DISCUSSIONS AND OPINIONS WHICH CONTRADICT THE W.H.O. DECEIVERS WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. "WE DO NOT CARE IF THE W.H.O. LIED AND LED THE WORLD INTO A MAELSTROM, YOU MAY NOT CONTRADICT OR CRITICIZE THEM." The tech giants have been forced into revealing their totalitarian power because they have been totally embarrassed and discredited by the revelations about the faux head of WHO, Dr. Tedros, about the disastrous collaboration between the WHO and China, about the false instructions they issued which led to a pandemic, about Zuckerberg's error in banning anyone going against the bats-in-the-markets origin of the virus, and the threat that Trump may hold an inquiry into the financial rorting of high profile figures connected to Pepfar and the many other acronymonic NGO's ripping off the state and the people. Meanwhile the Democrats will launch an inquiry about Trump's response to the pandemic in an effort to discredit him and take the heat off the oligarchs' crimes. RELEVANT ARTICLES..........
President Trump, in an interview on “Hannity” last week, slammed the World Health Organization (WHO) for its “China-centric” views, adding the global health agency’s projections and pronouncements about the coronavirus pandemic have been routinely wrong.
One of WHO’s earliest flawed pronouncements, the president told host Sean Hannity, was to strongly recommend against the U.S. restricting travel from China.
Earlier Tuesday at a news briefing, Trump said he may put a “very powerful hold” on U.S. funding to the WHO.
Sen. Lindsey Graham also said that the World Health Organization (WHO) should not receive funding from the United States under its current leadership, blaming China for the coronavirus pandemic and the WHO for covering for the communist country.
But for YouTube CEO Susan Wojkicki WHO is more important than the opinion of President Trump.
She Says ANYTHING that goes against WHO recommendations is a violation of policy and will be removed.
Susan Wojkicki: “We talk about removing information that is problematic. Of course, anything that is medically unsubstantiated, people saying like “take vitamin C” um, um “take turmeric, it will cure you.” Those are the examples of things that would be a violation of our policy. Anything that would go against World Health Organization recommendations would be a violation of our policy. And so remove is another important part of our policy.
In the meantime, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus continues to praise Communist China’s handling of the Wuhan virus even as infections and deaths skyrocket.
Since the Wuhan virus epidemic erupted in January, WHO and Adhanom have been heavily criticized for showing more concern about protecting China’s image than tackling the disease.
Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has repeatedly parroted Chinese Communist Party talking points, constantly heaping praise on Beijing’s response to coronavirus despite the fact that China hid the truth about its spread and viciously silenced scientists and doctors who tried to warn the world.
When he should have been focusing on global counter-pandemic efforts, Tedros instead was politicizing the crisis and helping Xi to shirk his responsibility for a series of wrongdoings in addressing the outbreak. Tedros used the WHO platform to defend the Chinese government’s gross violation of human rights. For example, from its first case discovered in November to its Wuhan lockdown, and even until today, China has been dishonest about the coronavirus’s origin and prevalence. People who tried to uncover it were detained or disappeared, their online reports and posts deleted. China has misinformed and misled the world, and Tedros joined this effort by publicly praising China’s “transparency” in battling the spread of the disease.
Let’s see if YouTube can remove this?
Please share this article wherever you can. It is the only way we can work around their censorship and ensure people receive news about issues that the mainstream media suppress.
Natalie Dagenhardt is an American conservative writer who writes for Right Journalism! Natalie has described herself as a polemicist who likes to “stir up the pot,” and does not “pretend to be impartial or balanced, as broadcasters do,” drawing criticism from the left, and sometimes from the right. As a passionate journalist, she works relentlessly to uncover the corruption happening in Washington. She is a “constitutional conservative”.
Facebook Assists Dems in Shutting Down Bill of Rights
Topping the list of assaults on our Constitutional freedoms is the war on our right to speak freely and peacefully assemble as governors warn their citizens to stay safe, stay home, and shut up. Joining them is the social media giant Facebook which, in its general censorship of conservative thought and opinion, has now decreed that using their platform to communicate complaints about government overreach during the Wuhan virus crisis and to organize protests against said overreach violates Facebook’s Alice-In-Wonderland “community standards”
In the age before cable, there was an iconic sci-fi program called The Outer Limits whose opening featured a series of test patterns, flickering screens and a narrator known as the “control voice” who solemnly intoned, “Do not attempt to adjust your television set. We will control all that you see and hear.” Today that is a chilling reality as social media giants like Facebook routinely censor what people can see and hear on their sites. Today Big Brothers like Mark Zuckerberg conspire nor only to control what we see and hear, but what we can say to each other and what Constitutional rights we can enjoy and when:
Facebook is working with state governments across the U.S. to tamp down organized protests that violate stay-at-home orders during the coronavirus pandemic, according to new reporting.
CNN’s Donie O’Sullivan reported Monday that the social media website “has removed promotion of anti-quarantine events in California, New Jersey, and Nebraska after consultation with state governments.” The CNN report cited a spokesman from Facebook who said the protests were in violation of states’ guidelines.
The spokesman, O’Sullivan reported, “said Facebook would take down posts created through the Facebook Events feature that promote events in California, New Jersey and Nebraska. Other Facebook posts, including Facebook groups about the protests, might not be removed.”…
ABC’s George Stephanopoulos spoke to Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg on Monday about how the platform is addressing the pandemic, and Zuckerberg said the website is tackling content that promotes “harmful misinformation.”
“If somebody’s trying to organize something like [a protest], does that qualify as harmful information?” Stephanopoulos asked.
“We do classify that as harmful misinformation and we take that down,” Zuckerberg said. “It’s important that people can debate policies, so there’s a line on this, but more than normal political discourse, I think a lot of the stuff that people are saying that is false around a health emergency like this can be classified as harmful misinformation.”
What about the harmful misinformation about death rates and viral spread from experts and politicians whose computer models have been spewing “projections” that have been wrong from day one and proposed mitigation strategies that change repeatedly? Only the sick should wear a mask, leaving the majority of them to the health care workers, we were told. Then we’re told everybody should wear a mask Millions will die, oh wait. We’re running out of ventilators and will never have enough, oh, wait. Their harmful misinformation has helped tank a booming economy, possibly causing more deaths due to suicide, alcohol and drug abuse, and postponing so-called “elective” surgeries and treatments. People postpone or can’t get doctor appointments that might diagnose a serious ailment. The experts push telemedicine in situations when only a doctor’s stethoscope listening to your heart or lungs will do. Yet Facebook censors none of the “experts” or bloviating politicians like Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and Andrew Cuomo.
The information these protestors convey is that the experts and the politicians haven’t always been right or informed, and that a lot of the stuff these people have been saying has been false about this health emergency. Some misguided experts before the pandemic outbreak were actually helping to fund China’s Wuhan research.
What gives Zuckerberg the right to decide what “normal political discourse” is? These protestors are protesting a lockdown that has turned their country into a police state. They have become the tired huddled masses yearning to breathe free but are “informed” that if they leave their homes lives are endangered.
Many would respond that their lives are effectively over. For many their retirements have been eaten up in market panic. For others, their businesses and their futures will never come back. They sit at home listening to reporters, experts, and politicians who aren’t locked in their homes, have jobs to go to, and get a regular paychecks tell them what to do. They don’t have the stock options of a Mark Zuckerberg.
And for giggles listen to this: Zuckerberg’s Facebook, for accurate information, refers people to China’s sock puppet, the World Health Organization. The Facebook app displays the message:
“Help Friends and Family Avoid False Information About COVID-19. Share a link to the World Health Organization’s (WHO) website where they’ve put together a list of common rumors about the virus.”
The World Health Organization, an entity people everywhere can supposedly rely on for accuracy, gave provably false information to countries around the globe about human-to-human spread of Wuhan coronavirus in January.
To recap, at the end of December the WHO was warned by Taiwan officials that the Wuhan coronavirus was spreading through human-to-human contact. The WHO, an ally first to China… said two weeks later there was “no evidence” this was the case. They did this by citing unreliable, dishonest, official Chinese government sources. Nearly two weeks after that, the WHO argued against restrictions on international air travel. This of course ultimately led to the devastating pandemic we are in now.
…China destroyed samples of the virus, shut down labs, arrested doctors and welded shut buildings where victims of the disease lived.
WHO overlooked China’s perfidy, praising it for is transparency and later success in controlling the contagion it unleashed on the world The WHO aided and abetted the indifference and silence that doomed the world’s people and the global economy. Wasn’t the WHO a little bit suspicious when China banned air travel in and out of Wuhan but allowed international flights so that the contagion would spread outside of China?
A recent study reveals most of the Wuhan virus victim would have been spared bit for the “harmful misinformation” coming out of China and the World Health Organization:
A study published last week by the University of Southampton’s WorldPop population mapping group suggested that China could have prevented 95 percent of the coronavirus infections running wild across the world if the government had listened to the whistleblowing doctors of Wuhan instead of silencing and punishing them for daring to speak out.
The study, titled, “Effects of Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions for Containing the COVID-19 Outbreak in China,” reviewed the effects of quarantines, lockdowns, travel restrictions, and the techniques the world has come to know as “social distancing” over the past few months. The analysis concluded that identifying cases of infection and quickly implementing restrictions on human contact dramatically slows the spread of diseases such as the Wuhan coronavirus.
So now Zuckerberg is going to help liberal and progressive governors impose their coronavirus police state. According to the Constitution, we have the rights to speak freely, to peacefully assemble, and to petition the government for redress of grievances. But Rev. James Hamilton of the King James Baptist Church in Greenville, Mississippi was told otherwise by a police officer after organizing a church drive-thru service. In a video of the confrontation, a police officer actually approaches pastor Hamilton and asserts this astounding line: “We got an order from the governor, your rights are suspended.” Our rights are what?
Carlson asked Murphy about the arrests in Ocean County, N.J., of 15 men who were congregating for a rabbi’s funeral at a Lakewood synagogue in early April. ”
The Bill of Rights, as you well know, protects Americans’ rights — enshrines their right to practice their religion as they see fit and to congregate together to assemble peacefully,” Carlson said. “By what authority did you nullify the Bill of Rights in issuing this order? How do you have the power to do that?”
“That’s above my pay grade, Tucker,” Murphy replied. “I wasn’t thinking of the Bill of Rights when we did this… We looked at all the data and the science and it says people have to stay away from each other…”
Many governors are surveilling protestors and threatening them with arrest, even in their homes. They are not thinking of the Bill of Rights either. Now Zuckerberg’s Facebook is coming to their aid, working with such governors to suspend our rights.
DISCUSSIONS AND OPINIONS WHICH CONTRADICT THE W.H.O. DECEIVERS WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. "WE DO NOT CARE IF THE W.H.O. LIED AND LED THE WORLD INTO A MAELSTROM, YOU MAY NOT CONTRADICT OR CRITICIZE THEM." The tech giants have been forced into revealing their totalitarian power because they have been totally embarrassed and discredited by the revelations about the faux head of WHO, Dr. Tedros, about the disastrous collaboration between the WHO and China, about the false instructions they issued which led to a pandemic, about Zuckerberg's error in banning anyone going against the bats-in-the-markets origin of the virus, and the threat that Trump may hold an inquiry into the financial rorting of high profile figures connected to Pepfar and the many other acronymonic NGO's ripping off the state and the people. Meanwhile the Democrats will launch an inquiry about Trump's response to the pandemic in an effort to discredit him and take the heat off the oligarchs' crimes. RELEVANT ARTICLES..........
President Trump, in an interview on “Hannity” last week, slammed the World Health Organization (WHO) for its “China-centric” views, adding the global health agency’s projections and pronouncements about the coronavirus pandemic have been routinely wrong.
One of WHO’s earliest flawed pronouncements, the president told host Sean Hannity, was to strongly recommend against the U.S. restricting travel from China.
Earlier Tuesday at a news briefing, Trump said he may put a “very powerful hold” on U.S. funding to the WHO.
Sen. Lindsey Graham also said that the World Health Organization (WHO) should not receive funding from the United States under its current leadership, blaming China for the coronavirus pandemic and the WHO for covering for the communist country.
But for YouTube CEO Susan Wojkicki WHO is more important than the opinion of President Trump.
She Says ANYTHING that goes against WHO recommendations is a violation of policy and will be removed.
Susan Wojkicki: “We talk about removing information that is problematic. Of course, anything that is medically unsubstantiated, people saying like “take vitamin C” um, um “take turmeric, it will cure you.” Those are the examples of things that would be a violation of our policy. Anything that would go against World Health Organization recommendations would be a violation of our policy. And so remove is another important part of our policy.
In the meantime, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus continues to praise Communist China’s handling of the Wuhan virus even as infections and deaths skyrocket.
Since the Wuhan virus epidemic erupted in January, WHO and Adhanom have been heavily criticized for showing more concern about protecting China’s image than tackling the disease.
Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has repeatedly parroted Chinese Communist Party talking points, constantly heaping praise on Beijing’s response to coronavirus despite the fact that China hid the truth about its spread and viciously silenced scientists and doctors who tried to warn the world.
When he should have been focusing on global counter-pandemic efforts, Tedros instead was politicizing the crisis and helping Xi to shirk his responsibility for a series of wrongdoings in addressing the outbreak. Tedros used the WHO platform to defend the Chinese government’s gross violation of human rights. For example, from its first case discovered in November to its Wuhan lockdown, and even until today, China has been dishonest about the coronavirus’s origin and prevalence. People who tried to uncover it were detained or disappeared, their online reports and posts deleted. China has misinformed and misled the world, and Tedros joined this effort by publicly praising China’s “transparency” in battling the spread of the disease.
Let’s see if YouTube can remove this?
Please share this article wherever you can. It is the only way we can work around their censorship and ensure people receive news about issues that the mainstream media suppress.
Natalie Dagenhardt is an American conservative writer who writes for Right Journalism! Natalie has described herself as a polemicist who likes to “stir up the pot,” and does not “pretend to be impartial or balanced, as broadcasters do,” drawing criticism from the left, and sometimes from the right. As a passionate journalist, she works relentlessly to uncover the corruption happening in Washington. She is a “constitutional conservative”.
Facebook Assists Dems in Shutting Down Bill of Rights
Topping the list of assaults on our Constitutional freedoms is the war on our right to speak freely and peacefully assemble as governors warn their citizens to stay safe, stay home, and shut up. Joining them is the social media giant Facebook which, in its general censorship of conservative thought and opinion, has now decreed that using their platform to communicate complaints about government overreach during the Wuhan virus crisis and to organize protests against said overreach violates Facebook’s Alice-In-Wonderland “community standards”
In the age before cable, there was an iconic sci-fi program called The Outer Limits whose opening featured a series of test patterns, flickering screens and a narrator known as the “control voice” who solemnly intoned, “Do not attempt to adjust your television set. We will control all that you see and hear.” Today that is a chilling reality as social media giants like Facebook routinely censor what people can see and hear on their sites. Today Big Brothers like Mark Zuckerberg conspire nor only to control what we see and hear, but what we can say to each other and what Constitutional rights we can enjoy and when:
Facebook is working with state governments across the U.S. to tamp down organized protests that violate stay-at-home orders during the coronavirus pandemic, according to new reporting.
CNN’s Donie O’Sullivan reported Monday that the social media website “has removed promotion of anti-quarantine events in California, New Jersey, and Nebraska after consultation with state governments.” The CNN report cited a spokesman from Facebook who said the protests were in violation of states’ guidelines.
The spokesman, O’Sullivan reported, “said Facebook would take down posts created through the Facebook Events feature that promote events in California, New Jersey and Nebraska. Other Facebook posts, including Facebook groups about the protests, might not be removed.”…
ABC’s George Stephanopoulos spoke to Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg on Monday about how the platform is addressing the pandemic, and Zuckerberg said the website is tackling content that promotes “harmful misinformation.”
“If somebody’s trying to organize something like [a protest], does that qualify as harmful information?” Stephanopoulos asked.
“We do classify that as harmful misinformation and we take that down,” Zuckerberg said. “It’s important that people can debate policies, so there’s a line on this, but more than normal political discourse, I think a lot of the stuff that people are saying that is false around a health emergency like this can be classified as harmful misinformation.”
What about the harmful misinformation about death rates and viral spread from experts and politicians whose computer models have been spewing “projections” that have been wrong from day one and proposed mitigation strategies that change repeatedly? Only the sick should wear a mask, leaving the majority of them to the health care workers, we were told. Then we’re told everybody should wear a mask Millions will die, oh wait. We’re running out of ventilators and will never have enough, oh, wait. Their harmful misinformation has helped tank a booming economy, possibly causing more deaths due to suicide, alcohol and drug abuse, and postponing so-called “elective” surgeries and treatments. People postpone or can’t get doctor appointments that might diagnose a serious ailment. The experts push telemedicine in situations when only a doctor’s stethoscope listening to your heart or lungs will do. Yet Facebook censors none of the “experts” or bloviating politicians like Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and Andrew Cuomo.
The information these protestors convey is that the experts and the politicians haven’t always been right or informed, and that a lot of the stuff these people have been saying has been false about this health emergency. Some misguided experts before the pandemic outbreak were actually helping to fund China’s Wuhan research.
What gives Zuckerberg the right to decide what “normal political discourse” is? These protestors are protesting a lockdown that has turned their country into a police state. They have become the tired huddled masses yearning to breathe free but are “informed” that if they leave their homes lives are endangered.
Many would respond that their lives are effectively over. For many their retirements have been eaten up in market panic. For others, their businesses and their futures will never come back. They sit at home listening to reporters, experts, and politicians who aren’t locked in their homes, have jobs to go to, and get a regular paychecks tell them what to do. They don’t have the stock options of a Mark Zuckerberg.
And for giggles listen to this: Zuckerberg’s Facebook, for accurate information, refers people to China’s sock puppet, the World Health Organization. The Facebook app displays the message:
“Help Friends and Family Avoid False Information About COVID-19. Share a link to the World Health Organization’s (WHO) website where they’ve put together a list of common rumors about the virus.”
The World Health Organization, an entity people everywhere can supposedly rely on for accuracy, gave provably false information to countries around the globe about human-to-human spread of Wuhan coronavirus in January.
To recap, at the end of December the WHO was warned by Taiwan officials that the Wuhan coronavirus was spreading through human-to-human contact. The WHO, an ally first to China… said two weeks later there was “no evidence” this was the case. They did this by citing unreliable, dishonest, official Chinese government sources. Nearly two weeks after that, the WHO argued against restrictions on international air travel. This of course ultimately led to the devastating pandemic we are in now.
…China destroyed samples of the virus, shut down labs, arrested doctors and welded shut buildings where victims of the disease lived.
WHO overlooked China’s perfidy, praising it for is transparency and later success in controlling the contagion it unleashed on the world The WHO aided and abetted the indifference and silence that doomed the world’s people and the global economy. Wasn’t the WHO a little bit suspicious when China banned air travel in and out of Wuhan but allowed international flights so that the contagion would spread outside of China?
A recent study reveals most of the Wuhan virus victim would have been spared bit for the “harmful misinformation” coming out of China and the World Health Organization:
A study published last week by the University of Southampton’s WorldPop population mapping group suggested that China could have prevented 95 percent of the coronavirus infections running wild across the world if the government had listened to the whistleblowing doctors of Wuhan instead of silencing and punishing them for daring to speak out.
The study, titled, “Effects of Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions for Containing the COVID-19 Outbreak in China,” reviewed the effects of quarantines, lockdowns, travel restrictions, and the techniques the world has come to know as “social distancing” over the past few months. The analysis concluded that identifying cases of infection and quickly implementing restrictions on human contact dramatically slows the spread of diseases such as the Wuhan coronavirus.
So now Zuckerberg is going to help liberal and progressive governors impose their coronavirus police state. According to the Constitution, we have the rights to speak freely, to peacefully assemble, and to petition the government for redress of grievances. But Rev. James Hamilton of the King James Baptist Church in Greenville, Mississippi was told otherwise by a police officer after organizing a church drive-thru service. In a video of the confrontation, a police officer actually approaches pastor Hamilton and asserts this astounding line: “We got an order from the governor, your rights are suspended.” Our rights are what?
Carlson asked Murphy about the arrests in Ocean County, N.J., of 15 men who were congregating for a rabbi’s funeral at a Lakewood synagogue in early April. ”
The Bill of Rights, as you well know, protects Americans’ rights — enshrines their right to practice their religion as they see fit and to congregate together to assemble peacefully,” Carlson said. “By what authority did you nullify the Bill of Rights in issuing this order? How do you have the power to do that?”
“That’s above my pay grade, Tucker,” Murphy replied. “I wasn’t thinking of the Bill of Rights when we did this… We looked at all the data and the science and it says people have to stay away from each other…”
Many governors are surveilling protestors and threatening them with arrest, even in their homes. They are not thinking of the Bill of Rights either. Now Zuckerberg’s Facebook is coming to their aid, working with such governors to suspend our rights.
YOUTUBE HAS REMOVED THE VIDEO - YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS. *****BUT WE HAVE IT ON ANOTHER PLATFORM**** We published this post soon after the event and multiple sites have picked it up since then. AND NOW WE HAVE IT RE-PUBLISHED. YOU CAN FIND IT IN AN ARTICLE FROM VLAD TEPES BENEATH THE DELETED VIDEO........ . ================================
Dr. Erickson and Dr. Massihi own and run the Accelerated Health Care facility in Bakersfield where they treat local cases of Covid-19 infections. LISTEN TO WHAT THEY HAVE TO SAY ABOUT Dr. FAUCI, HEAD OF THE FEDERAL CORONAVIRUS TASK FORCE. [And check out our posts on Fauci and his links to Big Pharma and what could amount to malpractice and malfeasance, along with some of his connections]. I have read many of the comments below the video and the Facebook post, and the majority are with the totalitarian bureaucracy with the encapsulated comment: "No way, I'm staying home. I don't want to catch that virus". It appears that the fear generated by the media has put many on the side of Big Brother's control. Officials and media are making statements currently as I write this which indicates how much these doctors have ruffled the feathers of the totalitarians.
I'm predicting that more practicing doctors around the world will follow with similar sentiments, backed by science, data, and experience. The reason this web site publishes many contrary opinions to the established political narrative is to supplement the monopoly of the mainstream media which always presents the plutocracy's propaganda. Readers can view our many posts on the issue, especially: [1] 12 doctors contradict the narrative, [2] 10 more doctors speak out, and [3] Another 8 doctors speak out. We give readers the chance to look at both sides to form their own opinions. Unfortunately, this post will not reach all our readers as Facebook is withholding our posts to 4100 followers, but if you think this is important information, don't keep it to yourself but share it. I URGE READERS TO AT LEAST WATCH THE FIRST 20 MINS. OF PART 1 BELOW. PART 1.......
RECOVERED VIDEO BELOW ............................................
The famous video of 2 California doctors that Youtube removed
In what may be the best indicator of the nature of this pandemic yet, a video with two prominent and experienced field doctors in California, that has been seen by many people and referred to by many authorities not locked into the Fauci paradigm, has been removed by Youtube. Not for any violation of any of their terms of service. Not hate speech, or any of the other excuses Youtube needs to secure the narrative at all.
Youtube in fact seems to be beyond the need for excuses. They just ban things that contradict what they need people to believe.
So this deserves extra attention. Even if they are wrong.
There is nothing so appealing about an opinion more than we are not allowed to hear it.
We published this post soon after the event and multiple sites have picked it up since then. AND NOW WE HAVE IT RE-PUBLISHED. YOU CAN FIND IT IN AN ARTICLE FROM VLAD TEPES BENEATH THE DELETED VIDEO........ . ================================
Dr. Erickson and Dr. Massihi own and run the Accelerated Health Care facility in Bakersfield where they treat local cases of Covid-19 infections. LISTEN TO WHAT THEY HAVE TO SAY ABOUT Dr. FAUCI, HEAD OF THE FEDERAL CORONAVIRUS TASK FORCE. [And check out our posts on Fauci and his links to Big Pharma and what could amount to malpractice and malfeasance, along with some of his connections].
I have read many of the comments below the video and the Facebook post, and the majority are with the totalitarian bureaucracy with the encapsulated comment: "No way, I'm staying home. I don't want to catch that virus". It appears that the fear generated by the media has put many on the side of Big Brother's control. Officials and media are making statements currently as I write this which indicates how much these doctors have ruffled the feathers of the totalitarians.
I'm predicting that more practicing doctors around the world will follow with similar sentiments, backed by science, data, and experience. The reason this web site publishes many contrary opinions to the established political narrative is to supplement the monopoly of the mainstream media which always presents the plutocracy's propaganda. Readers can view our many posts on the issue, especially: [1] 12 doctors contradict the narrative, [2] 10 more doctors speak out, and [3] Another 8 doctors speak out. We give readers the chance to look at both sides to form their own opinions. Unfortunately, this post will not reach all our readers as Facebook is withholding our posts to 4100 followers, but if you think this is important information, don't keep it to yourself but share it. I URGE READERS TO AT LEAST WATCH THE FIRST 20 MINS. OF PART 1 BELOW.
PART 1.......
RECOVERED VIDEO BELOW ............................................
The famous video of 2 California doctors that Youtube removed
In what may be the best indicator of the nature of this pandemic yet, a video with two prominent and experienced field doctors in California, that has been seen by many people and referred to by many authorities not locked into the Fauci paradigm, has been removed by Youtube. Not for any violation of any of their terms of service. Not hate speech, or any of the other excuses Youtube needs to secure the narrative at all.
Youtube in fact seems to be beyond the need for excuses. They just ban things that contradict what they need people to believe.
So this deserves extra attention. Even if they are wrong.
There is nothing so appealing about an opinion more than we are not allowed to hear it.