
SWEDEN: The dirty little secret about the death rate from COVID-19 and who is responsible for spreading it

Not surprisingly, the majority of deaths in Sweden are occurring among the elderly in nursing homes. However, what Swedish media would prefer you not know  is that the majority of “spreaders” of the China coronavirus are Muslim invaders, many of whom are Somalis who worked in the nursing homes. Wouldn’t want to be accused of Islamophobia, now would we?

FrontpageMag – Daniel Greenfield  lThe high death rate from the virus in Sweden has nothing to do with the decision against a lockdown. It’s not because the bars are open. 90% of the dead in Sweden were over 70 and half of them lived in special housing.
A decade ago, in Sweden, 13% of the workers in care homes were mainly Muslim immigrants. Currently, 28% of care home workers in Sweden are foreigners, but in Stockholm, where the real dying has occurred, 55% of the care home workers are Muslim immigrants.
Stockholm has been ground zero for the outbreak with more deaths than the rest of the country combined. And half of those deaths took place in care homes making for a very troubling pattern.
In an interview, Johan Giesecke, Sweden’s former Chief Epidemologist and Chief Scientist of the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), let slip the formerly unspeakable.
Giesecke admitted that Sweden had failed to protect the elderly, and noted that, “many of the people working in nursing homes are from other countries, they’re refugees or asylum seekers.”
Anders Tegnell, the current state epidemiologist, the Fauci of Sweden, a cult figure whose face appears on everything from smartphone covers to tattoos and caps, dismissed the suggestion that immigrants, who have a much higher rate of coronavirus, could be responsible as, “purely speculative.”
Sweden has a higher death toll than Norway or Finland, but it also has a far higher immigrant population. Not only does Sweden have a larger immigrant population, but it has an especially sizable percentage of an immigrant population that appears most vulnerable to the virus.
In early April, some medical experts estimated that Somalis represented 40% of the coronavirus deaths in Stockholm and 18% of the death toll in Sweden. That may be because of Stockholm’s first 15 coronavirus deaths, 6 of those who died were Somalis. The Somalis have been followed by Iraqis, Syrians, and Afghans as being significantly overrepresented among the ranks of coronavirus cases.
Stockholm’s immigrant suburbs were some of the hardest hit by the pandemic. In Rinkeby-Kista, where almost the entire district is populated by immigrants, infection rates were twice as high as the rest of Stockholm. Rinkeby is home to Somalis, Iraqis, Pakistanis, and Moroccans. The area has been a hub for violent Islamic riots, hateful mosques, and secret memberships in Islamic terrorist groups.
In early April, the Norwegian Institute of Public Health revealed that immigrants made up 1 in 5 cases of the virus and that 1 in 100 Somalis in Norway had tested positive for the virus. A week later, it was 1 in 4. Somalis made up 6% of confirmed cases. And in Helsinki, Finland, Somalis accounted for 17% of cases.
Researchers have proposed varying explanations for Somali vulnerability from ethnic benign neutropenia, to low vitamin D levels, dense living conditions, intergenerational households, high rates of smoking, and poor language skills.
In an International Center for Violent Extremism survey, Somalis blamed a refusal to take health warnings seriously. One respondent from Stockholm claimed that the community had been listening “to wrong information with extremist ideas from religion (sic) scholars”.
Sweden’s relaxed social distancing depended on the country’s communal values. But immigration had undermined those communal values which assumed that most people care about the welfare of others. An immigrant population that did not see itself as part of the larger national community might not care enough to take the steps needed to avoid infecting people in restaurants or nursing homes.
“Many people said that this disease is only meant to kill for non-Muslims thus, it cannot affect Muslims,” a third Somali living in Sweden said. “I’ve watched shows from Somali National TV televised where the reporter asked people playing and socializing at Lido beach in Mogadishu if they are unaware of corona virus. So many of those people answered, ‘We are Muslims! This disease will only kill non-believers.’”
Islamic clerics have indeed spread the message that the pandemic is meant to kill non-Muslims. “Thank you corona!” an Egyptian Imam had even been caught on video, while praying that, “Allah, relieve the Islamic nation of the coronavirus, and use it to annihilate the infidels.”
Swedish authorities knew early on that it was more prevalent among certain immigrant groups and yet did nothing to protect the elderly Swedes living in care homes from a migrant care worker population.
Any such steps would have been seen as Islamophobic.







The left want to keep us lockdowned to serve the grand green agenda

8 May 2020
10:33 AM
Leftists have turned to alchemy to try to transform the Covid-19 pandemic into their fabled climate emergency.
Former ABC journalist Quentin Dempster tweeted on Thursday: “Australia’s National Cabinet should stay on to coordinate decarbonising of energy/transport/manufacture to urgently mitigate climate change.”
Well no, Quentin. If I wanted Daniel Andrews to run my life I would move to Victoria, lock myself in my home and vote for him.
The National Cabinet, formed by the PM to help steer Australia through the pandemic by determining such things as whether or not we may see our mums on Mother’s Day, should be disbanded the moment the lockdown ends. And the lockdown should end yesterday.
But gloomy environmental doomsdayers — who practice social distancing when they meet, not by shaking hands but by shaking heads — are insisting on the old adage that one should “never let a crisis go to waste”. 
They imagine current restrictions on our freedom continuing after Covid-19, but this time in service of their grand green agenda.
Wednesday’s Sydney Morning Herald editorial was headed: “Scientific approach for Covid-19 must be applied to climate change”.
Of course, our “scientific approach to Covid-19” has been no more scientific than the approach to the great plague of 1666 – social distancing, face masks and an emphasis on personal hygiene – except that we have an app.
But I digress.  
The SMH went on to say: “Our response to the coronavirus provides important lessons for how we should respond. It is time the federal government accepted the warnings from scientists about climate change just as seriously and took a similarly proactive approach.”
It’s not difficult to guess the lessons environmental activists might have learned over the past two months:
  • Say that our computer modelling — which is another way to say “our guessing” but it sounds scientific when you use the word “computer” — indicates we are on the verge of the apocalypse. And don’t just say it; have someone sign it for the deaf, like in an actual emergency.
  • Insist that millions upon zillions of people will die. And don’t be afraid of using outrageous numbers. The more unlikely the number, the more enthusiastic the media will be to report it and the more inclined people will be to believe it.
  • No more of these “we have three years to act” warnings that environmentalists have been using for the past decade. The threat must be immediate. “A gazillion people will die every day starting next Tuesday if we don’t act now,” is much better.
  • Hold up a graph and use a catchy, memorable phrase to tell people what they must do. “Flatten the Curve” has already been used so another slogan would need to be thought up, but this should easy enough since the public love to rally around pithy slogans that are quite meaningless  –- Free Tibet; Love is Love; Hugs Not Drugs. A Fair Go for All. Something along those lines.
  • Tell people we must “flatten the curve”, or whatever, by locking ourselves in our homes until enough solar panels have been built or until a reduction in global temperatures has been achieved – whichever comes last.
  • Keep people in lockdown by constantly moving the green goal posts. “We started with 0.5 degree average reductions, but now computer models say death and destruction unless we double that. So no-one is going back to work anytime soon. And no, you can’t play golf.”
The past two months have taught us that people will nod in agreement before calling the police to report a neighbour who shows any sign of dissent.
  • Churches can remain closed, as they were during the pandemic, to prevent pastors speaking faith to people’s fears.
  • Declare people not working with the wind or the sun (peace be upon Gaia) to be “non-environmental workers” who must lose their livelihoods. A nice touch would be to have them stand on their front lawns and clap appreciation for environmentalists at 8pm every Thursday.
  • Require people to stay home and watch Netflix (YouTube will be blocked so that no-one can view Michael Moore’s Planet of the Humans) until the climate emergency is over and the earth is healed which will be whenever Adam Bandt says so. And all of this can be done without ever going through the hassle of giving annoying people, by which we mean the public, a vote.
  • Anyone who complains should be accused of literally hating the planet and of wanting people to die. “How dare you question the climate lockdowns?” they should be told. “Your Facebook posts are actually polluting the Earth.”
French philosopher Bruno Latour, quoted in The Guardian last month, said: “We have learned that it is possible in a matter of weeks to slow the economy, which until now had been considered inconceivable.
“The incredible discovery is that there was in fact in the world economic system, hidden from all eyes, a bright red alarm signal, next to a large steel lever that each head of state could pull at once to stop ‘the progress train’ with a shrill screech of the brakes.”
As the threat of Covid-19 recedes and governments look to ease restrictions, watch as the environmentalists try to wrestle control of the lever for their beloved climate emergency.



The left want to keep us lockdowned to serve the grand green agenda

8 May 2020
10:33 AM
Leftists have turned to alchemy to try to transform the Covid-19 pandemic into their fabled climate emergency.
Former ABC journalist Quentin Dempster tweeted on Thursday: “Australia’s National Cabinet should stay on to coordinate decarbonising of energy/transport/manufacture to urgently mitigate climate change.”
Well no, Quentin. If I wanted Daniel Andrews to run my life I would move to Victoria, lock myself in my home and vote for him.
The National Cabinet, formed by the PM to help steer Australia through the pandemic by determining such things as whether or not we may see our mums on Mother’s Day, should be disbanded the moment the lockdown ends. And the lockdown should end yesterday.
But gloomy environmental doomsdayers — who practice social distancing when they meet, not by shaking hands but by shaking heads — are insisting on the old adage that one should “never let a crisis go to waste”. 
They imagine current restrictions on our freedom continuing after Covid-19, but this time in service of their grand green agenda.
Wednesday’s Sydney Morning Herald editorial was headed: “Scientific approach for Covid-19 must be applied to climate change”.
Of course, our “scientific approach to Covid-19” has been no more scientific than the approach to the great plague of 1666 – social distancing, face masks and an emphasis on personal hygiene – except that we have an app.
But I digress.  
The SMH went on to say: “Our response to the coronavirus provides important lessons for how we should respond. It is time the federal government accepted the warnings from scientists about climate change just as seriously and took a similarly proactive approach.”
It’s not difficult to guess the lessons environmental activists might have learned over the past two months:
  • Say that our computer modelling — which is another way to say “our guessing” but it sounds scientific when you use the word “computer” — indicates we are on the verge of the apocalypse. And don’t just say it; have someone sign it for the deaf, like in an actual emergency.
  • Insist that millions upon zillions of people will die. And don’t be afraid of using outrageous numbers. The more unlikely the number, the more enthusiastic the media will be to report it and the more inclined people will be to believe it.
  • No more of these “we have three years to act” warnings that environmentalists have been using for the past decade. The threat must be immediate. “A gazillion people will die every day starting next Tuesday if we don’t act now,” is much better.
  • Hold up a graph and use a catchy, memorable phrase to tell people what they must do. “Flatten the Curve” has already been used so another slogan would need to be thought up, but this should easy enough since the public love to rally around pithy slogans that are quite meaningless  –- Free Tibet; Love is Love; Hugs Not Drugs. A Fair Go for All. Something along those lines.
  • Tell people we must “flatten the curve”, or whatever, by locking ourselves in our homes until enough solar panels have been built or until a reduction in global temperatures has been achieved – whichever comes last.
  • Keep people in lockdown by constantly moving the green goal posts. “We started with 0.5 degree average reductions, but now computer models say death and destruction unless we double that. So no-one is going back to work anytime soon. And no, you can’t play golf.”
The past two months have taught us that people will nod in agreement before calling the police to report a neighbour who shows any sign of dissent.
  • Churches can remain closed, as they were during the pandemic, to prevent pastors speaking faith to people’s fears.
  • Declare people not working with the wind or the sun (peace be upon Gaia) to be “non-environmental workers” who must lose their livelihoods. A nice touch would be to have them stand on their front lawns and clap appreciation for environmentalists at 8pm every Thursday.
  • Require people to stay home and watch Netflix (YouTube will be blocked so that no-one can view Michael Moore’s Planet of the Humans) until the climate emergency is over and the earth is healed which will be whenever Adam Bandt says so. And all of this can be done without ever going through the hassle of giving annoying people, by which we mean the public, a vote.
  • Anyone who complains should be accused of literally hating the planet and of wanting people to die. “How dare you question the climate lockdowns?” they should be told. “Your Facebook posts are actually polluting the Earth.”
French philosopher Bruno Latour, quoted in The Guardian last month, said: “We have learned that it is possible in a matter of weeks to slow the economy, which until now had been considered inconceivable.
“The incredible discovery is that there was in fact in the world economic system, hidden from all eyes, a bright red alarm signal, next to a large steel lever that each head of state could pull at once to stop ‘the progress train’ with a shrill screech of the brakes.”
As the threat of Covid-19 recedes and governments look to ease restrictions, watch as the environmentalists try to wrestle control of the lever for their beloved climate emergency.

CORONA NARRATIVE DEBUNKED [Again]........ Our Best Find

...Of all our posts which have challenged the false and dangerous narrative perpetrated by Elites with a pecuniary interest, by the leftist media, by Big Pharma, by stupid politicians, and by the prog-lib Big Tech tyrants, THIS should spell the end of the propaganda.

But, it probably won't. There is too much money to be made from vaccinating 7.5 billion people. There is too much at stake for the global Elites as their depopulation program, the tracking of the peasantry, and their Big Brother control protocols are right now on the doorstep of realization.

We have had dozens of articles destroying their machination narrative which "authorities" and amateur dribbling vloggers and posters have pedantically found some fault with. These included the scoop with Dr. Erickson which YouTube deleted. We posted the series of 12 doctors disagreeing with the narrative, then another 10 doctors, then another 8 doctors. Let's see what they do to this professor. Perhaps they will find that she secretly owns a zinc mine, or that her children died in mysterious circumstances, or that - far worse - her papers were not peer reviewed by Bill Gates !

Professor Cahill says what we have maintained all along [with some qualifications] - that the lockdowns are wrong, and that they will kill and ruin lives, and that they inhibit natural immunity. Someone is going to have to be brought to account for the damage done to humanity by those perpetuating this monumental hoax.



CORONA NARRATIVE DEBUNKED [Again]........ Our Best Find

...Of all our posts which have challenged the false and dangerous narrative perpetrated by Elites with a pecuniary interest, by the leftist media, by Big Pharma, by stupid politicians, and by the prog-lib Big Tech tyrants, THIS should spell the end of the propaganda.

But, it probably won't. There is too much money to be made from vaccinating 7.5 billion people. There is too much at stake for the global Elites as their depopulation program, the tracking of the peasantry, and their Big Brother control protocols are right now on the doorstep of realization.

We have had dozens of articles destroying their machination narrative which "authorities" and amateur dribbling vloggers and posters have pedantically found some fault with. These included the scoop with Dr. Erickson which YouTube deleted. We posted the series of 12 doctors disagreeing with the narrative, then another 10 doctors, then another 8 doctors. Let's see what they do to this professor. Perhaps they will find that she secretly owns a zinc mine, or that her children died in mysterious circumstances, or that - far worse - her papers were not peer reviewed by Bill Gates !

Professor Cahill says what we have maintained all along [with some qualifications] - that the lockdowns are wrong, and that they will kill and ruin lives, and that they inhibit natural immunity. Someone is going to have to be brought to account for the damage done to humanity by those perpetuating this monumental hoax.




WHAT HAVE WE HERE? On Nov. 15th 2019 nearly 20 positions were advertised for Public Health Advisors for a QUARANTINE PROGRAM by the CDC throughout the U.S. 

QUITE A PRESCIENT MOVE. As though they knew something was coming - something big, like a pandemic.


Pandemic a planned “scamdemic”?

We have learned in the past that False Flag events can leave a trail.  What sort of trail?  False Flag events require people. A “people trail”.
We’ve  all seen “crises actors”.  Some we have seen at multiple events.  These people are sourced from a variety of places.  One method to recruit people is through advertising.  Want ads/ Craig’slist, etc. The simplest  would be advertising on your website.
But we are not talking about crises  actors today.  We are talking about real educated  professionals. Actual scientist..
Who they are does not matter.  What matters,  is the time, position, location, skills required, job details and how long the job is for.  We also need to keep in mind as to why these people were hired.
Conveniently, they were hired right before the covid-19 outbreak.
The following can be found on the CDC  website.   It can be found under jobs.
Be sure to take the time to read all of it.
This was posted on 11_15/2019

Job ID HHS-CDC-D3-20-10640010 Date posted 11/15/2019 Location Dallas, Texas, El Paso, Texas, Houston, Texas, Seattle, Washington, Anchorage, Alaska, Los Angeles, California, San Diego, California, San Francisco, California, Miami, Florida, Atlanta, Georgia, Honolulu, Hawaii, Chicago, Illinois, Boston, Massachusetts, Detroit, Michigan, Minneapolis, Minnesota, Newark, New Jersey, New York, New York, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, San Juan
Department: Department of Health And Human Services
Agency: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Job Announcement Number: HHS-CDC-D3-20-10640010
SALARY RANGE: $51440.0 to $93077.0/Per Year
OPEN PERIOD: 2019-11-15 to 2020-05-15
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is the agency Americans trust with their lives. As a global leader in public health, CDC is the nation’s premier health promotion, prevention, and preparedness agency. Whether we are protecting the American people from public health threats, researching emerging diseases, or mobilizing public health programs with our domestic and international partners, we rely on our employees to make a real difference in the health and well-being of people here and around the world. This position is located in the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), National Center for Emerging & Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (NCEZID), Division of Global Migration and Quarantine (DGMQ), Quarantine and Border Health Services Branch (QBHS) within various locations. Salary may be adjusted to include a Cost of Living Allowance (COLA) of 10.64% for Honolulu, Hawaii.
Salary may be adjusted to include a Cost of Living Allowance (COLA) of 3.27% for Anchorage, Alaska Salary may be adjusted to include a Cost of Living Allowance (COLA) of 3.29% for San Juan, Puerto Rico Term appointments may be shortened or extended up to a maximum of four years based on the needs of the agency without further competition. Subsequent employment for CDC positions must be through the appropriate competitive process or special employment program hiring authorities. CDC is an Equal Opportunity Employer.JOB SUMMARY:
Serves as a project representative for a program responsible for preventing the importation and spread of communicable diseases.DUTIES:
“Assist in planning and implementing a program for preventing the importation of communicable diseases from abroad and spread of these diseases domestically.”, “Monitor disease trends and consults with senior leaders to ensure that appropriate measures are taken to prevent the introduction/spread of communicable diseases by travelers, etiologic agents or vectors.”, “Provide technical assistance, consultation and guidance to national, state and/or local agencies; health organizations; federal, state and local law enforcement agencies; airport and seaport activities; hospital networks, and other private entities.”, “Ensure appropriate communication networks, planning documents and emergency response protocols are in place, tested and regularly updated.”, “Develop and present training to various governmental agencies and local partners on emergency response protocols, communicable diseases and quarantine activities.” ]REQUIREMENTS:
US Citizenship is required. Background Investigation is required. E-Verify: If you are selected for this position, the documentation that you present for purposes of completing the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Form I-9 will be verified through the DHS “E-Verify” System. Federal law requires DHS to use the E-Verify System to verify employment eligibility of all new hires, and as a condition of continued employment obligates the new hire to take affirmative steps to resolve any discrepancies identified by the system. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is an E-Verify Participant. Direct Deposit: All Federal employees are required to have Federal salary payments made by direct deposit to a financial institution of their choosing. All qualification requirements must be met by the closing date of the announcement. One-year probationary period may be required. Travel, transportation, and moving expenses will be paid: Maybe Bargaining Unit Position: No Drug Screening Required: No Recruitment Incentive authorized: No Annual Leave for non-federal service authorized: No Research position: No Promotion potential: Yes, this position has promotion potential to GS-12. Promotion to the next grade level is at management’s discretion and is based on your meeting qualifications and time-in-grade requirements, demonstrated ability to perform the higher level duties, the continuing need for the higher level duties, and administrative approval. Promotion to the next grade level is not guaranteed and no promise of promotion is implied. Supervisory position: No Mobility Agreement Required: Yes Immunization required: YesQUALIFICATIONS REQUIRED:
Minimum Qualifications: GS-9
Applicants must have at least one year of specialized experience at or equivalent to the GS-7 in the Federal service as defined in the next paragraph. Specialized experience is experience which is directly related to the position which has equipped the applicant with the particular knowledge, skills and abilities (KSAs) to successfully perform the duties of the position to include experience assisting with providing advice and evaluating the effectiveness of public health programs, policies and activities. OR Have a master’s or equivalent graduate degree or 2 full years of progressively higher level graduate education leading to such a degree or LL.B. or J.D., if related. OR Have a combination of experience and education that meets 100% of the qualification requirements for this position. Minimum Qualifications: GS-11 Applicants must have one year of specialized experience at or equivalent to the GS-09 grade level of in the Federal service as defined in the next paragraph. Specialized experience is experience which is directly related to the position which has equipped the applicant with the particular knowledge, skills and abilities (KSAs) to successfully perform the duties of the position to include experience in planning, coordinating, developing and/or evaluating and implementing public health programs, policies, and activities. OR Have 3 years of progressively higher level graduate education leading to a Ph.D. or equivalent doctoral degree in public health or other field of study with course work directly related to the work of the position to be filled. OR Have a combination of specialized experience and graduate level education that meets 100% of the qualification requirements for this position.
Once the application process is complete, a review of the resume and supporting documentation will be made and compared against your responses to the assessment questionnaire to determine if you are qualified for this job. If, after reviewing your resume and/or supporting documentation, a determination is made that you have inflated your qualifications and/or experience, you may lose consideration for this position. Please follow all instructions carefully. Errors or omissions may affect your eligibility. Category rating procedures will be used to rate and rank candidates. The category assignment is a measure of the degree to which your background matches the competencies required for this position. Qualified candidates will be ranked into one of three categories: Best Qualified, Well Qualified or Qualified. The Category Rating Process does not add veterans’ preference points but protects the rights of veterans by placing them ahead of non-preference eligibles within each category. Preference eligibles who meet the minimum qualification requirements and who have a compensable service-connected disability of at least 10 percent must be listed in the highest quality category (except in the case of scientific or professional positions at the GS-9 level or higher). Your qualifications will be evaluated on the following competencies (knowledge, skills, abilities and other characteristics).
Collaboration / PartneringContinuous DevelopmentCustomer ServiceData SynthesisNetworking and Partnership Development (2)Oral CommunicationProblem SolvingProgram AssessmentProgram Planning and DevelopmentPublic Health Information DisseminationPublic Health KnowledgeWritten Communication
Additional selections may be made within the same geographical location CDC-wide. The utilization of shared certificates within multiple Centers of the Center of Disease Control and Prevention may be used from this vacancy announcement for specialties to include but not limited to: Applied Epidemiology, Behavioral Epidemiology, Chronic Diseases, Emergency Preparedness and Response, Emerging Infectious Diseases, Environmental Health, HIV/AIDS, Immunization, Infectious Diseases (e.g. Viral, Parasitic, etc.), Influenza, Malaria, Non-communicable Diseases, Outbreak Investigations, Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs), Surveillance, Tropical Medicine, Tuberculosis (TB), Viral Hepatitis, and/or Zoonotic Diseases. If you are a veteran with preference eligibility and you are claiming 5-points veterans’ preference, you must submit a copy of your DD-214 or other proof of eligibility. If you are claiming 10-point veterans’ preference, you must also submit an SF-15, “Application for 10-Point Veterans’ Preference” plus the proof required by that form. For more information on veterans’ preference see Males born after December 31, 1959 must be registered or exempt from Selective Service (see For information on “People with Disabilities” please see
and Interagency Career Transition Assistance Program (ICTAP)/ Career Transition Assistance Plan (CTAP): For information on how to apply as an ICTAP eligible see To be well-qualified and exercise selection priority for this vacancy, displaced Federal employees must be rated at 85.0 or above on the rating criteria for this position. To view the questionnaire, click on the following link: If you are unable to apply online or need to fax a document(s), view the following link for information regarding an Alternate Application.
To apply for this position, you must complete the online application and submit the documentation specified in the Required Documents section. Special Notes – This announcement is being used to create an inventory of applicants for Public Health Advisor (Quarantine Program) positions and will be used to fill immediate and future needs. Applicants are encouraged to apply early in order to maximize their employment opportunities. Your application will remain in the inventory of tentatively qualified applicants. Applicants that are among the best qualified will be referred to the selecting official for consideration as requests to fill vacancies are processed by the Human Resources Office. The first cut-off date for you to be referred will be December 2, 2019. Thereafter, additional referral lists will be generated throughout the open period as vacancies occur. If further evaluation or interviews are required, you will be contacted. This is an open continuous announcement. Qualified applicants will be considered as job opportunities occur and may or may not receive further notification regarding the status of their application. A complete application package must be submitted by 11:59 PM (EST) on05/15/2020 of this announcement to receive consideration. To begin, click Apply to access the online application. You will need to be logged into your USAJOBS account to apply. If you do not have a USAJOBS account, you will need to create one before beginning the application. Follow the prompts to select your résumé and/or other supporting documents to be included with your application package. You will have the opportunity to upload additional documents to include in your application before it is submitted. Your uploaded documents may take several hours to clear the virus scan process. After acknowledging you have reviewed your application package, complete the Include Personal Information section as you deem appropriate and click to continue with the application process. You will be taken to the online application which you must complete in order to apply for the position. Complete the online application, verify the required documentation is included with your application package, and submit the application. To verify the status of your application, log into your USAJOBS account (, all of your applications will appear on the Welcome screen. The Application Status will appear along with the date your application was last updated. For information on what each Application Status means, visit: If you cannot apply online: You are encouraged to apply online. If you are unable to apply online, please use the Alternate Application link listed in the Additional Information section of this vacancy announcement. Applicants are strongly encouraged to apply online if at all possible. Applying online, through your USAJOBS account, will expedite the application process and allow you to check your application. If you utilize the Alternate Application method, your USAJOBS account will not display this application and you will not receive status updates.
To apply for this position, you must submit a complete Application Package which includes: Your résumé showing work schedule, hours worked per week, dates of employment and duties performed. Other supporting documents: Cover Letter, optional Veterans Preference Documentation, if applicable Transcripts (if applicable)* Schedule A Eligibility Letter, if you are applying as a Schedule A candidate Interagency Career Transition Assistance Program / Career Transition Assistance Program documentation, if applicable (e.g., Certification of Expected Separation, Reduction-In-Force Separation Notice, or Notice of Proposed Removal; SF-50 that documents the RIF separation action; and most recent performance appraisal). *Note: You may submit an unofficial transcript or a list of college courses completed indicating course titles, credit hours, and grades received. An official transcript from an accredited educational institution is required if you are selected for the position. Failure to submit any of the above mentioned required documents will result in loss of consideration due to an incomplete application package. It is your responsibility to ensure all required documents have been submitted. OTHER JOB INFORMATION:
Subject to permanent reassignment to another CDC Quarantine Station or duty station as the needs of the service warrant. Subject to temporary assignment at any location in the United States and its territories or possessions, in foreign countries, or at sea. Selectee will be required to sign a Geographic Mobility Agreement. These positions are subject to shift work, weekend work, irregular work schedule and evening hours. On call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, independent of shift work assignments. The incumbents will be required to wear a uniform. The incumbent must be able to qualify for unrestricted access to secure areas at U.S ports. The incumbent must be able to qualify for a secret security clearance. The incumbent must be able to obtain an official U.S. passport. The incumbent must have a valid State government-issued driver’s license. The incumbent is required to be current in his/her immunizations per ACIP guidelines. Must undergo baseline and periodic health screening procedures such as respiratory fit testing and PPD tests for tuberculosis exposure. May be required to wear an N-95 respirator. The incumbent must be physically fit enough to work long hours and frequently travel on foot to remote gate areas in a short period of time. The incumbent must be required to provide basic quarantine station support, including purchasing, property inventory, document processing, timekeeping, and answering inquiries, etc. For Résumé and Application Tips visit:
Once the online questionnaire is received you will receive an acknowledgement email that your submission was successful. The most highly qualified candidates will be referred to the hiring manager for further consideration and possible interview. We expect to make a selection within 45 days of the closing date of this announcement. You will receive notice via email once this process is completed (generally 4-6 weeks).
1600 Clifton Road NE
Atlanta GA US 30333
Telephone: (770) 488-1725
I’m  not saying the pandemics was a False Flag event.  That’s  for you to decide.
The duration of employment fits the timeline of the Covid-19 outbreak.  It also fits the timeline I  pointed out in my post “Deception of the sleazoid swamp donkey. “
Taking all the factual information I have gathered. Add this to it. Add the rest of the relevant  post and comments from authors and subscribers here on FOTM. Then ask yourself two things. Why? And what are you going to do about it?
Deplorable Patroit
Democrat leadership are responsible for all jobs lost,all business  closures along with every hardship that is the result of ccovid-19 pandemic.

