached to the surface can’t do that. They float around until they’re ‘eaten’ by a type of white blood cell called a macrophage.
And once you’ve had a virus, your body usually “remembers” which antibodies fight that virus.
So to make a vaccine, you’d usually either give the body a dose of the working antibodies, or you give it a weakened or killed version of the virus to ‘practice’ on so that it’s ready for the real thing.
And once you’ve survived a virus, (West Nile, Ebola, zika, etc.) you’re usually immune to that same virus for life.
There’s a virus called Dengue that’s transmitted by a mosquito bite. It’s really four viruses that are closely related.
The first time you’re infected, your body will fight it off, just like a normal virus. But after that, if you’re ever bitten by a mosquito with one of the other three types of Dengue, your immune system tries to respond with the same antibodies.
But those antibodies can’t totally cover the second virus up to inactivate it.
When the macrophage (white blood cell) tries to “eat” the virus, it gets infected and tricked into making more viruses.
This is called antibody-dependent enhancement, or ADE. There is currently no effective vaccine for Dengue virus because of it.
If you’re thinking “it infects white blood cells? Isn’t that what HIV does?” The answer is yes, and that’s a big part of why we can’t develop an HIV vaccine as well.
So why do we think this Coronavirus causes ADE?
For starters, it is closely related to two other Coronaviruses, SARS and MERS. Neither of those have vaccines, and both have been shown in laboratory animals to use ADE to infect white blood cells.
You don’t even need a second type of the virus. ADE is happening with the same virus that was cured the first time. You just need to get reinfected. And ADE makes the virus way worse the second time around.
The second reason is what we’ve seen from reports out of China.
People are getting reinfected, or maybe the virus is going dormant in their bodies and resurfacing.
It’s too early to know which, for sure, but the cases can be severe the second time around.
Also, the Chinese hospitals are using the serum (blood minus the cells) of people who’ve gotten the virus and recovered as medicine for infected people. This should be full of working antibodies that will help their bodies fight off the virus.
Sometimes the patient survives and sometimes they don’t. It should work every time, unless there’s antibody-dependent enhancement at work.
So no vaccine is coming. Once you’ve gotten this Coronavirus, it looks like you can get it again.
Unless we have a huge leap forward in medical science this year, any vaccine will be ineffective at best, and make you MORE susceptible to the virus at worst.
Links: Wikipedia page on antibody-dependent enhancement:
I like the graphic from this article on ADE: Red = first viral infection, and blue = second viral infection
Scholarly publication on SARS antibody-dependent enhancement in rhesus monkeys:
One for MERS (abstract only):
And another of MERS antibody-dependent enhancement in rabbits: Of note in this one: “passive transfer of serum from previously infected rabbits to naïve rabbits was associated with enhanced inflammation upon infection.”
Dr. Peng, a 29 year old respirologist who died in Wuhan despite receiving serum therapy:
Reinfection of Coronavirus in Japan:
Doctors warning about reinfection in China:
Bottom line: don’t get infected. If you do, you REALLY don’t want to get reinfected. This isn’t the flu.
Full disclosure: I work in an antiviral laboratory, and I have a lot more hope for remdesivir, Kaletra (lopinavir/ritonavir) and chloroquine.



coronavirus, Facebook, US News, WORLD NEWS

Facebook Bans Advertisements for Medical Face Masks Amid Coronavirus Pandemic

Are they trying to hasten the spread of the virus?

Facebook has announced that they will be banning advertisements and listings in their Marketplace feature for medical face masks as the coronavirus pandemic heats up, depriving their users of crucial medical supplies when they need them the most.
Facebook Director of Product Management Rob Leathern made the announcement in a Twitter post last week.
There has been a controversy over whether or not face masks do anything prevent the spread of coronavirus in recent weeks, as people have rushed to buy them in an attempt to stop themselves from being infected.
The Guardian admitted on Sunday that face masks are an effective, if not foolproof, way of preventing the spread of the disease:
Wearing a face mask is certainly not an iron-clad guarantee that you won’t get sick – viruses can also transmit through the eyes and tiny viral particles, known as aerosols, can penetrate masks. However, masks are effective at capturing droplets, which is a main transmission route of coronavirus, and some studies have estimated a roughly fivefold protection versus no barrier alone (although others have found lower levels of effectiveness).
If you are likely to be in close contact with someone infected, a mask cuts the chance of the disease being passed on. If you’re showing symptoms of coronavirus, or have been diagnosed, wearing a mask can also protect others. So masks are crucial for health and social care workers looking after patients and are also recommended for family members who need to care for someone who is ill – ideally both the patient and carer should have a mask.
This hasn’t stopped tirades from so-called medical experts chiding concerned individuals for buying face masks in an attempt to prevent infection.
“There are severe strains on protective equipment around the world,” said Dr. Michael J. Ryan, who works as executive director for the health emergency program at the World Health Organization, during a briefing in February. “Our primary concern is to ensure that our front line health workers are protected and that they have the equipment they need to do their jobs.”
“Not having a mask does not necessarily put you at any increased risk of contracting this disease,” Dr. Ryan said.
“There is no role for these masks in the community,” said Robert Redfield, who works as the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, to the House Foreign Affairs Committee. “These masks need to be prioritized for health care professionals that as part of their job are taking care of individuals.”
“Seriously people- STOP BUYING MASKS!” the U.S. Surgeon General wrote in a tweet. “They are NOT effective in preventing general public from catching #Coronavirus, but if healthcare providers can’t get them to care for sick patients, it puts them and our communities at risk!”
The masks are only for the official health care experts, the government bureaucrats claim, while the ordinary person should not have access to the additional protection. Facebook is yet again serving the globalists by making it more difficult for individuals to access face masks, as they try to protect themselves as coronavirus continues to spread throughout the world with no sign of slowing.



coronavirus, Facebook, US News, WORLD NEWS

Facebook Bans Advertisements for Medical Face Masks Amid Coronavirus Pandemic

Are they trying to hasten the spread of the virus?

Facebook has announced that they will be banning advertisements and listings in their Marketplace feature for medical face masks as the coronavirus pandemic heats up, depriving their users of crucial medical supplies when they need them the most.
Facebook Director of Product Management Rob Leathern made the announcement in a Twitter post last week.
There has been a controversy over whether or not face masks do anything prevent the spread of coronavirus in recent weeks, as people have rushed to buy them in an attempt to stop themselves from being infected.
The Guardian admitted on Sunday that face masks are an effective, if not foolproof, way of preventing the spread of the disease:
Wearing a face mask is certainly not an iron-clad guarantee that you won’t get sick – viruses can also transmit through the eyes and tiny viral particles, known as aerosols, can penetrate masks. However, masks are effective at capturing droplets, which is a main transmission route of coronavirus, and some studies have estimated a roughly fivefold protection versus no barrier alone (although others have found lower levels of effectiveness).
If you are likely to be in close contact with someone infected, a mask cuts the chance of the disease being passed on. If you’re showing symptoms of coronavirus, or have been diagnosed, wearing a mask can also protect others. So masks are crucial for health and social care workers looking after patients and are also recommended for family members who need to care for someone who is ill – ideally both the patient and carer should have a mask.
This hasn’t stopped tirades from so-called medical experts chiding concerned individuals for buying face masks in an attempt to prevent infection.
“There are severe strains on protective equipment around the world,” said Dr. Michael J. Ryan, who works as executive director for the health emergency program at the World Health Organization, during a briefing in February. “Our primary concern is to ensure that our front line health workers are protected and that they have the equipment they need to do their jobs.”
“Not having a mask does not necessarily put you at any increased risk of contracting this disease,” Dr. Ryan said.
“There is no role for these masks in the community,” said Robert Redfield, who works as the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, to the House Foreign Affairs Committee. “These masks need to be prioritized for health care professionals that as part of their job are taking care of individuals.”
“Seriously people- STOP BUYING MASKS!” the U.S. Surgeon General wrote in a tweet. “They are NOT effective in preventing general public from catching #Coronavirus, but if healthcare providers can’t get them to care for sick patients, it puts them and our communities at risk!”
The masks are only for the official health care experts, the government bureaucrats claim, while the ordinary person should not have access to the additional protection. Facebook is yet again serving the globalists by making it more difficult for individuals to access face masks, as they try to protect themselves as coronavirus continues to spread throughout the world with no sign of slowing.


Topless Women Protest ‘Climate Rape’ in London on International Women’s Day


A group of 31 women formed a topless human chain in London to protest against climate change on International Women’s Day. (Warning: explicit images.)
Members of the climate change alarmist group Extinction Rebellion (XR) took off their shirts on Waterloo Bridge, blocking traffic in an protest against the supposedly disparate impact that climate change has on women. The protestors painted slogans on their chests such as “climate rape” and “climate murder”.
A former teacher who took part in the protest, Sarah Mintram, explained the rationale behind the topless protest, saying: “It’s mainly women in poorer countries in the global south that are experiencing the increase in violence but this will be the reality for all women if the climate and ecological crisis continues to go unaddressed.”
“We are here to raise the alarm about what is happening to our sisters around the world and to tell women in the UK the climate and ecological emergency is your issue – it will affect you as a woman if we do not persuade our government to take urgent action starting now,” Mintram told the Metro.
Extinction Rebellion cited a January 2020 report from the International Union for the Conservation of Nature, which claimed that climate change was responsible for violence against women in the Southern Hemisphere.
The group was mocked on social media, however, by people who thought their protest diminished International Women’s Day, with one user writing: “You reduce women’s day to a farce.”
The climate change protest group has plagued London’s Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) for years, costing the capitol’s police force an estimated  £37 million last year alone. The cost associated with policing Extinction Rebellion was more than double the annual budget for the Violent Crime Taskforce, which is only £15 million.
The increased burden on manpower and resources reduced the ability of London’s police to investigate other crimes in a city experiencing a growing knife crime epidemic.
Last month, in an exclusive Breitbart London video, three climate change activists were caught on camera getting arrested by London police, after students, Antifa, and Extinction Rebellion occupied London Bridge during their annual “climate strike”.

The topless protest in London on Sunday was mirrored by protests across the world marking International Women’s Day, a socialist holiday held every year on March 8th. The day was first celebrated in New York City in 1909 — but rose to prominence following a protest in Petrograd, Russia in 1917.
The protest in Petrograd helped spark the Russian Revolution, which led to the creation of the Soviet Union, a communist regime responsible for the deaths of tens of millions of innocent people.



Topless Women Protest ‘Climate Rape’ in London on International Women’s Day


A group of 31 women formed a topless human chain in London to protest against climate change on International Women’s Day. (Warning: explicit images.)
Members of the climate change alarmist group Extinction Rebellion (XR) took off their shirts on Waterloo Bridge, blocking traffic in an protest against the supposedly disparate impact that climate change has on women. The protestors painted slogans on their chests such as “climate rape” and “climate murder”.
A former teacher who took part in the protest, Sarah Mintram, explained the rationale behind the topless protest, saying: “It’s mainly women in poorer countries in the global south that are experiencing the increase in violence but this will be the reality for all women if the climate and ecological crisis continues to go unaddressed.”
“We are here to raise the alarm about what is happening to our sisters around the world and to tell women in the UK the climate and ecological emergency is your issue – it will affect you as a woman if we do not persuade our government to take urgent action starting now,” Mintram told the Metro.
Extinction Rebellion cited a January 2020 report from the International Union for the Conservation of Nature, which claimed that climate change was responsible for violence against women in the Southern Hemisphere.
The group was mocked on social media, however, by people who thought their protest diminished International Women’s Day, with one user writing: “You reduce women’s day to a farce.”
The climate change protest group has plagued London’s Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) for years, costing the capitol’s police force an estimated  £37 million last year alone. The cost associated with policing Extinction Rebellion was more than double the annual budget for the Violent Crime Taskforce, which is only £15 million.
The increased burden on manpower and resources reduced the ability of London’s police to investigate other crimes in a city experiencing a growing knife crime epidemic.
Last month, in an exclusive Breitbart London video, three climate change activists were caught on camera getting arrested by London police, after students, Antifa, and Extinction Rebellion occupied London Bridge during their annual “climate strike”.

The topless protest in London on Sunday was mirrored by protests across the world marking International Women’s Day, a socialist holiday held every year on March 8th. The day was first celebrated in New York City in 1909 — but rose to prominence following a protest in Petrograd, Russia in 1917.
The protest in Petrograd helped spark the Russian Revolution, which led to the creation of the Soviet Union, a communist regime responsible for the deaths of tens of millions of innocent people.





Police to detain and quarantine for coronavirus

People at risk of spreading coronavirus could be arrested and detained by police under new laws to be introduced in South Australia.
Premier Steven Marshall said the change, to be introduced to parliament this week, will “give health authorities the powers they need to protect South Australians”.
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Health ministers announce the new changes. Photo: TAA


New amendments to the Public Health Act are set to be introduced to Parliament that call for an overhaul of prevention and detention measures of citizens in South Australia.
According to reports, under the changes, patients can be ordered to remain at a hospital or quarantine facility or require them to undergo testing or counselling.
Health Minister Stephen Wade said the health system was prepared for any scenario, but authorities “must plan for the worst” as the situation ‘continues to worsen’.
SA’s new coronavirus clinic is already up and running, with four people currently in quarantine.
The proposed laws were announced when the state government said it would seek to change the Public Health Act in response to the threat of coronavirus.
The laws would allow police and authorities the power to issue detention orders for anyone at risk of spreading the disease, instead of issuing cautions and written orders.
The amendments come as governments across the world begin to enforce ‘preventative’ measures, despite only three cases confirmed in the state.
SA Premier Steven Marshall said the laws will couple with already existing powers for police to get involved where a person refuses to comply with a detention order issued by health authorities.
Under the the proposal, it would make it easier for police to be called in, as well as security firms or court orders, to enforce detainment and quarantines.
Despite the radical suggestions, Marshall ensured the public there is nothing to worry about:
“There is no need to be alarmed. Part of strengthening our state’s protection is to make sure that our public health experts have the powers they need to protect South Australians,” he said.
South Australian authorities are following a familiar pattern used in creeping quarantine measures that have been introduced in Australia over the last five years.


Australia’s quarantine function has a long and effective history. Originally focusing on human health issues, the quarantine function is now designed to prevent the introduction, establishment or spread of human, animal or plant pests and diseases in Australia.
Individuals suspected of having a “serious contagious disease” can already face five years in prison if they defy orders to stay at home, including forced vaccinations, quarantine or jail, according to legislation passed into Australian law in 2015.
The Biosecurity Bill 2014 is aimed at ‘preventing’ the spread of diseases across biodiversity fields, including in human populations and agriculture, and was met with backlash at the time.
The Australian government has already announced its intention to use powers under the Biosecurity Act if needed, in response to the coronavirus outbreak.
Attorney-General Christian Porter has described these powers as “strange and foreign to many Australians”, but potentially necessary in the face of a pandemic.
Hidden in the legislation, human biosecurity control orders enable health department officials to force anyone with signs or symptoms of a listed disease to isolate themselves or face arrest.
Furthermore, the provisions also allow the Director of Human Biosecurity to order someone to be vaccinated or treated, even if this is against their will.
The strict limitations in the application of a human biosecurity control order relate to the management of a ‘listed human disease’ or entry requirements, and result in a “proportionate and legitimate limitation to an individual’s freedom of movement”.
One section of the legislation that has civil liberty campaigners questioning the authoritarian approach of the new legislation, is the section that pertains to burden of proof in suspected cases – both relating to human health and agriculture.
The Bill outlines a reversing the legality surrounding burden of proof, placing it in the hands of the defendant, as opposed to the traditional approach of the prosecution.
Interesting when you consider this law was passed in the aftermath of the Ebola scare campaign in late 2014 as a means to ‘protect Australians’. Is history repeating itself with Coronavirus?
Originally, The Quarantine Act (1908) was administered by the Department of Trade and Customs until 1921, when that responsibility was transferred to a newly formed Department of Health that had been created following the worldwide influenza epidemic after the First World War.
Have fake pandemic scares always been used as a means to introduce consolidate power in the health department and implement greater structures of control?


The coronavirus ‘outbreak’ raises important questions about how governments manage situations in moments of mass confusion and chaos.
As mainstream press outlets continue their sensationalist coverage, one is left asking the question: Is the reaction relating to a fear of a pandemic? Or simply a pandemic of fear?
The nation’s chief health officers met earlier this week to consider bigger social distancing steps to reduce the coronavirus risk, such as cancelling mass sporting events or religious gatherings. They are also suggesting school or workplace closures.
Furthermore, Australians have been urged to stop shaking hands and “exercise some degree of caution” when kissing. What is the justification for these extreme suggestions?
Fear is a powerful emotion. When people are afraid, they react. Impact of danger on emotions and the distortive effect of fear on subjective beliefs and individual choices can have a lasting effect.
Not surprisingly, sociologists have come to identify our mediated knowledge of high-consequence risks as a major source of contemporary anxiety.
Capitalising on this, the media will use auditory queues, linguistic patterns and segment cliffhangers in their programming to entice people to stay in a state of fear. Alternative media does this too.
The result? Australia has been gripped by a ’toilet paper crisis’ since early last week, with stores nationwide running out of the important household item as thousands flock supermarkets.
As a result, supermarket outlets have announced extreme restrictions in a bid to ensure ‘everyone has access to toilet paper’. Are we witnessing a mass compliance drill at work?
How far will the madness go? Why is nobody examining the role the media are playing in creating a society gripped with fear? These measures are only able to be justified when people are afraid.
Don’t buy the fear and propaganda.




Police to detain and quarantine for coronavirus

People at risk of spreading coronavirus could be arrested and detained by police under new laws to be introduced in South Australia.
Premier Steven Marshall said the change, to be introduced to parliament this week, will “give health authorities the powers they need to protect South Australians”.
One comment
Health ministers announce the new changes. Photo: TAA


New amendments to the Public Health Act are set to be introduced to Parliament that call for an overhaul of prevention and detention measures of citizens in South Australia.
According to reports, under the changes, patients can be ordered to remain at a hospital or quarantine facility or require them to undergo testing or counselling.
Health Minister Stephen Wade said the health system was prepared for any scenario, but authorities “must plan for the worst” as the situation ‘continues to worsen’.
SA’s new coronavirus clinic is already up and running, with four people currently in quarantine.
The proposed laws were announced when the state government said it would seek to change the Public Health Act in response to the threat of coronavirus.
The laws would allow police and authorities the power to issue detention orders for anyone at risk of spreading the disease, instead of issuing cautions and written orders.
The amendments come as governments across the world begin to enforce ‘preventative’ measures, despite only three cases confirmed in the state.
SA Premier Steven Marshall said the laws will couple with already existing powers for police to get involved where a person refuses to comply with a detention order issued by health authorities.
Under the the proposal, it would make it easier for police to be called in, as well as security firms or court orders, to enforce detainment and quarantines.
Despite the radical suggestions, Marshall ensured the public there is nothing to worry about:
“There is no need to be alarmed. Part of strengthening our state’s protection is to make sure that our public health experts have the powers they need to protect South Australians,” he said.
South Australian authorities are following a familiar pattern used in creeping quarantine measures that have been introduced in Australia over the last five years.


Australia’s quarantine function has a long and effective history. Originally focusing on human health issues, the quarantine function is now designed to prevent the introduction, establishment or spread of human, animal or plant pests and diseases in Australia.
Individuals suspected of having a “serious contagious disease” can already face five years in prison if they defy orders to stay at home, including forced vaccinations, quarantine or jail, according to legislation passed into Australian law in 2015.
The Biosecurity Bill 2014 is aimed at ‘preventing’ the spread of diseases across biodiversity fields, including in human populations and agriculture, and was met with backlash at the time.
The Australian government has already announced its intention to use powers under the Biosecurity Act if needed, in response to the coronavirus outbreak.
Attorney-General Christian Porter has described these powers as “strange and foreign to many Australians”, but potentially necessary in the face of a pandemic.
Hidden in the legislation, human biosecurity control orders enable health department officials to force anyone with signs or symptoms of a listed disease to isolate themselves or face arrest.
Furthermore, the provisions also allow the Director of Human Biosecurity to order someone to be vaccinated or treated, even if this is against their will.
The strict limitations in the application of a human biosecurity control order relate to the management of a ‘listed human disease’ or entry requirements, and result in a “proportionate and legitimate limitation to an individual’s freedom of movement”.
One section of the legislation that has civil liberty campaigners questioning the authoritarian approach of the new legislation, is the section that pertains to burden of proof in suspected cases – both relating to human health and agriculture.
The Bill outlines a reversing the legality surrounding burden of proof, placing it in the hands of the defendant, as opposed to the traditional approach of the prosecution.
Interesting when you consider this law was passed in the aftermath of the Ebola scare campaign in late 2014 as a means to ‘protect Australians’. Is history repeating itself with Coronavirus?
Originally, The Quarantine Act (1908) was administered by the Department of Trade and Customs until 1921, when that responsibility was transferred to a newly formed Department of Health that had been created following the worldwide influenza epidemic after the First World War.
Have fake pandemic scares always been used as a means to introduce consolidate power in the health department and implement greater structures of control?


The coronavirus ‘outbreak’ raises important questions about how governments manage situations in moments of mass confusion and chaos.
As mainstream press outlets continue their sensationalist coverage, one is left asking the question: Is the reaction relating to a fear of a pandemic? Or simply a pandemic of fear?
The nation’s chief health officers met earlier this week to consider bigger social distancing steps to reduce the coronavirus risk, such as cancelling mass sporting events or religious gatherings. They are also suggesting school or workplace closures.
Furthermore, Australians have been urged to stop shaking hands and “exercise some degree of caution” when kissing. What is the justification for these extreme suggestions?
Fear is a powerful emotion. When people are afraid, they react. Impact of danger on emotions and the distortive effect of fear on subjective beliefs and individual choices can have a lasting effect.
Not surprisingly, sociologists have come to identify our mediated knowledge of high-consequence risks as a major source of contemporary anxiety.
Capitalising on this, the media will use auditory queues, linguistic patterns and segment cliffhangers in their programming to entice people to stay in a state of fear. Alternative media does this too.
The result? Australia has been gripped by a ’toilet paper crisis’ since early last week, with stores nationwide running out of the important household item as thousands flock supermarkets.
As a result, supermarket outlets have announced extreme restrictions in a bid to ensure ‘everyone has access to toilet paper’. Are we witnessing a mass compliance drill at work?
How far will the madness go? Why is nobody examining the role the media are playing in creating a society gripped with fear? These measures are only able to be justified when people are afraid.
Don’t buy the fear and propaganda.



Italy quarantines 16 million people: “the effect proves the cause”

by Jon Rappoport
March 8, 2020
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Let’s go to NBC News for the word on what’s happening in Italy. March 8, 2020, “Coronavirus updates live: Million quarantined in Italy, as D.C. reports first case”. (see also this from Wall Street Journal)
This NBC piece, as so many others do, mixes and matches reports. Millions quarantined there, first case here. The tactic is meant to build up details of an overwhelming cascade of “proof”: the threat is real, the storm clouds have opened and the rain is falling.
NBC: “Italy’s government has placed more than 16 million people — a quarter of the population — under lockdown, in a drastic bid to prevent the spread of coronavirus.”
“The Lombardy region, including the city of Milan has been quarantined, as have other cities including Venice, Parma and Modena.”
“Meanwhile in the U.S., the first case has been confirmed in the capital Washington D.C. and hundreds of other cases have been reported around the country.”
At the time of the announced quarantine in Italy, the official death toll in that country was 233.
OK, here are the official “effects of the coronavirus”: around 5800 cases, 233 deaths, 16 million people quarantined. Therefore…
The cause—the virus—must be real and very dangerous.
If Lee Oswald is arrested and charged in the murder of JFK (effect), does that automatically means he committed the crime (cause)?
If a man, crossing the street against a red light, is run down by a car (effect), does that mean a self-proclaimed witch, who stared at the man for three seconds before he stepped off the curb, put a curse on him (cause)?
The effect does not prove the cause. It never did. It never will. Aristotle figured this out 2300 years ago.
“But…but…why would they announce a huge quarantine in Italy, unless the virus were a tremendous threat?”
I’ve published a number of articles explaining reasons for governments acting the way they do. None of those reasons has anything to do with a virus. (archive here)
“But I FEEL like the virus is deadly…”
I feel like the moon is made of cheese, when there is no cheese in the refrigerator. It’s a quirk. I manage to control it.
“I BELIEVE the virus is dangerous.”
On that basis, consider starting a church.
There is a condition called pellagra. In the early 20th century, several million people in the American South suffered from it. That was the effect. Public health officials thought the cause was a germ (or a corn toxin). After all, a disease must have a germ behind it, right? Wrong. About 30 years later, after fighting an uphill battle, a few researchers correctly convinced the medical world that pellagra was the result of a niacin deficiency.
The effect does not prove the cause.
If you were a) demented, and b) the ruler of a nation, and you suddenly decided to lock down 20 million people, would that prove you had a good reason for your action? Your followers might think so. The press might pretend to think so, in order to improve their bottom line. But in truth, you just did what you did. Or you were coerced into it, by more powerful persons.
Finally, exactly how were these 5800 “coronavirus cases” determined in Italy? How many people were labeled “presumptive cases” simply because they were in the proximity of people who had tested positive for the virus—tested by lab procedures which, actually, say nothing about how much virus is actively replicating in the body? The tests, as it turns out, are a piece of theatrical stage magic, and nowhere near as convincing as a man pulling a rabbit out of a hat. If you’re going to say a test reveals actual disease, at the very least you must show that millions of virus are replicating in the body. And the test, called PCR, as I’ve described in past articles, isn’t capable of confirming that.
Of course, proponents of the test claim it CAN confirm how much virus is replicating in the human body. I would ask them, since they’re so certain, to prove it.
I propose a simple trial. From a hundred people, tiny samples of tissue will be removed—the standard first step. Without knowing who these patients are, or whether they are ill, the test professionals will run the samples through their PCR, and then, with the results in hand, they will report a) which viruses they found, and b) how much virus. In those instances where they found a large amount of virus, the patients should be ill. Are they?
Let’s find out.
Let’s find out what “a case of coronavirus” really means or doesn’t mean.
The burden of proving the test is reliable falls on the people who are using it, reporting case numbers based on it, and changing the shape of society as a result of it. They should have performed the experiment I propose decades ago. Ten times. Fifty times. A hundred times.
I see no evidence that they have.
Therefore, the test falls into the realm of SUPERSTITION.
And the quarantining of 16 million people in Italy proves that 16 million people have been quarantined. Nothing else.