C-19 ORIGINS: #6..... Man-made!!


Unfortunately, the source reporting his opinion is being sanctioned by platforms such as facebook. That source is Zero Hedge, so this is copied from a secondary source. Facebook advised us and others that any post claiming that the Covid-19 is NOT NATURAL is misleading and false and our page will be restricted for a week with further penalties possible. It has been revealed recently that one of facebook's fact checkers on this point is a woman who actually worked at the Wuhan Lab [Boom]. What a conflict of interest that is.

Like Zero Hedge, we have said, almost from the beginning after some research, that the virus was bio-engineered. In the following article the respected source attributes the development of the virus to the Wuhan facility alone. We have published further claims in previous posts. Claims that others in the US and possibly other countries carried out preliminary work to develop this virus. [See all our posts with the label "Covid-19"].

Evidence piling up that Chinese virus is man-made

Scientist Who Discovered HIV Says COVID-19 "Could Only Have Been Created In a Lab"
Source: Zero Hedge
As the mainstream media and politicians begin to raise/admit the possibilities that the source of COVID-19 was likely a lab in Wuhan (accidentally leaked or otherwise) – something we first brought to the world’s attention in January before being mocked, censored, and chastised – it appears more actual ‘scientists’ (at least those not paid by or working for a lab in Wuhan) are willing to admit what we noted all along – this virus is man-made.
GilmoreHealth.com’s Robert Miller writes that contrary to the narrative that is being pushed by the mainstream that the COVID 19 virus was the result of a natural mutation and that it was transmitted to humans from bats via pangolins, Dr Luc Montagnier the man who discovered the HIV virus back in 1983 disagrees and is saying that the virus was man made.
Professor Luc Montagnier, 2008 Nobel Prize winner for Medicine, claims that SARS-CoV-2 is a manipulated virus that was accidentally released from a laboratory in Wuhan, China. Chinese researchers are said to have used coronaviruses in their work to develop an AIDS vaccine. HIV DNA fragments are believed to have been found in the SARS-CoV-2 genome.
We knew that the Chinese version of how the coronavirus emerged was increasingly under attack, but here’s a thesis that tells a completely different story about the Covid-19 pandemic, which is already responsible for more than 110,000 deaths worldwide.
According to Professor Luc Montagnier, winner of the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 2008 for “discovering” HIV as the cause of the AIDS epidemic together with Françoise Barré-Sinoussi, the SARS-CoV-2 is a virus that was manipulated and accidentally released from a laboratory in Wuhan, China, in the last quarter of 2019.
According to Professor Montagnier, this laboratory, known for its work on coronaviruses, tried to use one of these viruses as a vector for HIV in the search for an AIDS vaccine!
“With my colleague, bio-mathematician Jean-Claude Perez, we carefully analyzed the description of the genome of this RNA virus,” explains Luc Montagnier, interviewed by Dr Jean-François Lemoine for the daily podcast at Pourquoi Docteur, adding that others have already explored this avenue:
Indian researchers have already tried to publish the results of the analyses that showed that this coronavirus genome contained sequences of another virus, … the HIV virus (AIDS virus), but they were forced to withdraw their findings as the pressure from the mainstream was too great.
In a challenging question Dr Jean-François Lemoine inferred that the coronavirus under investigation may have come from a patient who is otherwise infected with HIV.
“No,” says Luc Montagnier, “in order to insert an HIV sequence into this genome, molecular tools are needed, and that can only be done in a laboratory.”
According to the 2008 Nobel Prize for Medicine, a plausible explanation would be an accident in the Wuhan laboratory. He also added that the purpose of this work was the search for an AIDS vaccine.
The Truth Will Eventually Come Out
In any case, this thesis, defended by Professor Luc Montagnier, has a positive turn. According to him, the altered elements of this virus are eliminated as it spreads:
“Nature does not accept any molecular tinkering, it will eliminate these unnatural changes and even if nothing is done, things will get better, but unfortunately after many deaths.”
Luc Montagnier added that with the help of interfering waves, we could eliminate these sequences and as a result stop the pandemic.
This is enough to feed some heated debates! So much so that Professor Montagnier’s statements could also place him in the category of “conspiracy theorists”:
“Conspirators are the opposite camp, hiding the truth,” he replies, without wanting to accuse anyone, but hoping that the Chinese will admit to what he believes happened in their laboratory.
To entice a confession from the Chinese he used the example of Iran which after taking full responsibility for accidentally hitting a Ukrainian plane was able to earn the respect of the global community. Hopefully the Chinese will do the right thing he adds.

C-19 ORIGINS: #5. Another doctor speaks out...


More and more doctors and specialists are finding a public voice on the pandemic and, more specifically, what is increasingly looking like possible collusion for profit along with a population control program and globalist agenda. This post is the fifth in our series addressing the 'origins' of the virus but we have posted many others on the pandemic. To review them please check out posts with the label 'Covid-19'.

Following is a Dr. Buttar, speaking on the Gary Franchi show 2 days ago.

C-19 ORIGINS: #5. Another doctor speaks out...


More and more doctors and specialists are finding a public voice on the pandemic and, more specifically, what is increasingly looking like possible collusion for profit along with a population control program and globalist agenda. This post is the fifth in our series addressing the 'origins' of the virus but we have posted many others on the pandemic. To review them please check out posts with the label 'Covid-19'.

Following is a Dr. Buttar, speaking on the Gary Franchi show 2 days ago.

C-19 ORIGINS: #4


Our series of posts concerning the origins of the SARS-CoV-2 virus cannot be posted to social media platforms by our page or group, but individuals may wish to share at their own risk. This fourth post is a video from a recognised medico who does not wear a tin foil hat. He quotes the research of George Webb who some consider a conspiracy theorist and he implicates Fauci and Fort Detrick [see our post #1 and #2]. We have not published Webb's prolific series but will let readers check him out on YouTube.

C-19 ORIGINS: #4


Our series of posts concerning the origins of the SARS-CoV-2 virus cannot be posted to social media platforms by our page or group, but individuals may wish to share at their own risk. This fourth post is a video from a recognised medico who does not wear a tin foil hat. He quotes the research of George Webb who some consider a conspiracy theorist and he implicates Fauci and Fort Detrick [see our post #1 and #2]. We have not published Webb's prolific series but will let readers check him out on YouTube.


Australian parliament was in uproar today following the prime minister's revelation, using Wikipedia as a source, that road deaths last year were ten times the expected deaths from Covid-19.

PM ScoreMore, as he is affectionately known by Labor voters, said earlier: "Australia currently has 60 deaths from the WuFlu and this is projected from the Fauci Fibonacci models to double to 120 by  the end of the year." The Fibonacci progression was indeed confirmed later as being correct by Facebook's fact checkers. "NOW," screamed the PM, [which is why I have capitalised the word since it was screamed], "......according to Wikileaks [burst of ridiculing laughter from the Opposition front bench], road deaths last year amounted to 1200 which, if my maths is correct, is 10 times the number expected to die from virus originating from the bat caves in Huawei Province in China. [More laughter from both sides]. SO, [he screamed that out too], members of the House, I propose that a lock down be enforced from here on in, to reduce vehicle use to zero in order to bring a halt to the carnage on our roads and to end also the deaths from the WuFlu. Killing two birds with one stone, you might say!"

At that, the Leader of the Opposition, Anthony Elbow-Kneesy, jumped to his feet without increasing his height, replying: "Mister Speaker, the Prime Minister, in his short -sightedness, is proposing to restrict the public from using their vehicles at all and forever. This, Mr. Speaker, is a blatant denial of citizen's rights and natural justice more in keeping with the policies of Communism with which I am most familiar. May I point out to him that had he made further reference to Wikipedia, he would surely have noted that they claim infallibly that there have been zero deaths from vehicle accidents - I repeat, ZERO DEATHS [he said this very loudly] - when vehicles are driven at 10 kph. Zero. Therefore, Mr. Speaker, I propose an amendment to the PM's motion, that citizens of this great and free country be permitted to drive at their discretion but at no more than 10 kph."

Immediately, the Leader of the Greens Party, Adam Banned, interjected: " Mr. Speaker, if I may speak?" [He was given the floor, but not to take away]. "The Greens are prepared to support this motion with the provision that all motorists are tracked via their GPS in-car systems. This will ensure that they adhere to the 10 kph limit as well as saving our trees from being impacted and saving our wild life from death by road kill."

The Speaker called for a vote on the motion with amendments. The new motion was carried with the only nay votes coming from the extremist minor parties and independents.

Summing up, the PM said: " I expect, Mr. Speaker, that this motion will be sent to the Senate without delay whereupon it will be passed into law. The task of framing the law will be referred to Australia's Chief Medical Officer currently overseeing our efforts to mitigate the WuFlu, Dr. Brendan Furphy."

[Satire, in case you are wondering]


Australian parliament was in uproar today following the prime minister's revelation, using Wikipedia as a source, that road deaths last year were ten times the expected deaths from Covid-19.

PM ScoreMore, as he is affectionately known by Labor voters, said earlier: "Australia currently has 60 deaths from the WuFlu and this is projected from the Fauci Fibonacci models to double to 120 by  the end of the year." The Fibonacci progression was indeed confirmed later as being correct by Facebook's fact checkers. "NOW," screamed the PM, [which is why I have capitalised the word since it was screamed], "......according to Wikileaks [burst of ridiculing laughter from the Opposition front bench], road deaths last year amounted to 1200 which, if my maths is correct, is 10 times the number expected to die from virus originating from the bat caves in Huawei Province in China. [More laughter from both sides]. SO, [he screamed that out too], members of the House, I propose that a lock down be enforced from here on in, to reduce vehicle use to zero in order to bring a halt to the carnage on our roads and to end also the deaths from the WuFlu. Killing two birds with one stone, you might say!"

At that, the Leader of the Opposition, Anthony Elbow-Kneesy, jumped to his feet without increasing his height, replying: "Mister Speaker, the Prime Minister, in his short -sightedness, is proposing to restrict the public from using their vehicles at all and forever. This, Mr. Speaker, is a blatant denial of citizen's rights and natural justice more in keeping with the policies of Communism with which I am most familiar. May I point out to him that had he made further reference to Wikipedia, he would surely have noted that they claim infallibly that there have been zero deaths from vehicle accidents - I repeat, ZERO DEATHS [he said this very loudly] - when vehicles are driven at 10 kph. Zero. Therefore, Mr. Speaker, I propose an amendment to the PM's motion, that citizens of this great and free country be permitted to drive at their discretion but at no more than 10 kph."

Immediately, the Leader of the Greens Party, Adam Banned, interjected: " Mr. Speaker, if I may speak?" [He was given the floor, but not to take away]. "The Greens are prepared to support this motion with the provision that all motorists are tracked via their GPS in-car systems. This will ensure that they adhere to the 10 kph limit as well as saving our trees from being impacted and saving our wild life from death by road kill."

The Speaker called for a vote on the motion with amendments. The new motion was carried with the only nay votes coming from the extremist minor parties and independents.

Summing up, the PM said: " I expect, Mr. Speaker, that this motion will be sent to the Senate without delay whereupon it will be passed into law. The task of framing the law will be referred to Australia's Chief Medical Officer currently overseeing our efforts to mitigate the WuFlu, Dr. Brendan Furphy."

[Satire, in case you are wondering]


For the benefit of non-Western Australians, the government restricted alcohol sales [without prior warning]. This accompanied limits to certain foodstuffs and other goods imposed largely by supermarkets to stop panic buying and thus allow all consumers a fair go.

But why impose a flash ban on unlimited sales of alcohol?

Yes, I know........ a fair go for all drinkers, right? But why did the bureaucrats believe that alcohol would be the subject of panic buying? There were no signs of it, that I could see.

What about more necessary items which haven't been restricted?  Say, toiletries like toothpaste. What about cosmetics? Baby foods - there's still plenty on shelves. Clothing?......in the event of an extensive lock down, wouldn't families want to stock up with winter coming on? And fuel..... despite travel restrictions, scared folks will stockpile fuel first, especially preppers. I posted 6 weeks ago that fuel could come down to $1 per litre and was laughed at, but today it's at 95c., but there's no panic buying. These restrictions do not apply in some other states, but aren't we all Australians?

So, let me tell you what these socialist restrictions actually mean, not just to a casual drinker but to the death rate, to the environment and to costs when we are being given supplementary hand-outs.

The following applies in my personal case which I use as an example of restrictions defeating the purpose - the cure being worse than the disease, you might say.

I enjoy between 1 and 3 drinks per day on average of fortified wine [to the exclusion of other types of beverage]. I can buy in bulk to save by purchasing a case [4x4Ltr casks] for $80 which incurs a cost to my imbibement of less than $2 per day. Plus, I only have to make one trip per 7 or 8 weeks for this purchase. The present restrictions mean I [and evryone else] can only buy 1x 750ml bottle per day. At that rate I need to make a trip every 3 days for each bottle, which can cost from $6 to $12 per bottle [and this excludes the up market brands which can reach $50]. All that looks like this [Noting that as a senior I am in the high risk category for Covid-19 and rely on my past taxes coming back to me in the form of the aged pension which is my only income]......

NORMAL PROCESS                                                   UNDER PRESENT RESTRICTIONS                                         

1 x Trip                                                                       17 x Trips
Little social contact                                                     Much social proximity
Negligible emissions                                                   High vehicle emissions
Negligible chance of a vehicle accident                      Increased chance of vehicle accident
Cost $80                                                                       Cost $180
Fuel $2                                                                          Fuel $35



For the benefit of non-Western Australians, the government restricted alcohol sales [without prior warning]. This accompanied limits to certain foodstuffs and other goods imposed largely by supermarkets to stop panic buying and thus allow all consumers a fair go.

But why impose a flash ban on unlimited sales of alcohol?

Yes, I know........ a fair go for all drinkers, right? But why did the bureaucrats believe that alcohol would be the subject of panic buying? There were no signs of it, that I could see.

What about more necessary items which haven't been restricted?  Say, toiletries like toothpaste. What about cosmetics? Baby foods - there's still plenty on shelves. Clothing?......in the event of an extensive lock down, wouldn't families want to stock up with winter coming on? And fuel..... despite travel restrictions, scared folks will stockpile fuel first, especially preppers. I posted 6 weeks ago that fuel could come down to $1 per litre and was laughed at, but today it's at 95c., but there's no panic buying. These restrictions do not apply in some other states, but aren't we all Australians?

So, let me tell you what these socialist restrictions actually mean, not just to a casual drinker but to the death rate, to the environment and to costs when we are being given supplementary hand-outs.

The following applies in my personal case which I use as an example of restrictions defeating the purpose - the cure being worse than the disease, you might say.

I enjoy between 1 and 3 drinks per day on average of fortified wine [to the exclusion of other types of beverage]. I can buy in bulk to save by purchasing a case [4x4Ltr casks] for $80 which incurs a cost to my imbibement of less than $2 per day. Plus, I only have to make one trip per 7 or 8 weeks for this purchase. The present restrictions mean I [and evryone else] can only buy 1x 750ml bottle per day. At that rate I need to make a trip every 3 days for each bottle, which can cost from $6 to $12 per bottle [and this excludes the up market brands which can reach $50]. All that looks like this [Noting that as a senior I am in the high risk category for Covid-19 and rely on my past taxes coming back to me in the form of the aged pension which is my only income]......

NORMAL PROCESS                                                   UNDER PRESENT RESTRICTIONS                                         

1 x Trip                                                                       17 x Trips
Little social contact                                                     Much social proximity
Negligible emissions                                                   High vehicle emissions
Negligible chance of a vehicle accident                      Increased chance of vehicle accident
Cost $80                                                                       Cost $180
Fuel $2                                                                          Fuel $35



Facts about Covid-19

Published: March 14, 2020; UpdatedApril 16, 2020
Fully referenced facts about Covid-19, provided by experts in the field, to help our readers make a realistic risk assessment. (Regular updates below)
“The only means to fight the plague is honesty.” Albert Camus, The Plague (1947)


  1. According to data from the best-studied countries such as South KoreaIcelandGermany and Denmark, the overall lethality of Covid19 is in the lower per mille range and thus up to twenty times lower than initially assumed by the WHO.
  2. A study in Nature Medicine comes to a similar conclusion even for the Chinese city of Wuhan. The initially significantly higher values for Wuhan were obtained because a many people with mild or no symptoms were not recorded.
  3. 50% to 80% of test-positive individuals remain symptom-free. Even among the 70 to 79 year old persons about 60% remain symptom-free, many more show only mild symptoms.
  4. The median age of the deceased in most countries (including Italy) is over 80 years and only about 1% of the deceased had no serious previous illnesses. The age and risk profile of deaths thus essentially corresponds to normal mortality.
  5. Many media reports of young and healthy people dying from Covid19 have proven to be false upon closer inspection. Many of these people either did not die from Covid19 or they in fact had serious preconditions (such as undiagnosed leukaemia).
  6. Normal overall mortality in the US is about 8000 people per day, in Germany about 2600 people and in Italy about 1800 people per day. Influenza mortality in the US is up to 80,000, in Germany and Italy up to 25,000, and in Switzerland up to 1500 people per winter.
  7. Strongly increased death rates, as in northern Italy, can be influenced by additional risk factors such as very high air pollution and microbial contamination as well as a collapse in the care of the elderly and sick due to mass panic and lockdown measures.
  8. In countries such as Italy and Spain, and to some extent Great Britain and the US, a serious overload of hospitals, notably by the flu, is not unusual. In addition, up to 15% of doctors and nurses currently have to self-quarantine, even if they develop no symptoms.
  9. An important distinction concerns the question of whether people die with or indeed from coronaviruses. Autopsies show that in many cases the previous illnesses were an important or decisive factor, but the official figures usually do not reflect this.
  10. Thus in order to assess the danger of the disease, the key indicator is not the often mentioned number of test-positive persons and deceased, but the number of persons who actually and unexpectedly develop or die of pneumonia.
  11. The often shown exponential curves of “corona cases” are misleading, since the number of tests also increases exponentially. In most countries, the ratio of positive tests to total tests either remains constant between 5% to 25% or increases rather slowly.
  12. Countries without lockdowns and contact bans, such as Japan, South Korea and Sweden, have not experienced a more negative course of events than other countries. This might call into question the effectiveness of such far-reaching measures.
  13. According to leading lung specialists, invasive ventilation of Covid19 patients is often counterproductive and causes additional damage to the lungs. The invasive ventilation of Covid19 patients is partly done out of fear of spreading the virus through aerosols.
  14. Contrary to original assumptions, however, the WHO determined at the end of March that there is no evidence of aerosol dispersal of the virus. A leading German virologist also found no aerosol and no smear infections in a pilot study.
  15. Many clinics in Europe and the US have been lacking patients and some have had to introduce short-time work. Numerous operations and therapies were cancelled by clinics, even emergency patients sometimes stay at home out of fear of the virus.
  16. Several media have been caught trying to dramatize the situation in clinics, sometimes even with manipulative pictures and videos. In general, many media outlets do not question even doubtful official statements and figures.
  17. The virus test kits used internationally are prone to errors. Several studies have shown that even normal corona viruses can give a false positive result. Moreover, the virus test currently in use has not been clinically validated due to time pressure.
  18. Numerous internationally renowned experts from the fields of virology, immunology and epidemiology consider the measures taken to be counterproductive and recommend a rapid natural immunisation of the general population while protecting risk groups.
  19. The number of people suffering from unemployment, psychological problems and domestic violence as a result of the measures taken has exploded in the US and worldwide. Several experts believe that the measures may claim more lives than the virus itself.
  20. NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden warned that the corona crisis is used for the massive and permanent expansion of global surveillance. The renowned virologist Pablo Goldschmidt spoke of a “global media terror” and “totalitarian measures”. Leading British virologist Professor John Oxford spoke of a “media epidemic”.
READ THE UPDATES FROM THE SOURCE:  https://swprs.org/a-swiss-doctor-on-covid-19/#latest 


Facts about Covid-19

Published: March 14, 2020; UpdatedApril 16, 2020
Fully referenced facts about Covid-19, provided by experts in the field, to help our readers make a realistic risk assessment. (Regular updates below)
“The only means to fight the plague is honesty.” Albert Camus, The Plague (1947)


  1. According to data from the best-studied countries such as South KoreaIcelandGermany and Denmark, the overall lethality of Covid19 is in the lower per mille range and thus up to twenty times lower than initially assumed by the WHO.
  2. A study in Nature Medicine comes to a similar conclusion even for the Chinese city of Wuhan. The initially significantly higher values for Wuhan were obtained because a many people with mild or no symptoms were not recorded.
  3. 50% to 80% of test-positive individuals remain symptom-free. Even among the 70 to 79 year old persons about 60% remain symptom-free, many more show only mild symptoms.
  4. The median age of the deceased in most countries (including Italy) is over 80 years and only about 1% of the deceased had no serious previous illnesses. The age and risk profile of deaths thus essentially corresponds to normal mortality.
  5. Many media reports of young and healthy people dying from Covid19 have proven to be false upon closer inspection. Many of these people either did not die from Covid19 or they in fact had serious preconditions (such as undiagnosed leukaemia).
  6. Normal overall mortality in the US is about 8000 people per day, in Germany about 2600 people and in Italy about 1800 people per day. Influenza mortality in the US is up to 80,000, in Germany and Italy up to 25,000, and in Switzerland up to 1500 people per winter.
  7. Strongly increased death rates, as in northern Italy, can be influenced by additional risk factors such as very high air pollution and microbial contamination as well as a collapse in the care of the elderly and sick due to mass panic and lockdown measures.
  8. In countries such as Italy and Spain, and to some extent Great Britain and the US, a serious overload of hospitals, notably by the flu, is not unusual. In addition, up to 15% of doctors and nurses currently have to self-quarantine, even if they develop no symptoms.
  9. An important distinction concerns the question of whether people die with or indeed from coronaviruses. Autopsies show that in many cases the previous illnesses were an important or decisive factor, but the official figures usually do not reflect this.
  10. Thus in order to assess the danger of the disease, the key indicator is not the often mentioned number of test-positive persons and deceased, but the number of persons who actually and unexpectedly develop or die of pneumonia.
  11. The often shown exponential curves of “corona cases” are misleading, since the number of tests also increases exponentially. In most countries, the ratio of positive tests to total tests either remains constant between 5% to 25% or increases rather slowly.
  12. Countries without lockdowns and contact bans, such as Japan, South Korea and Sweden, have not experienced a more negative course of events than other countries. This might call into question the effectiveness of such far-reaching measures.
  13. According to leading lung specialists, invasive ventilation of Covid19 patients is often counterproductive and causes additional damage to the lungs. The invasive ventilation of Covid19 patients is partly done out of fear of spreading the virus through aerosols.
  14. Contrary to original assumptions, however, the WHO determined at the end of March that there is no evidence of aerosol dispersal of the virus. A leading German virologist also found no aerosol and no smear infections in a pilot study.
  15. Many clinics in Europe and the US have been lacking patients and some have had to introduce short-time work. Numerous operations and therapies were cancelled by clinics, even emergency patients sometimes stay at home out of fear of the virus.
  16. Several media have been caught trying to dramatize the situation in clinics, sometimes even with manipulative pictures and videos. In general, many media outlets do not question even doubtful official statements and figures.
  17. The virus test kits used internationally are prone to errors. Several studies have shown that even normal corona viruses can give a false positive result. Moreover, the virus test currently in use has not been clinically validated due to time pressure.
  18. Numerous internationally renowned experts from the fields of virology, immunology and epidemiology consider the measures taken to be counterproductive and recommend a rapid natural immunisation of the general population while protecting risk groups.
  19. The number of people suffering from unemployment, psychological problems and domestic violence as a result of the measures taken has exploded in the US and worldwide. Several experts believe that the measures may claim more lives than the virus itself.
  20. NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden warned that the corona crisis is used for the massive and permanent expansion of global surveillance. The renowned virologist Pablo Goldschmidt spoke of a “global media terror” and “totalitarian measures”. Leading British virologist Professor John Oxford spoke of a “media epidemic”.
READ THE UPDATES FROM THE SOURCE:  https://swprs.org/a-swiss-doctor-on-covid-19/#latest 


EDITED FROM THE SOURCE AT: https://www.xyz.net.au/coronavirus-miracle-foreigners-flee-australia/

Coronavirus Miracle: Foreigners Flee Australia

From the Australian:
The coronavirus is driving the biggest population decline in Australian history, with 300,000 tourists, temporary workers and students already departing this year in an exodus that threatens to deepen a consumer spending slump and hit the housing market.
Good. Property is not worth what people pay for it in Australia. The price of property is kept artificially high through the artificial injection of more people to create artificial demand via mass immigration. I refuse to buy property in Australia until this policy ceases.
The number of temporary visa holders in Australia dropped by 260,000 in the first three months of this year, with a further 50,000 departing in the first two weeks of April, Acting Immigration Minister Alan Tudge has revealed.
Research obtained by The Australian predicts a further 300,000 people could leave the country to return home by the end of the year, which economists warn could further erode consumer demand and cause a slump in the rental and housing markets.
It has been gratifying to se The XYZ utilised as a platform by Australian nationalists as a platform for policy discussion. A number of excellent ideas have ben put forward over the years about how to attain power and what to do with it once we have it.
Here is my own genuine policy suggestion.
Within days of achieving power an Australian nationalist government should declare a national health emergency due to an epidemic. It can be for coronavirus, gastro, werewolves. Whatever. Lock the country down for a couple of months, or make it look like you’re locking down, and declare that all foreigners who can leave must leave. The first wave of remigration will occur with no need for financial incentive, nor unpleasantness.
I am not joking. This is 100% my genuinely held belief.
Naturally, the attempted globalist spin has to be seen to be believed.
Analysis by former senior ­Immigration Department official Abul Rizvi estimates that the number of temporary visa holders could drop to 1.82 million from more than 2.4 million at the start of the year. “We could be on the verge of the biggest percentage and absolute decline in our population since 1788, more than during the Great Depression or when we sent troops to the Somme,” Mr Rizvi said.
He estimated one-fifth of foreign students and one-quarter of temporary foreign workers would go.
We have come across Abul Rizvi before. What on earth an un-Australian is doing as the go-to man for the supposedly conservative Australian newspaper when it comes to demographics is anyone’s guess. Does this mean that the Australian is a globalist newspaper?
There is more to these two paragraphs. Note the phrase “absolute decline in population” in reference to the loss of “temporary visa holders”, ie foreign students and foreign workers. When we report that Australia’s net immigration rate is above 200,000 it does not include these temporary residents, nor does it acknowledge their backdoor path to permanent residence. The real figure could be higher than half a million a year. It is yet another example of how our government lies to us and betrays us.
Also note the equivalence of the flight of several hundred thousand non-Australians with the deaths of real Australians during the Great Depression and World War 1. This is simply an insult.
Australia’s population grew by 371,000, or 1.5 per cent, to 25.46 million over the year to last September, of which 63 per cent was due to net overseas migration.
Each new million seems to come around very quickly these days.
In the most recent budget, the government pencilled in net overseas migration of 271,000 this year, up from 259,600 in 2018. More than 800,000 net new immigrants were forecast over the next three years, the budget papers say.
Hadn’t they capped it at 160,000?
Reserve Bank research by Peter Tulip and Trent Saunders, conducted last year, found a reduction in population growth would increase rental vacancies, trim rents and housing prices, and reduce construction.
This is the best thing that has ever happened to any Australian who is not a Boomer.
And they just keep spilling the beans:
Grattan Institute chief executive John Daley said weaker ­population growth would focus ­attention on the recent period of weak growth per capita.
“Per capita recessions will ­become real technical recessions”, Mr Daley said. “Total growth ­matters to Woolworths and ­Westpac and other businesses whose profits depend on population, but it doesn’t help the local gym instructor.”
An admission that artificial GDP growth via mass immigration is in the interests of the elites but it is per capita growth that matters to regular Aussies. The globalists are getting sloppy.
Mr Rizvi said two decades of high temporary immigration had come to a “shattering halt”.
He sounds disappointed.
“If you look at the 1990s recession and 1980s recession, and after the Great Depression, two things stand out: net migration fell like a stone, and fertility fell,” he said. Mr Rizvi urged the government to provide greater support to the estimated 150,000 remaining foreign workers, who he said risked being left “destitute” without jobs in Australia.
“We won’t be able to run a ‘Where the bloody hell are you campaign’ ever again if we told everyone to piss off,” he said…
“The last time we grew out of a big debt, after the war, we had a baby boom and post-war migration surge; neither are likely this time,” said Mr Rizvi, who is completing a PhD in the history of Australian immigration at the University of Melbourne.
Get the bloody hell out of my country, Mr Rizvi.
Bob Birrell, the president of the Australian Population Research Institute, said how government responded to the drop in migrants would be “pretty central to how Australia is going to evolve in the next few years”.