Wednesday, 25 March 2020 03:41

The Establishment's Crisis

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The Establishment's CrisisPhoto by cottonbro from Pexels
Has the world finally, conclusively gone mad?  What on earth has happened to “perspective”?  Why have we the people allowed the Deep State to just get a whole lot deeper, and broader?  Now the State controls the elderly, churches, clubs, small businesses, large businesses, community groups.  In short, it totally controls us all. 
Has the world finally, conclusively gone mad?  What on earth has happened to “perspective”?  Why have we the people allowed the Deep State to just get a whole lot deeper, and broader?  Now the State controls the elderly, churches, clubs, small businesses, large businesses, community groups.  In short, it totally controls us all.
The word of the moment is “unprecedented”.
And we simply accept all this because there is a “crisis”.  Except there isn’t a crisis.  Other than the one manufactured by elites and by the State – the Establishment, in other words – in their own interests.  Anyone who has seen the film Wag the Dog will know the tricks that can be pulled.  In this film, an American president facing a very difficult re-election campaign decided to create a pretend war, in which he hired a film director to film a “war” in order to rally the people behind the existing regime.
There is a crisis, though.  The economist Adam Creighton predicts a worse economic crisis than anything since the Great Depression.  Even the incurable optimist Matt Ridley has argued:
"The hardships ahead will be like nothing we have ever known …"
According to Terence Corcoran, writing in the Financial Post:
"The global economic experiment in pandemic control continues to expand, nation by nation, economic sector by economic sector, worker by worker. Governments are getting the headlines: In Japan there is talk of US$260 billion in government action. The U.S. is said to be aiming for US$1 trillion in new spending. Canada announced $82 billion in direct and indirect spending. France $550 billion. Spain $150 billion."

And so it goes around the globe, and where it will end, nobody knows. 
The Wall Street Journal has suggested:
"Even cash-rich businesses operate on a thin margin and can bleed through reserves in a month. First they will lay off employees and then out of necessity they will shut down. Another month like this week and the layoffs will be measured in millions of people."
The deadweight loss in production will be profound and take years to rebuild. In a normal recession, the U.S. loses about 5% of national output over the course of a year or so. In this case we may lose that much, or twice as much, in a month.

Screen Shot 2020 03 25 at 2.40.33 pm

Yes, this IS a crisis.  But this crisis is not the one we might think we have.  The crisis is one of the making of the world’s governments and the attendant mainstream media.  They are trying to convince us that there is a crisis.  The crisis is, in fact, an economic and social one.  And indeed a spiritual one, if the churches keep on closing.  Not a health one.  The success of government and media attempts to convince the world there is a plague afoot is already apparent – whole industries shutting down, tourism tanking, airlines on a path to bankruptcy, stock market collapse, people’s retirement savings decimated, talk of nationalising industries, the likelihood of mass unemployment, cities and towns being deserted, panic buying, ruthless public behaviour, and Catholic people being denied the Mass.  Not to mention the mental health scars already worn by those prone to hysteria. 



Wednesday, 25 March 2020 03:41

The Establishment's Crisis

Written by 

The Establishment's CrisisPhoto by cottonbro from Pexels
Has the world finally, conclusively gone mad?  What on earth has happened to “perspective”?  Why have we the people allowed the Deep State to just get a whole lot deeper, and broader?  Now the State controls the elderly, churches, clubs, small businesses, large businesses, community groups.  In short, it totally controls us all. 
Has the world finally, conclusively gone mad?  What on earth has happened to “perspective”?  Why have we the people allowed the Deep State to just get a whole lot deeper, and broader?  Now the State controls the elderly, churches, clubs, small businesses, large businesses, community groups.  In short, it totally controls us all.
The word of the moment is “unprecedented”.
And we simply accept all this because there is a “crisis”.  Except there isn’t a crisis.  Other than the one manufactured by elites and by the State – the Establishment, in other words – in their own interests.  Anyone who has seen the film Wag the Dog will know the tricks that can be pulled.  In this film, an American president facing a very difficult re-election campaign decided to create a pretend war, in which he hired a film director to film a “war” in order to rally the people behind the existing regime.
There is a crisis, though.  The economist Adam Creighton predicts a worse economic crisis than anything since the Great Depression.  Even the incurable optimist Matt Ridley has argued:
"The hardships ahead will be like nothing we have ever known …"
According to Terence Corcoran, writing in the Financial Post:
"The global economic experiment in pandemic control continues to expand, nation by nation, economic sector by economic sector, worker by worker. Governments are getting the headlines: In Japan there is talk of US$260 billion in government action. The U.S. is said to be aiming for US$1 trillion in new spending. Canada announced $82 billion in direct and indirect spending. France $550 billion. Spain $150 billion."

And so it goes around the globe, and where it will end, nobody knows. 
The Wall Street Journal has suggested:
"Even cash-rich businesses operate on a thin margin and can bleed through reserves in a month. First they will lay off employees and then out of necessity they will shut down. Another month like this week and the layoffs will be measured in millions of people."
The deadweight loss in production will be profound and take years to rebuild. In a normal recession, the U.S. loses about 5% of national output over the course of a year or so. In this case we may lose that much, or twice as much, in a month.

Screen Shot 2020 03 25 at 2.40.33 pm

Yes, this IS a crisis.  But this crisis is not the one we might think we have.  The crisis is one of the making of the world’s governments and the attendant mainstream media.  They are trying to convince us that there is a crisis.  The crisis is, in fact, an economic and social one.  And indeed a spiritual one, if the churches keep on closing.  Not a health one.  The success of government and media attempts to convince the world there is a plague afoot is already apparent – whole industries shutting down, tourism tanking, airlines on a path to bankruptcy, stock market collapse, people’s retirement savings decimated, talk of nationalising industries, the likelihood of mass unemployment, cities and towns being deserted, panic buying, ruthless public behaviour, and Catholic people being denied the Mass.  Not to mention the mental health scars already worn by those prone to hysteria. 



Sweet hysteria

On preposterously morbid projections for covid-19.
The United States is staring at a cinema-worthy apocalypse. You know, with feral animals eating human corpses, mutant plants reoccupying streets and buildings, empty restaurants and malls across the landscape . . .
Well, that last part is true, anyway. Not because of the disease, but rather the hysteria.
You’ve heard the apocalyptic claims. Imperial College in London estimates as many as 2.2 million U.S. deaths, depending on how drastically the population is locked down, locked out, and locked in. To reduce that figure to a “mere” 1.1 million, we would need to live a maximum-security lifestyle “until a vaccine becomes available (potentially eighteen months or more),” they said. The cdc has issued an estimate of as many as 1.7 million American deaths.
Yet with lesser measures in place now—and for a very short period—the market has crashed, unemployment claims are being filed at levels unseen since the height of the Great Recession, and there looms a real possibility of a worldwide depression. Yet there are those who say such measures aren’t nearly draconian enough.
Do we really need to destroy the country to save it?
Consider that China was taken completely unaware by the virus and, with an unfit healthcare system and poor public hygiene, has so far reported fewer than 3,300 deaths. Their epidemic peaked over five weeks ago with almost no new cases now. Based on the above predictions, despite a vastly better healthcare system, the United States can expect a per capita death rate about 2,500 times higher than the Middle Kingdom. Seriously, Imperial College?
You could quit reading right there. But please, don’t. The utter insanity here is worth documenting. It’s also worth knowing why even the low-end U.S. estimates are nonsense.
The pandemic is showing signs of slowing worldwide. And that was to be expected per what’s called “Farr’s Law,” which dictates that all epidemics tend to rise and fall in a roughly symmetrical pattern or bell-shaped curve. Ebola, Zika, sars, and aids all followed that pattern. So does the seasonal flu each year. Peaks for covid-19 have already been reported in China, South Korea, and Singapore.
Importantly, Farr’s Law has precious little to do with human interventions such as “social distancing” to “flatten the curve.” It occurs because communicable diseases nab the “low-hanging fruit” first (in this case the elderly with comorbid conditions) but then find subsequent victims harder and harder to reach. Until now, more or less, covid-19 has been finding that low-hanging fruit in new countries, but the supply is close to running out. While many people assume that the draconian regulations implemented in China are what brought the virus under control, Farr’s Law offers a different explanation. Even The New York Times admitted that South Korea recovered far more quickly with regulatory measures nowhere near the scale of China’s—although the Times still attributes that entirely to human intervention, of course, assigning no role to Mother Nature.
When the coronavirus epidemic ends and the public-health zealots inevitably slap themselves on the back for having prevented the nightmare scenarios they themselves cooked up, don’t buy it. This isn’t to say that thorough hand-washing several times a day and not sneezing and coughing in others’ faces won’t help: It will. But the authoritarian and economically devastating measures taken by the United States and other countries are wrecking the world economy. Any feared apocalypse would happen on their account, not the disease’s. Coronavirus has not emptied our streets; government dictates have.
Right now, we’re seeing such a dramatic spike in cases because testing has only recently become readily available in the United States, due to a delay in the cdc developing its own assay. This availability has been almost universally hailed as a good thing, but it has at least two bad aspects.
First, tests will pick up many asymptomatic and mildly symptomatic people, who will be counted as “cases” just as much as those on death’s door. This will further contribute to hysteria. Second, many of those highly mild cases will suddenly develop “nocebo” symptoms (the opposite of placebo), in which negative expectations seem to cause real symptoms. This will only add to the confusion. Nocebo symptoms are psychosomatic but can feel very real. They can definitely mimic covid-19 symptoms like fatigue and shortness of breath. It’s a good guess that hospitals are already seeing their share of the “worried well,” people who were feeling more or less okay before they tested positive and suddenly feel deathly ill.
On the positive side, the more you test, the lower the death rate becomes, because the denominator grows faster than the numerator. Rather than the 3.4% rate the who touted in early March, the crude U.S. death rate is about 1.35%. As testing continues, the rate will drop even further.
So how many deaths can the United States reasonably expect? From what the media tell us, “Italy’s Coronavirus Crisis Could Be America’s.” Really?
That country so far has had just over 7,500 deaths out of a population of 50 million, but the number of new cases and the number of deaths per day have peaked, with the highest number coming on March 21.
Still, at this point that’s a stunning 10% crude death rate, by far the highest death percentage in the world, which of course is why the media choose to focus on it almost exclusively. Germany, by contrast, has only about 240 deaths out of a much larger population.
But why is this happening in Italy? Partly because Italy simply doesn’t have a great health care system. Last year, the Nuclear Threat Initiative and the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security ranked the United States the best prepared country in the world to handle a pandemic in late 2019. Italy came in thirty-first place.
As Forbes recently noted, U.S. hospitals have vastly more critical care beds per capita than Italy, which in turn has more than South Korea. And you don’t even want to hear about China. Bed pretty much equals floor.
Beyond that, Italy also has the fifth-oldest population in the world; the United States ranks sixty-first. We already knew from data released by the Chinese Center for Disease Control that covid-19 preys overwhelmingly upon the old and infirm, with death rates dramatically higher for those aged seventy and older. Further, almost all the elderly dead in that study had “comorbid” conditions of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, or hypertension.
Similarly, a March 17 study in Italy found that the vast majority of those who had died in that country thus far were over the age of seventy, and virtually all had comorbid conditions; in fact, half of those who died had three or more. Almost nobody under the age of fifty has succumbed, and almost all who have also had serious existing medical conditions. This may reveal something about Italy’s healthcare system, but it’s not a portent of America’s future.
Yet another U.S. advantage is that the disease hit here later than in Italy (and Asia, of course). Spring is in the air. Respiratory viruses usually hate warm, moist, sunny weather. Hence flu arrives in the United States in the fall and disappears by April or May. We know the “common cold” is rare in summer; many colds, in fact, are caused by different coronavirus strains.
sars was a coronavirus and simply died out between April and July, 2003. The media and public health alarmists cite mers-CoV as an exception, but it also flounders in warm, wet weather. Public health officials and the media desperately want you to think this coronavirus is different, but evidence so far suggests that it follows the usual seasonal patterns.
This year, the flu peaked in February. It’s possible that, even now, warmer weather is affecting U.S. coronavirus spread. Will it come back in autumn? Probably. But by then many in the population will have had exposure immunity, hospitals will be better prepared, the “worried well” problem will be diminished for lack of novelty, and we’ll have time to see if anything in our arsenal of antivirals and other medicines is truly effective. (No, there will be no vaccine available.)
Meanwhile, it’s very difficult to assess the effectiveness of the restrictive measures blanketing most of the country. We know hermits don’t get contagious diseases, but there’s a reason the term “society of hermits” is an oxymoron. South Korea didn’t need such drastic measures and Sweden hasn’t used them, even as its neighbor Norway has been praised for early implementation. For its efforts, Norway has been rewarded with twice as many cases per capita and is suddenly suffering its highest unemployment rate in eighty years.
But as always, we follow the dictates of the public health zealots, the media, and the power-hungry pols. Reality is bitter medicine; hysteria may taste sweeter at first, but it has dubious benefits.





Sweet hysteria

On preposterously morbid projections for covid-19.
The United States is staring at a cinema-worthy apocalypse. You know, with feral animals eating human corpses, mutant plants reoccupying streets and buildings, empty restaurants and malls across the landscape . . .
Well, that last part is true, anyway. Not because of the disease, but rather the hysteria.
You’ve heard the apocalyptic claims. Imperial College in London estimates as many as 2.2 million U.S. deaths, depending on how drastically the population is locked down, locked out, and locked in. To reduce that figure to a “mere” 1.1 million, we would need to live a maximum-security lifestyle “until a vaccine becomes available (potentially eighteen months or more),” they said. The cdc has issued an estimate of as many as 1.7 million American deaths.
Yet with lesser measures in place now—and for a very short period—the market has crashed, unemployment claims are being filed at levels unseen since the height of the Great Recession, and there looms a real possibility of a worldwide depression. Yet there are those who say such measures aren’t nearly draconian enough.
Do we really need to destroy the country to save it?
Consider that China was taken completely unaware by the virus and, with an unfit healthcare system and poor public hygiene, has so far reported fewer than 3,300 deaths. Their epidemic peaked over five weeks ago with almost no new cases now. Based on the above predictions, despite a vastly better healthcare system, the United States can expect a per capita death rate about 2,500 times higher than the Middle Kingdom. Seriously, Imperial College?
You could quit reading right there. But please, don’t. The utter insanity here is worth documenting. It’s also worth knowing why even the low-end U.S. estimates are nonsense.
The pandemic is showing signs of slowing worldwide. And that was to be expected per what’s called “Farr’s Law,” which dictates that all epidemics tend to rise and fall in a roughly symmetrical pattern or bell-shaped curve. Ebola, Zika, sars, and aids all followed that pattern. So does the seasonal flu each year. Peaks for covid-19 have already been reported in China, South Korea, and Singapore.
Importantly, Farr’s Law has precious little to do with human interventions such as “social distancing” to “flatten the curve.” It occurs because communicable diseases nab the “low-hanging fruit” first (in this case the elderly with comorbid conditions) but then find subsequent victims harder and harder to reach. Until now, more or less, covid-19 has been finding that low-hanging fruit in new countries, but the supply is close to running out. While many people assume that the draconian regulations implemented in China are what brought the virus under control, Farr’s Law offers a different explanation. Even The New York Times admitted that South Korea recovered far more quickly with regulatory measures nowhere near the scale of China’s—although the Times still attributes that entirely to human intervention, of course, assigning no role to Mother Nature.
When the coronavirus epidemic ends and the public-health zealots inevitably slap themselves on the back for having prevented the nightmare scenarios they themselves cooked up, don’t buy it. This isn’t to say that thorough hand-washing several times a day and not sneezing and coughing in others’ faces won’t help: It will. But the authoritarian and economically devastating measures taken by the United States and other countries are wrecking the world economy. Any feared apocalypse would happen on their account, not the disease’s. Coronavirus has not emptied our streets; government dictates have.
Right now, we’re seeing such a dramatic spike in cases because testing has only recently become readily available in the United States, due to a delay in the cdc developing its own assay. This availability has been almost universally hailed as a good thing, but it has at least two bad aspects.
First, tests will pick up many asymptomatic and mildly symptomatic people, who will be counted as “cases” just as much as those on death’s door. This will further contribute to hysteria. Second, many of those highly mild cases will suddenly develop “nocebo” symptoms (the opposite of placebo), in which negative expectations seem to cause real symptoms. This will only add to the confusion. Nocebo symptoms are psychosomatic but can feel very real. They can definitely mimic covid-19 symptoms like fatigue and shortness of breath. It’s a good guess that hospitals are already seeing their share of the “worried well,” people who were feeling more or less okay before they tested positive and suddenly feel deathly ill.
On the positive side, the more you test, the lower the death rate becomes, because the denominator grows faster than the numerator. Rather than the 3.4% rate the who touted in early March, the crude U.S. death rate is about 1.35%. As testing continues, the rate will drop even further.
So how many deaths can the United States reasonably expect? From what the media tell us, “Italy’s Coronavirus Crisis Could Be America’s.” Really?
That country so far has had just over 7,500 deaths out of a population of 50 million, but the number of new cases and the number of deaths per day have peaked, with the highest number coming on March 21.
Still, at this point that’s a stunning 10% crude death rate, by far the highest death percentage in the world, which of course is why the media choose to focus on it almost exclusively. Germany, by contrast, has only about 240 deaths out of a much larger population.
But why is this happening in Italy? Partly because Italy simply doesn’t have a great health care system. Last year, the Nuclear Threat Initiative and the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security ranked the United States the best prepared country in the world to handle a pandemic in late 2019. Italy came in thirty-first place.
As Forbes recently noted, U.S. hospitals have vastly more critical care beds per capita than Italy, which in turn has more than South Korea. And you don’t even want to hear about China. Bed pretty much equals floor.
Beyond that, Italy also has the fifth-oldest population in the world; the United States ranks sixty-first. We already knew from data released by the Chinese Center for Disease Control that covid-19 preys overwhelmingly upon the old and infirm, with death rates dramatically higher for those aged seventy and older. Further, almost all the elderly dead in that study had “comorbid” conditions of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, or hypertension.
Similarly, a March 17 study in Italy found that the vast majority of those who had died in that country thus far were over the age of seventy, and virtually all had comorbid conditions; in fact, half of those who died had three or more. Almost nobody under the age of fifty has succumbed, and almost all who have also had serious existing medical conditions. This may reveal something about Italy’s healthcare system, but it’s not a portent of America’s future.
Yet another U.S. advantage is that the disease hit here later than in Italy (and Asia, of course). Spring is in the air. Respiratory viruses usually hate warm, moist, sunny weather. Hence flu arrives in the United States in the fall and disappears by April or May. We know the “common cold” is rare in summer; many colds, in fact, are caused by different coronavirus strains.
sars was a coronavirus and simply died out between April and July, 2003. The media and public health alarmists cite mers-CoV as an exception, but it also flounders in warm, wet weather. Public health officials and the media desperately want you to think this coronavirus is different, but evidence so far suggests that it follows the usual seasonal patterns.
This year, the flu peaked in February. It’s possible that, even now, warmer weather is affecting U.S. coronavirus spread. Will it come back in autumn? Probably. But by then many in the population will have had exposure immunity, hospitals will be better prepared, the “worried well” problem will be diminished for lack of novelty, and we’ll have time to see if anything in our arsenal of antivirals and other medicines is truly effective. (No, there will be no vaccine available.)
Meanwhile, it’s very difficult to assess the effectiveness of the restrictive measures blanketing most of the country. We know hermits don’t get contagious diseases, but there’s a reason the term “society of hermits” is an oxymoron. South Korea didn’t need such drastic measures and Sweden hasn’t used them, even as its neighbor Norway has been praised for early implementation. For its efforts, Norway has been rewarded with twice as many cases per capita and is suddenly suffering its highest unemployment rate in eighty years.
But as always, we follow the dictates of the public health zealots, the media, and the power-hungry pols. Reality is bitter medicine; hysteria may taste sweeter at first, but it has dubious benefits.



 They Created Flu Hysteria to Destroy Freedom

March 25, 2020

So far, the new coronavirus has led to more than 220,000 illnesses and more than 9,300 deaths worldwide. But that's nothing compared with the flu, also called influenza. 

Last year, between 300,000 and 600,000 people died worldwide from the common flu.

In the U.S. alone, the flu has caused an estimated 36 million illnesses, 370,000 hospitalizations and 22,000 deaths this season alone. 

I'm not a drug and vaccine pusher (i.e. an MD) but I predict the coronavirus panic will be over by the end of flu season (May.) They upgraded the common flu to "pandemic" as a flimsy pretext to attack our civil rights

Disclaimer - I realize this challenges the official narrative and could be considered irresponsible. However, this flu panic has the earmarks of a psyop.  

By Henry Makow PhD

1.  The common flu infects millions of Americans every years and causes as many as 50,000 deaths annually, as the above chart indicates. In contrast, there are 1200 serious cases of the coronavirus, as of yesterday, and 700 people have died, a rate of two per million. For what looks like the common flu, millions of people have lost their jobs and thousands of businesses are on the verge of bankruptcy. The politicians responsible for this travesty need to be held accountable.  

2. The coronavirus is the common flu masquerading as a pandemic. The variations in Wuhan and Italy may have been more severe. But google "flu" and you will get the following info:

Very common
Spreads easily...
Short-term: resolves within days to weeks
By airborne respiratory droplets (coughs or sneezes).
By touching a contaminated surface (blanket or doorknob).
By saliva 
By skin contact

(Left, illness predates Wuhan because it's the flu)

Sounds just like the coronavirus. David Icke, his son and one of my readers had it in December. Italians noticed it in November.
They recovered. Mysteriously, places like Taiwan, Denmark and Japan have been spared. Why is that? Many deaths take place in nursing homes.  Old age is a bugger. This just in: the test for coronavirus is not definitive or reliable. 

3.  Reader asks: What do you believe is the primary purpose of this whole manufactured crisis? My answer: To see how much bullshit the public will accept without rebelling. (Quite a bit apparently.) I expect this exercise will be over by the end of flu season (May.) It also allows
the one percent to buy stock at bargain prices, (as when the Rothschilds spread word that the British had lost at Waterloo.) In fact, the flu panic may have been a deliberate pump and dump operation like the 2008 credit crisis and the 1929 crash. Trump cronies Wilbur Ross & Stephen Mnuchin may be involved.

Other reasons:

Traumatize the general public into accepting loss of freedom and new repressive technology.

The Rockefeller Foundation published a paper in 2010 titled Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development.  "The first scenario was called LOCK STEP and was described as follows: "A world of tighter top-down government control and more authoritarian leadership, with limited innovation and growing citizen pushback."

In this scenario, a virus pandemic appears suddenly, quickly infecting populations around the world, destroying economies by interrupting mobility of people and goods, and debilitating industries and global supply chains.

This makes it possible for government leaders to take total control over their citizens as a public-health measure - a process the people greatly disliked but are psychologically incapable of resisting, because it is done in the name of protecting them. Thus, the economies and political structures of the whole world emerge as a united totalitarian system with a resentful and unruly population but one that can be effectively controlled by new technology."

E. Michael Jones points out that the coronavirus is used as an excuse to disarm resistance while continuing to advance "oligarch" objectives. Take the yellow vests. People must download a form to show cops to justify their presence outside. Abortion clinics are open but church masses are banned. Borders are closed to all but migrants.

  The Illuminati are Satanists. They hate God and want to destroy and enslave his finest creation, humanity.  What better way to inspire fear and distrust than to make anyone who sneezes the subject of possible arrest and removal?

4. People have been damaged. On Tuesday a big survey emerged showing what the first two solid weeks of Mr.Virus have done to Canadians...

  • Respondents feeling stressed by the crisis: 74%
  • People worried how to pay for food and rent: 40%
  • Those so stressed they're losing sleep: 30%
  • People expecting to need more debt: 19%
  • Number reporting 'extremely negative' virus impact on finances: 29%
  • People with no plan to deal with this: 32%
  • Number feeling financially secure: 6%
5.   The UK Government has now downgraded COVID-19, they no longer see it as a high consequence infectious disease, they confirm mortality rate is low. An "Oxford study" claims that 50%of the Uk population may already be infected. This means half the population is already immune. So why are they locking down the country.  

6.  The people pressing the panic button are connected to the Illuminati conspiracy in some way. Actors are willing to pretend they are sick. Even the President of Harvard University. Milt Romney. Greta Thunberg. Prince Charles. The usual suspects. 

(Media decides 2009 swine flu no cause for panic. Obama is President.)

Of course, Illuminati mouthpieces like The Daily Mail scream bloody murder daily. I include Zero Hedge in this group. The Communist (banker-controlled) media have an agenda: destroy the last bastion of Western civilization, the US. 

7. The coronavirus must be seen in the context of an ongoing communist attack on the West by the communist central bankers. Think migration, pornography, promiscuity, gender dysphoria and false flag terror (9-11, Sandy Hook, Paris, Nice etc.) Even after this virus panic fades into memory, this attack will continue.      We are under constant, relentless occult attack by the Satanists who create our "money" and control our economy, media, education and government. 


"80% of all sick people heal by themselves, 15% need medication and 5% need to have hospital attention.  All 17 people who died already, had advanced health issues.  No healthy person who caught the coronavirus has died.  It's an alarm with no foundation.  In the beginning they reacted the way they did because they didn't have any real information about the virus.  But after seeing what it is, the information is too exaggerated."

This website has a wealth of sensible information. For example:

"For most people, the new coronavirus causes only mild or moderate symptoms, such as fever or coughing. But for some older adults and people with existing health problems, it can cause more severe illness, including pneumonia. Over 100,000 people have recovered, including nearly 60,000 in China and more than 7,000 in Italy."

We're talking about the common flu.

9. Here are 12 experts who say the threat has been exaggerated and the cure is worse than the disease. For example: "I am deeply concerned that the social, economic and public health consequences of this near-total meltdown of normal life -- schools and businesses closed, gatherings banned -- will be long-lasting and calamitous, possibly graver than the direct toll of the virus itself. The stock market will bounce back in time, but many businesses never will. The unemployment, impoverishment and despair likely to result will be public health scourges of the first order."  Dr. David Katz, Yale University - "Is Our Fight Against Coronavirus Worse Than the Disease?", New York Times 20th March 2020

10.  The Illuminati are Cabalists (Freemasons.) They believe perception is reality. They control the mass media (perception.) Saying so makes it so. Of course, this is nonsense but they will never stop
testing the limits of their power. If they say gender is a "social construct" then so be it! If they say we descended from chickens, we will cluck. If they say we're under a pandemic, we'll don silly masks. And if they say, China and Russia must be attacked, hey nuclear war is hunky dory too.  

As long as we let them get away with it, it will continue.