Our previous post presented evidence of ideological groups that work with the BLM movement and activists, specifically we indicted the Muslim Brotherhood. This re-post from Mass Resistance highlights that the LGBT revolution is also part and parcel of BLM. All such leftist organisations work on the reversal of truth and reality as displayed by Orwell's 1984 - what's good is evil, what's evil is good. In our current milieu it is: Racists [BLM] are anti-racist, Antifa is anti-fascist, a woman can be a man, two men can have a valid marriage, and 2+2=5.


The real mission of “Black Lives Matter” – Destruction of the family, LGBT agenda, open borders, plus bizarre racist doctrine

A violent Marxist-Leninist group at its core. Its goals are ultimately destructive to blacks.

A magnet for radicals, shallow white liberals, angry blacks, corrupt politicians, and sleazy corporations.

June 11, 2020

ALT TEXTAn early Black Lives Matter riot in Oakland, CA. Note the words "Kill Cops" spray painted at upper left.

When “Black Lives Matter” was born in the ashes of the riots in Ferguson, Missouri, in 2014, they were rightly considered a fringe group by most Americans. Violence has always been part of their mantra. Particularly repulsive was their call in public marches for the murder of police officers (“Pigs in a blanket, fry ‘em like bacon!” and “What do we want? Dead cops. When do we want it? Now!”) They are loudly and unapologetically racist. All of this was quite out in the open.

ALT TEXTThe BLM activists do not try to hide their beliefs.

But they were embraced early on by the Obama administration. BLM people visited the White House numerous times. They began to receive enormous funding from corporations, left-wing foundations, and likely government sources. In 2017, the National Football League announced they were donating $100 million to “social justice organizations.” Much of that money appears to have gone directly to BLM or its front groups.

Enormous money buys huge organizing power. Soon BLM clubs or programs were in public schools across America and promoted by the National Education Association. The group has become prominent in left-wing churches everywhere.

ALT TEXTA liberal church in a very white town in suburban Boston.

They do not hide their anti-family and anti-Christian goals. This is from the “What We Believe” page on the Black Lives Matters website:

We are unapologetically Black in our positioning….

We are guided by the fact that all Black lives matter, regardless of actual or perceived sexual identity, gender identity, gender expression, economic status, ability, disability, religious beliefs or disbeliefs, immigration status, or location.

We make space for transgender brothers and sisters to participate and lead.

We are self-reflexive and do the work required to dismantle cisgender privilege and uplift Black trans folk, especially Black trans women [men] who continue to be disproportionately impacted by trans-antagonistic violence….

We make our spaces family-friendly and enable parents to fully participate with their children. We dismantle the patriarchal practice that requires mothers to work “double shifts” so that they can mother in private even as they participate in public justice work.

We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and “villages” that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable.

We foster a queer‐affirming network. When we gather, we do so with the intention of freeing ourselves from the tight grip of heteronormative thinking, or rather, the belief that all in the world are heterosexual (unless s/he or they disclose otherwise).

It says nothing about freeing black people from the social pathologies that truly keep them down: unwed motherhood, fatherless homes, dependence on government, horrible inner-city schools, gangs, drug-infested neighborhoods, black-on-black crime, and massive abortion rates.

ALT TEXTTheir real concerns are all destructive.

That’s because the BLM leaders don’t truly care about the welfare of blacks. As David Horowitz has documented, Black Lives Matter is basically a Marxist-Leninist organization, founded by self-styled communists, that uses black suffering as a prop for its larger goals. The group was formed from a staged riot meant to destroy the physical and economic community, and inflame racist hysteria, and continue along that path.

Their violence, disruption, and intimidation tactics are reminiscent of the Nazi Brownshirts, the true original fascists. And they have vast legal resources to litigate government entities that get in their way and defend the criminal actions of their activists.

Black Lives Matter has many similarities to the national LGBT movement: The LGBT movement also uses false narratives (homosexuality is genetic, so-called “LGBT kids” are extremely unsafe at school, etc.) to push their larger agenda. They require allegiance from everyone. They use anger, threats, and intimidation to keep people in line (including getting people fired from their jobs). They do not tolerate any actual critical debate on their dogma. And, of course, their agenda is very obviously destructive to society at large. So it’s not surprising that BLM and LGBT activists are strongly allied.

Today’s widespread support of Black Lives Matter across America

Over the past few weeks, large numbers of people have gathered in public (ignoring COVID-19 health directives) to wave signs, shout, and declare their personal bond with Black Lives Matter. It seems maniacal, even satanic.

And that’s just the start. Public officials have declared their allegiance to BLM. Police departments have joined in the support of BLM by kneeling at the feet of the BLM protesters. Corporations large and small have broadcast their support, promised donations, and fired employees who have not shown sufficient homage to the BLM movement.

ALT TEXTFormer Republican presidential candidate and current US Senator Mitt Romney marches with radicals in Washington DC Black Lives Matter parade.

Yet, at the same time, millions of Americans are not doing this and are shocked and outraged at those who are. And it frightens them. It reminds people of the Nazi era in Europe and the Cultural Revolution in China.

ALT TEXTA Red Guard youth forces a public official to humiliate himself during the Chinese Cultural Revolution in the 1960s. It's already starting to happen here.

What is going on?

There is a tendency to believe that the people doing this, particularly students and young adults, are simply misguided victims of too much liberal propaganda. They just need to hear the facts properly. After all, they seem like normal people otherwise.

But that is a dangerous assumption. Our experience over the last few decades dealing with the flood of rabid “LGBT allies” across America belies that.

Let’s start with a different premise. If you follow bad ideas and take action to support them, you are guilty of a crime against your fellow citizens.

The Nuremberg Trials after World War II, which prosecuted the murderous perpetrators of the Nazi death camps, established a definitive standard of human behavior. Simply put, people who do things that are obviously bad are bad people and are criminally guilty. They have no justification. They cannot claim that in participating in clearly heinous activities they were “just following orders” or were caught up in the frenzy, or were lured in by deceptive ideas. There may be some individual mitigating circumstances. But the Nuremberg principles set an important standard for all civilization. Bad deeds themselves demand a guilty sentence.

Anyone who gets involved with “Black Lives Matter” in any way is exposed to a range of things that BLM is quite open about: The BLM arguments are wildly irrational and are at odds with observable fact (e.g., all white people are racist). Their core ideas (see above) are very radical and socially destructive. They have no problem with violence. They are relentlessly angry. They never talk about the things that would actually help black people. All one has to do is read their website, which clearly lists their hideous goals.

White liberals and others willfully choose to ignore these things. They want to feel good and appear “virtuous” to those around them. If you try to discuss with them the obvious problems with Black Lives Matter, they get very angry, tune you out, and direct their hostility against you. We saw the same thing with the liberal LGBT “allies.” It’s perplexing because it’s not how normal people react. They are helping the BLM thugs tear apart America, but they’re too caught up in their own self-centered emotions to care about that.

How to deal with it?

Unfortunately, most of the conservative movement, and particularly the Republican Party, has no stomach to personally confront this, besides posting exhaustive commentaries and podcasts. When not simply milquetoast “analysis” pieces, these can be valuable in educating our side, which would otherwise be at the mercy of the mainstream media for information and perspective.

But we believe that all good people need to do more. They need to stand against this in whatever way they can. This is especially important at a time like now when it seems like much of America is losing its mind, and the attacks on normal society are escalating by the day.




Our previous post presented evidence of ideological groups that work with the BLM movement and activists, specifically we indicted the Muslim Brotherhood. This re-post from Mass Resistance highlights that the LGBT revolution is also part and parcel of BLM. All such leftist organisations work on the reversal of truth and reality as displayed by Orwell's 1984 - what's good is evil, what's evil is good. In our current milieu it is: Racists [BLM] are anti-racist, Antifa is anti-fascist, a woman can be a man, two men can have a valid marriage, and 2+2=5.


The real mission of “Black Lives Matter” – Destruction of the family, LGBT agenda, open borders, plus bizarre racist doctrine

A violent Marxist-Leninist group at its core. Its goals are ultimately destructive to blacks.

A magnet for radicals, shallow white liberals, angry blacks, corrupt politicians, and sleazy corporations.

June 11, 2020

ALT TEXT An early Black Lives Matter riot in Oakland, CA. Note the words "Kill Cops" spray painted at upper left.

When “Black Lives Matter” was born in the ashes of the riots in Ferguson, Missouri, in 2014, they were rightly considered a fringe group by most Americans. Violence has always been part of their mantra. Particularly repulsive was their call in public marches for the murder of police officers (“Pigs in a blanket, fry ‘em like bacon!” and “What do we want? Dead cops. When do we want it? Now!”) They are loudly and unapologetically racist. All of this was quite out in the open.

ALT TEXT The BLM activists do not try to hide their beliefs.

But they were embraced early on by the Obama administration. BLM people visited the White House numerous times. They began to receive enormous funding from corporations, left-wing foundations, and likely government sources. In 2017, the National Football League announced they were donating $100 million to “social justice organizations.” Much of that money appears to have gone directly to BLM or its front groups.

Enormous money buys huge organizing power. Soon BLM clubs or programs were in public schools across America and promoted by the National Education Association. The group has become prominent in left-wing churches everywhere.

ALT TEXT A liberal church in a very white town in suburban Boston.

They do not hide their anti-family and anti-Christian goals. This is from the “What We Believe” page on the Black Lives Matters website:

We are unapologetically Black in our positioning….

We are guided by the fact that all Black lives matter, regardless of actual or perceived sexual identity, gender identity, gender expression, economic status, ability, disability, religious beliefs or disbeliefs, immigration status, or location.

We make space for transgender brothers and sisters to participate and lead.

We are self-reflexive and do the work required to dismantle cisgender privilege and uplift Black trans folk, especially Black trans women [men] who continue to be disproportionately impacted by trans-antagonistic violence….

We make our spaces family-friendly and enable parents to fully participate with their children. We dismantle the patriarchal practice that requires mothers to work “double shifts” so that they can mother in private even as they participate in public justice work.

We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and “villages” that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable.

We foster a queer‐affirming network. When we gather, we do so with the intention of freeing ourselves from the tight grip of heteronormative thinking, or rather, the belief that all in the world are heterosexual (unless s/he or they disclose otherwise).

It says nothing about freeing black people from the social pathologies that truly keep them down: unwed motherhood, fatherless homes, dependence on government, horrible inner-city schools, gangs, drug-infested neighborhoods, black-on-black crime, and massive abortion rates.

ALT TEXT Their real concerns are all destructive.

That’s because the BLM leaders don’t truly care about the welfare of blacks. As David Horowitz has documented, Black Lives Matter is basically a Marxist-Leninist organization, founded by self-styled communists, that uses black suffering as a prop for its larger goals. The group was formed from a staged riot meant to destroy the physical and economic community, and inflame racist hysteria, and continue along that path.

Their violence, disruption, and intimidation tactics are reminiscent of the Nazi Brownshirts, the true original fascists. And they have vast legal resources to litigate government entities that get in their way and defend the criminal actions of their activists.

Black Lives Matter has many similarities to the national LGBT movement: The LGBT movement also uses false narratives (homosexuality is genetic, so-called “LGBT kids” are extremely unsafe at school, etc.) to push their larger agenda. They require allegiance from everyone. They use anger, threats, and intimidation to keep people in line (including getting people fired from their jobs). They do not tolerate any actual critical debate on their dogma. And, of course, their agenda is very obviously destructive to society at large. So it’s not surprising that BLM and LGBT activists are strongly allied.

Today’s widespread support of Black Lives Matter across America

Over the past few weeks, large numbers of people have gathered in public (ignoring COVID-19 health directives) to wave signs, shout, and declare their personal bond with Black Lives Matter. It seems maniacal, even satanic.

And that’s just the start. Public officials have declared their allegiance to BLM. Police departments have joined in the support of BLM by kneeling at the feet of the BLM protesters. Corporations large and small have broadcast their support, promised donations, and fired employees who have not shown sufficient homage to the BLM movement.

ALT TEXT Former Republican presidential candidate and current US Senator Mitt Romney marches with radicals in Washington DC Black Lives Matter parade.

Yet, at the same time, millions of Americans are not doing this and are shocked and outraged at those who are. And it frightens them. It reminds people of the Nazi era in Europe and the Cultural Revolution in China.

ALT TEXT A Red Guard youth forces a public official to humiliate himself during the Chinese Cultural Revolution in the 1960s. It's already starting to happen here.

What is going on?

There is a tendency to believe that the people doing this, particularly students and young adults, are simply misguided victims of too much liberal propaganda. They just need to hear the facts properly. After all, they seem like normal people otherwise.

But that is a dangerous assumption. Our experience over the last few decades dealing with the flood of rabid “LGBT allies” across America belies that.

Let’s start with a different premise. If you follow bad ideas and take action to support them, you are guilty of a crime against your fellow citizens.

The Nuremberg Trials after World War II, which prosecuted the murderous perpetrators of the Nazi death camps, established a definitive standard of human behavior. Simply put, people who do things that are obviously bad are bad people and are criminally guilty. They have no justification. They cannot claim that in participating in clearly heinous activities they were “just following orders” or were caught up in the frenzy, or were lured in by deceptive ideas. There may be some individual mitigating circumstances. But the Nuremberg principles set an important standard for all civilization. Bad deeds themselves demand a guilty sentence.

Anyone who gets involved with “Black Lives Matter” in any way is exposed to a range of things that BLM is quite open about: The BLM arguments are wildly irrational and are at odds with observable fact (e.g., all white people are racist). Their core ideas (see above) are very radical and socially destructive. They have no problem with violence. They are relentlessly angry. They never talk about the things that would actually help black people. All one has to do is read their website, which clearly lists their hideous goals.

White liberals and others willfully choose to ignore these things. They want to feel good and appear “virtuous” to those around them. If you try to discuss with them the obvious problems with Black Lives Matter, they get very angry, tune you out, and direct their hostility against you. We saw the same thing with the liberal LGBT “allies.” It’s perplexing because it’s not how normal people react. They are helping the BLM thugs tear apart America, but they’re too caught up in their own self-centered emotions to care about that.

How to deal with it?

Unfortunately, most of the conservative movement, and particularly the Republican Party, has no stomach to personally confront this, besides posting exhaustive commentaries and podcasts. When not simply milquetoast “analysis” pieces, these can be valuable in educating our side, which would otherwise be at the mercy of the mainstream media for information and perspective.

But we believe that all good people need to do more. They need to stand against this in whatever way they can. This is especially important at a time like now when it seems like much of America is losing its mind, and the attacks on normal society are escalating by the day.





The Insurrection, The Cult & Our Spiritual War

Insurrectionists in Seattle have created an “autonomous zone”. Many laugh about this. They shouldn’t.
The sniveling fools in official charge of that city—those that are not actively complicit in the insurrection, that is—surrendered instantly. The Governor, in the most brazen lie of a politician to date, claimed he hadn’t even heard of the insurrection. The mayor had porta potties brought in so that if they could, the outlaws would have somewhere to drop what remains of their souls.
It’s only “if” because not much physically is left of them. They ran out of food at once, whining that the homeless ate their supply, and put out a call for soy. That’s not a tease. They wanted soy, not meat.
They already have a warlord. We’ll know he’s serious if he eats his enemies’ livers. Don’t scoff. His enforcer looks mean and hungry enough.
The insurrectionists put up a wall as a first order of business. Boomer jokes arose: “Oh, so they do support a wall.” I say that we reinforce the wall, but quick, with concrete and razor wire and allow no one out, lest the infection spread.
The past is being re-written in real time, not just in the disunited States, but worldwide. The Confederacy is being treated as if it was an evil foreign invader. NASCAR barred Confederate battle flags from their events. I’d tell you not to support them, or any other entertainment complex, because support only feeds the beast that hates you, but you won’t listen. An unimpeachable majority prefer entertainment over freedom.
Nancy Pelosi, following a worldwide trend and fresh from kneeling to the new gods, called for the removal of Confederate statues in the Capitol. I give these one week. HBO already purged Gone With The Wind. The military continued the purge, even calling for renaming bases.
(Incidentally, to the remnant who still cares. If you think you own non-physical digital media, you do not. You license it. If you want to keep what you have, you must acquire physical copies. University librarians—pay attention—are pushing against archive. The Wayback Machine will disappear soon enough. Do not count on finding what you want online.)
Our leaders are complicit or cowards. Democrats are wetting their diapers in glee. The GOP is pretending it isn’t happening.

Yet as the left takes over, looting, rioting, murdering, forming states within states, the biggest problem the FBI sees is….white supremacists! “White supremacists and racist terrorists pose greatest risk of violence“. Meanwhile, NYC and DC are renaming and repainting streets in honor of the terrorists.
The media everywhere calls the riots “mostly peaceful protests”, to quote the BBC. At least 17 have mostly peacefully gone to early graves—so far.
I’m stealing this joke: the left shifted in twenty four hours from “We believe in Science!” to “Science is white supremacist!”
Purges and firings are happening everywhere for saying things like “All lives matter.” Major organizations are confessing to crimes they did not commit. Hard quotas are announced. Uber Eats says they won’t charge black businesses a fee. The Conservative Case For articles are on their way.
On and on.
What in the unholy Hell is going on? This has nothing to do with some lowlife meeting a fate anybody could have predicted.
This has to at least be a would-be color revolution—but it doesn’t explain the worldwide troubles. There isn’t any way this disgrace and rapid disintegration could have been planned, not by men.
Once it started, though, the US left saw the advantages of surrendering to the rabble. The thieving mob and discontented had no demands at first, other than gibs. The left pounced and gave them focus. Defund police and in their place Committees for Public Safety! Complete with thought patrols, an anti-reactionary twist.
The left is encouraging the festering and burning—while simultaneously telling law-abiding citizens to stay locked up because of coronadoom. Double the pain.
Some say this will all backfire, and that people will opt for LAW & ORDER (as Trump tweeted) in November. Maybe.
But most do not know what is happening. I had an interaction with a guy who exploded when I told him George Floyd was a porn actor and counterfeiter. He told me that this “could not possibly be true since [he] didn’t hear about it on the media.” I told him search for it, but don’t use Google, use Duck Duck Go, because Google censors results. That’s when he asked about my tinfoil hat.
This was a completely normal average guy. Like most, he only drinks from the Fountain of Propaganda. He won’t believe it’s bad until the knife is on his neck. Maybe not even then. Remember those two white boys who got rocks through their window from the rioting rabble? They cried “But we’re on your side!” They didn’t understand. They probably still don’t, excusing the rocks as mistaken identity.
All crises are spiritual, but this one has a different mood. Predictions of The End accompany tumult, as they do now, from sober sources.
I don’t know if they’re right, but the cultish behavior of the enemy cannot be ignored. Most extraordinary was Trump encouraging people to read the letter Archbishop “On The Run” Vigano sent to him. I’ll leave you with the opening:
In recent months we have been witnessing the formation of two opposing sides that I would call Biblical: the children of light and the children of darkness. The children of light constitute the most conspicuous part of humanity, while the children of darkness represent an absolute minority. And yet the former are the object of a sort of discrimination which places them in a situation of moral inferiority with respect to their adversaries, who often hold strategic positions in government, in politics, in the economy and in the media. In an apparently inexplicable way, the good are held hostage by the wicked and by those who help them either out of self-interest or fearfulness.
Do not miss the rest.




The Insurrection, The Cult & Our Spiritual War

Insurrectionists in Seattle have created an “autonomous zone”. Many laugh about this. They shouldn’t.
The sniveling fools in official charge of that city—those that are not actively complicit in the insurrection, that is—surrendered instantly. The Governor, in the most brazen lie of a politician to date, claimed he hadn’t even heard of the insurrection. The mayor had porta potties brought in so that if they could, the outlaws would have somewhere to drop what remains of their souls.
It’s only “if” because not much physically is left of them. They ran out of food at once, whining that the homeless ate their supply, and put out a call for soy. That’s not a tease. They wanted soy, not meat.
They already have a warlord. We’ll know he’s serious if he eats his enemies’ livers. Don’t scoff. His enforcer looks mean and hungry enough.
The insurrectionists put up a wall as a first order of business. Boomer jokes arose: “Oh, so they do support a wall.” I say that we reinforce the wall, but quick, with concrete and razor wire and allow no one out, lest the infection spread.
The past is being re-written in real time, not just in the disunited States, but worldwide. The Confederacy is being treated as if it was an evil foreign invader. NASCAR barred Confederate battle flags from their events. I’d tell you not to support them, or any other entertainment complex, because support only feeds the beast that hates you, but you won’t listen. An unimpeachable majority prefer entertainment over freedom.
Nancy Pelosi, following a worldwide trend and fresh from kneeling to the new gods, called for the removal of Confederate statues in the Capitol. I give these one week. HBO already purged Gone With The Wind. The military continued the purge, even calling for renaming bases.
(Incidentally, to the remnant who still cares. If you think you own non-physical digital media, you do not. You license it. If you want to keep what you have, you must acquire physical copies. University librarians—pay attention—are pushing against archive. The Wayback Machine will disappear soon enough. Do not count on finding what you want online.)
Our leaders are complicit or cowards. Democrats are wetting their diapers in glee. The GOP is pretending it isn’t happening.

Yet as the left takes over, looting, rioting, murdering, forming states within states, the biggest problem the FBI sees is….white supremacists! “White supremacists and racist terrorists pose greatest risk of violence“. Meanwhile, NYC and DC are renaming and repainting streets in honor of the terrorists.
The media everywhere calls the riots “mostly peaceful protests”, to quote the BBC. At least 17 have mostly peacefully gone to early graves—so far.
I’m stealing this joke: the left shifted in twenty four hours from “We believe in Science!” to “Science is white supremacist!”
Purges and firings are happening everywhere for saying things like “All lives matter.” Major organizations are confessing to crimes they did not commit. Hard quotas are announced. Uber Eats says they won’t charge black businesses a fee. The Conservative Case For articles are on their way.
On and on.
What in the unholy Hell is going on? This has nothing to do with some lowlife meeting a fate anybody could have predicted.
This has to at least be a would-be color revolution—but it doesn’t explain the worldwide troubles. There isn’t any way this disgrace and rapid disintegration could have been planned, not by men.
Once it started, though, the US left saw the advantages of surrendering to the rabble. The thieving mob and discontented had no demands at first, other than gibs. The left pounced and gave them focus. Defund police and in their place Committees for Public Safety! Complete with thought patrols, an anti-reactionary twist.
The left is encouraging the festering and burning—while simultaneously telling law-abiding citizens to stay locked up because of coronadoom. Double the pain.
Some say this will all backfire, and that people will opt for LAW & ORDER (as Trump tweeted) in November. Maybe.
But most do not know what is happening. I had an interaction with a guy who exploded when I told him George Floyd was a porn actor and counterfeiter. He told me that this “could not possibly be true since [he] didn’t hear about it on the media.” I told him search for it, but don’t use Google, use Duck Duck Go, because Google censors results. That’s when he asked about my tinfoil hat.
This was a completely normal average guy. Like most, he only drinks from the Fountain of Propaganda. He won’t believe it’s bad until the knife is on his neck. Maybe not even then. Remember those two white boys who got rocks through their window from the rioting rabble? They cried “But we’re on your side!” They didn’t understand. They probably still don’t, excusing the rocks as mistaken identity.
All crises are spiritual, but this one has a different mood. Predictions of The End accompany tumult, as they do now, from sober sources.
I don’t know if they’re right, but the cultish behavior of the enemy cannot be ignored. Most extraordinary was Trump encouraging people to read the letter Archbishop “On The Run” Vigano sent to him. I’ll leave you with the opening:
In recent months we have been witnessing the formation of two opposing sides that I would call Biblical: the children of light and the children of darkness. The children of light constitute the most conspicuous part of humanity, while the children of darkness represent an absolute minority. And yet the former are the object of a sort of discrimination which places them in a situation of moral inferiority with respect to their adversaries, who often hold strategic positions in government, in politics, in the economy and in the media. In an apparently inexplicable way, the good are held hostage by the wicked and by those who help them either out of self-interest or fearfulness.
Do not miss the rest.





There are three religions which aim for world domination and a few political and ideological movements. Of the religions - Islam, Judaism and Christianity - Christianity represents no danger to democracy. No proof is needed to be presented here that Islam aims at world domination. As for Judaism, too few realize that this faith system has its orders in the Tanach and Talmud, but more dangerously is tied to Communism historically through Bolshevism. Communism itself is the political entity most threatening to our democracy and Western way of life and through the BLM's ties with ANTIFA theyare the front line militia of both Communism and fascism, seeking total control, the destruction of capitalism and the introduction of globalist rule to destroy sovereignty. Also on side with the BLM activists are a host of others which are more virtue signalers than political usurpers such as corporations and businesses, the glitterati, various "ordinary" organizations, religious do-gooders of all stripes, politicians and the like. Additionally, the Tech Giants and the Media are in a somewhat separate class. While on board with the whole BLM movement, and inclined strongly towards leftist ideology, they would be the first to scream blue murder if this cultural Marxist revolution succeeds even though are the very entities censoring free speech and reviving book-burning.

HAVING SAID ALL THAT, POINTING OUT THE VARIOUS SYMPATHIZERS AND UTILIZERS OF BLM, WHAT IS NOT BEING RECOGNIZED AMONG THESE INFLUENCERS AND ACTIVISTS IS ISLAM'S MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD. Just lately there have been a few vloggers and commentators who believe that they have just discovered this element. They haven't been keeping abreast of developments. The BLM is only a few years old but its predecessors, the Black Bloc and the Nation Of Islam have been around for a long time and both have a nexus of Black Islam. My recent blog post addressed the fallacious attempt of the Islamists to suggest that they are anti-racist, anti-slavery and at one with the colored races. [] Besides, Islam intends world domination, BLM or no BLM as per another recent blog which makes that claim [].

SO THEN, LET US SEE WHAT WAS SAID AT A CAIR [MB] CONFERENCE 4 YEARS AGO [esp. at the 5 min mark and on].........


The face of the Muslim Brotherhood is deceptively moderate as a matter of strategy, but the deeper reality is that they are ruthless jihadists cloaked in business and political campaign attire. In 2004, the FBI documented Muslim Brotherhood plans to destroy American culture, overthrow the U.S. government, and impose Sharia Law on the American people. In the U.S. and Canada, the Muslim Brotherhood operates through numerous front organizations, but they also have their military and terrorist arms like Hamas, al-Qaeda, and now ISIS. One of the most prominent front organizations for propaganda, money laundering, and public relations is the Council for American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), which was named as a conspirator in funneling financial aid to Hamas terrorists in a late 2008 trial. They have, however, never been officially indicted, possibly for political reasons. The Muslim Brotherhood had considerable influence on the G.W. Bush Administration and has thoroughly infiltrated the Obama Administration by invitation.

In a December 2015 speech to the Muslim American Society (MAS) and the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA), Nihad Awad, the Executive Director of CAIR, urged American Muslims to support the cause of Black Lives Matter, saying:

“Black Lives Matter is our matter. Black Lives Matter is our campaign.”

At the same event, MAS leader, Khalilah Sabra urged “revolution” and compared the situation in the U.S. to the MB-led Arab Spring revolutions in Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, and Syria. She made the following disturbing remarks:

“We are the community that staged a revolution across the world; if we can do that, why can’t we have that revolution in America?”


A SIMILAR PIECE WAS WRITTEN BY THE EXPERT DR. Wm. KILPATRICK WHICH I WOULD RECOMMEND. IN PART SAYING ........"Do CAIR and other activist groups merely want to support Black Lives Matter, or do they hope to recruit blacks to their own cause? In 2014, ISIS used the protests and clashes in Ferguson, Missouri as an opportunity to attempt to recruit blacks to radical Islam. But ISIS is a known terrorist organization while CAIR, despite its shady history, is considered by many to be a moderate, mainstream Muslim organization.

Muslim Brotherhood logo RS

I PRESENT TWO SHORT VIDEOS; FIRST is an imam seemingly inciting violent insurrection by the BLM but this will obviously entail other players, meaning of course ANTIFA. What does a supposedly organic protest by blacks against police action have to do with an imam preaching to his Muslim followers? The answer is that this is not organic but planned and the Brotherhood is seizing an opportunity. SECOND is even more ominous and downright scary where George Webb talks about weapons and involving the AG of Minnesota, Keith Ellison, well known for his support of the Muslim Brotherhood. Yes, this is punditry and supposition to some extent but Webb is in the know and has privileged sources. Readers can check his lead-in vlogs to this one if the thread is hard to follow. I leave you with them .......

[It seems I can only load the link address for the imam's video at this stage as it may have been taken down by YouTube.].
I will return later to check if this video can upload. Should this not work I will leave you with this link to an article on him which includes both the video and the text of his talk. It is from Jihad Watch site here>

George Webb below........





There are three religions which aim for world domination and a few political and ideological movements. Of the religions - Islam, Judaism and Christianity - Christianity represents no danger to democracy. No proof is needed to be presented here that Islam aims at world domination. As for Judaism, too few realize that this faith system has its orders in the Tanach and Talmud, but more dangerously is tied to Communism historically through Bolshevism. Communism itself is the political entity most threatening to our democracy and Western way of life and through the BLM's ties with ANTIFA theyare the front line militia of both Communism and fascism, seeking total control, the destruction of capitalism and the introduction of globalist rule to destroy sovereignty. Also on side with the BLM activists are a host of others which are more virtue signalers than political usurpers such as corporations and businesses, the glitterati, various "ordinary" organizations, religious do-gooders of all stripes, politicians and the like. Additionally, the Tech Giants and the Media are in a somewhat separate class. While on board with the whole BLM movement, and inclined strongly towards leftist ideology, they would be the first to scream blue murder if this cultural Marxist revolution succeeds even though are the very entities censoring free speech and reviving book-burning.

HAVING SAID ALL THAT, POINTING OUT THE VARIOUS SYMPATHIZERS AND UTILIZERS OF BLM, WHAT IS NOT BEING RECOGNIZED AMONG THESE INFLUENCERS AND ACTIVISTS IS ISLAM'S MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD. Just lately there have been a few vloggers and commentators who believe that they have just discovered this element. They haven't been keeping abreast of developments. The BLM is only a few years old but its predecessors, the Black Bloc and the Nation Of Islam have been around for a long time and both have a nexus of Black Islam. My recent blog post addressed the fallacious attempt of the Islamists to suggest that they are anti-racist, anti-slavery and at one with the colored races. [] Besides, Islam intends world domination, BLM or no BLM as per another recent blog which makes that claim [].

SO THEN, LET US SEE WHAT WAS SAID AT A CAIR [MB] CONFERENCE 4 YEARS AGO [esp. at the 5 min mark and on].........


The face of the Muslim Brotherhood is deceptively moderate as a matter of strategy, but the deeper reality is that they are ruthless jihadists cloaked in business and political campaign attire. In 2004, the FBI documented Muslim Brotherhood plans to destroy American culture, overthrow the U.S. government, and impose Sharia Law on the American people. In the U.S. and Canada, the Muslim Brotherhood operates through numerous front organizations, but they also have their military and terrorist arms like Hamas, al-Qaeda, and now ISIS. One of the most prominent front organizations for propaganda, money laundering, and public relations is the Council for American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), which was named as a conspirator in funneling financial aid to Hamas terrorists in a late 2008 trial. They have, however, never been officially indicted, possibly for political reasons. The Muslim Brotherhood had considerable influence on the G.W. Bush Administration and has thoroughly infiltrated the Obama Administration by invitation.

In a December 2015 speech to the Muslim American Society (MAS) and the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA), Nihad Awad, the Executive Director of CAIR, urged American Muslims to support the cause of Black Lives Matter, saying:

“Black Lives Matter is our matter. Black Lives Matter is our campaign.”

At the same event, MAS leader, Khalilah Sabra urged “revolution” and compared the situation in the U.S. to the MB-led Arab Spring revolutions in Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, and Syria. She made the following disturbing remarks:

“We are the community that staged a revolution across the world; if we can do that, why can’t we have that revolution in America?”


A SIMILAR PIECE WAS WRITTEN BY THE EXPERT DR. Wm. KILPATRICK WHICH I WOULD RECOMMEND. IN PART SAYING ........"Do CAIR and other activist groups merely want to support Black Lives Matter, or do they hope to recruit blacks to their own cause? In 2014, ISIS used the protests and clashes in Ferguson, Missouri as an opportunity to attempt to recruit blacks to radical Islam. But ISIS is a known terrorist organization while CAIR, despite its shady history, is considered by many to be a moderate, mainstream Muslim organization.

Muslim Brotherhood logo RS

I PRESENT TWO SHORT VIDEOS; FIRST is an imam seemingly inciting violent insurrection by the BLM but this will obviously entail other players, meaning of course ANTIFA. What does a supposedly organic protest by blacks against police action have to do with an imam preaching to his Muslim followers? The answer is that this is not organic but planned and the Brotherhood is seizing an opportunity. SECOND is even more ominous and downright scary where George Webb talks about weapons and involving the AG of Minnesota, Keith Ellison, well known for his support of the Muslim Brotherhood. Yes, this is punditry and supposition to some extent but Webb is in the know and has privileged sources. Readers can check his lead-in vlogs to this one if the thread is hard to follow. I leave you with them .......

[It seems I can only load the link address for the imam's video at this stage as it may have been taken down by YouTube.].
I will return later to check if this video can upload. Should this not work I will leave you with this link to an article on him which includes both the video and the text of his talk. It is from Jihad Watch site here>

George Webb below........




A comment from one of the contributors to the site - Fellowship Of The Minds ......

When Dr. Eowyn first covered this story, I thought it might be a bridge too far, too hard to believe.

Cognitive dissonance,” that’s what made me hold back from it. It was just too outrageous. How could anyone think such a thing in the plain light of day?

But here, in 2020, it keeps going, and gaining momentum. It hasn’t gone away. And the other outrages since then have made it almost seem normal for a president to be gay with a transgender husband. Other outrages include crisis actors, all 57 genders, Adrenochrome and the Lolita Express, Anthony’s Weiner, the most powerful men in the world gathered each summer for a gay boys camp at Bohemian Grove. So a Mr. and Mr. Obama have (sadly) become thinkable. (Perhaps Joan Rivers didn’t have to be silenced after all.) So then the DNC’s seeming franchise of Murder Incorporated seems plausible, too! Like the infamous Clinton “Arkanas Flu,” there is a trail of mysterious deaths leading back to Obama, and the coverup of his lifestyle.
When I first came onboard with FOTM, I had no idea how much I was going to be challenged to rethink my presumptions. This is one of those things. Dr. Eowyn has taken some heavy criticism for her bold reporting of things which might seem inconceivable. And yet, the longer I have known her the more I trust her judgement. Bravo Dr. Eowyn!
~ ♞ Trail Dust
NOW, FROM ME .........


For readers unfamiliar with what FOTM has posted on Mooch being a pre-operation transgender, here are the relevant posts:


WATCH .......-------




A comment from one of the contributors to the site - Fellowship Of The Minds ......

When Dr. Eowyn first covered this story, I thought it might be a bridge too far, too hard to believe.

Cognitive dissonance,” that’s what made me hold back from it. It was just too outrageous. How could anyone think such a thing in the plain light of day?

But here, in 2020, it keeps going, and gaining momentum. It hasn’t gone away. And the other outrages since then have made it almost seem normal for a president to be gay with a transgender husband. Other outrages include crisis actors, all 57 genders, Adrenochrome and the Lolita Express, Anthony’s Weiner, the most powerful men in the world gathered each summer for a gay boys camp at Bohemian Grove. So a Mr. and Mr. Obama have (sadly) become thinkable. (Perhaps Joan Rivers didn’t have to be silenced after all.) So then the DNC’s seeming franchise of Murder Incorporated seems plausible, too! Like the infamous Clinton “Arkanas Flu,” there is a trail of mysterious deaths leading back to Obama, and the coverup of his lifestyle.
When I first came onboard with FOTM, I had no idea how much I was going to be challenged to rethink my presumptions. This is one of those things. Dr. Eowyn has taken some heavy criticism for her bold reporting of things which might seem inconceivable. And yet, the longer I have known her the more I trust her judgement. Bravo Dr. Eowyn!
~ ♞ Trail Dust
NOW, FROM ME .........


For readers unfamiliar with what FOTM has posted on Mooch being a pre-operation transgender, here are the relevant posts:


WATCH .......-------



The question may never be answered, just like the questions around 9-11 and JFK, but many will draw their own conclusions definitively. I am hard to convince generally on such things. In fact, I emailed Dr. Eowyn [the owner of the site from which I have re-blogged the following article], to debunk an element of their claim that the London Bridge attack was a false flag. I had time then to do the research but in this case I do not, so I won't be adding an opinion to this but leave it to the reader. I have included the commentary below the original article because it is just as informative as the article itself. Should you, the reader, have anything to add then please do so in our own comment area. [And please leave a reaction to this post anyway as it helps dissemination. Subscribe and/or follow our blog too].


Evidence points to CNN and Shaun King guilty of fabricating George Floyd video.

In 1990 a CNN correspondent got caught pretending to be in a war zone during a live broadcast. Here we are in 2020 and CNN is still fabricating lies. Only this time their lies have caused serious damage to our country and our way of life. CNN should be shut down and everyone involved with this latest lie should be arrested.

Today I will show evidence that should leave no question about the George Floyd video being staged.

Why CNN? If you look at the screen shot below you will see “CNN has confirmed its authenticity”. CNN has accepted responsibility for the video.

Here are the reasons why I think the video is staged. ( I will be using screen shots from the CNN video to make my point.)

The following images are at the location where we are told Floyd was taken into custody and killed. The shots are from a dash cam video provided by the Police. Notice the view is directly behind Floyd’s vehicle. Floyd is exiting the vehicle and being put into cuffs.

The next shot is another camera view of the scene. You see Floyd’s vehicle and the officers engaging with Floyd and his passenger. We must assume the vehicle behind Floyd’s is where the dash cam shot was taken. I want you to remember that the vehicle doesn’t say police. Also, remember the side of the street is on and the direction of both cars.

*In the upper right hand corner it says “Dragon Wor or Wok”. Bottom right it says “camera 2”.

The next shot is at the same angle. Rear vehicle is gone. We see Floyd in cuffs. In the upper left you will see the time 20:36. That would be 8:36.

The next shot is at the same angle. We see the dash cam vehicle gone and a marked police vehicle pulling in. Floyd and his passenger have been removed from his car and are being detained. They are at the bottom. We see Floyd in cuffs being walked to police vehicle.

Remember the direction of this police vehicle and remember that it says “Park Police”. The writing covers both doors on the side.

Take note of the time of the video in the left hand upper corner. 20:33. That would be 8:33. This occurred after the last shot but the time is 3 minutes prior to the last shot.

Keep in mind that these shots are at the same angle using the same camera.

All shots from this angle has “camera 2” written in the lower right hand corner.

The next 2 shot are from the same angle, same camera. We do not see Floyd. But we are lead to believe he is on the ground, hidden behind door.

I want to point out that the police vehicle is no longer facing the same direction. Somehow it flipped around.

Next I want to point out that the words “Park Police” no longer covers both doors. The rear door is blank. The front door just says “Police”.

Next, take a moment and check out the time in the video.

It. Says 8:19. This is 14 minutes earlier than the last shot. And 17 minutes earlier than the first shot. . This is the same angle.

Now look to the upper right of both shots. It says,”cup foods/ Shaun King instagram “.

*Rear door looks photoshopped.

The final 2 shots are of Derek Chauvin and 3 officers with their knees in Floyd’s back. It’s at a different angle and vehicle is facing different direction of first marked police vehicle. It also appears to he a different car.

The times that are embedded in the video do not match the timeline of the event. The different vehicles and the direction they are parked is wrong.  Does not fit into video property The vehicles should be faced in the same direction. There was not time for a vehicle to pull in backwards.

The source, Shaun King is hardly a reliable source.

What we have here are some clips, poorly pieced together. This looks like a third grader’s first attempt at making a movie. I wonder if they knew the times were off.

There is more than enough obvious evidence to call this video “Fake News”. DOJ should do a full investigation into this

If Floyd was actually killed here, it was premeditated and CNN, Shaun King and these men should be tried for murder. Then face charges for the problems they caused for our country.

I doubt these were real police officers in the video.  The department dumped on them too fast. Getting fired before actual cause of death has been determined would not happen.. Getting rid of them fast would keep people from asking the department too many questions.

I did a background check on all 4 officers. One didn’t return any results. The search on the others came up empty on employment history and criminal record.

I did find people who I believe are the cops true identities.  I’m  not 100% positive so I’ll  keep that to myself.  Still not getting a employment history raises some flags. I’ve never seen a search that didn’t pull up a work history.

Derek Chauvin owns several properties and is pretty heavy into real estate. Which makes me wonder why he would be a police officer.  He appears to have plenty of money. I don’t see him throwing all that away.

I ran a background check on Floyd. Nothing came up in Minnesota. I had to search in Houston.

I found a extensive criminal record which included felonies. No employment history came up. No connection to the officers came up.  I can tell you this. He was no gentle giant.

Final thoughts,

Is George Floyd dead? Who knows. At this point I would need to see a body. Cannot trust any public official in Minneapolis. If he is dead, I don’t think it was a police officer that did it.

I don’t believe any of those men were police officers. No cop is going to take someone out to the middle of the street and kill that person while the cameras are rolling. Here we had 4 cops that were involved. None of them cared who saw what they were doing. They acted like they were putting on a show. That whole scene was something you would see in a Netflix series. Completely fabricated.

What I do see is CNN getting together with Shawn King and lie to the world. The evidence is there..

They pulled a fast one on the world. They didn’t do it alone. Watch. In the near future, it will be revealed. Then maybe some people will grow a spine and get off their knees.

People need to wake up. In my county we had a group of people show up. Half played like they were Trump supporters. The other half were anti Trump. Then they started going at it, trying to get the locals involved. Didn’t work. They went to every town in my county and tried this. Each time failing.

There is some good that comes out of this. These democrats have shown America what they would do if they had complete control of the country.

Democrat politicians let people from outside their cities come in and destroy and burn the property of the democrat voters that elected them. That must feel great. Put someone on office and they bring in people to destroy your whole life. That’s who you voted for.

Democrats walk with the rioters, protest with them and take their side. They forget. Most of those rioters don’t vote. Even if they did. Wouldn’t matter. Riots don’t win elections. Popular vote doesn’t win elections. The electoral college is the path to winning an election. How is the electoral college going to feel about having everything they worked for get destroyed by rioters?

Democrats have already lost the election.

Support your local Law Enforcement.

“Never take a knee”


Deplorable Patriot

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Kevin J Lankford
Kevin J Lankford
 14 hours ago

I believe they intentionally incorporate inconsistencies in all their false flag operations, just to mock the gullibility of the main stream media (mocking bird media) zombies, while purposely inciting their mindless violence.

 12 hours ago

The cop in the vid leaning on Mr. Floyd’s neck isn’t the same guy as in the mugshot. George was an actor. Chauvin is an actor with an IMDB page. George has +13 million in his gofundme. The cop in the vid looks like the actor from cash cab.

 4 hours ago
 Reply to  Frank

I’ve noticed that too he doesn’t seem the same guy.

 11 hours ago

8:19 Shaun King: Police officer on his feet; squad car #32_ not facing sign face.   No time stamp Shaun King: Police officer loosing footing; squad car #32_ not facing sign face.   8:33 Dragon Wok: Black SUV with trailer hitch facing sign face; stopped very close behind Floyd’s vehicle.   8:38 Dragon Wok: Black SUV with trailer hitch no longer present. Park Police car #830 facing sign face. Floyd across from car #830 at street corner.   The kneeing does not appear to have occurred on the same street as where Floyd’s car is parked. Consider the white traffic… Read more »

Steven Broiles
 11 hours ago

Once again the American people have been played, and it looks like there’s no stopping these liars.

 9 hours ago

Where he got the “knee on the neck” was across the street from where he was pulled over. You can see the flipped police car in the camera 2 shot, at the top left of the clip, in front of Cup Foods. This explains the different paving seen in the videos.
Go to 805 East 38th Street, Minneapolis, Minn 55409 in Google Earth street view to see for yourself.

 9 hours ago

This is strange, if true. comment image

Dr. Eowyn
 8 hours ago

Thank you, DP, for your always well-researched posts.

 8 hours ago

The vehicles do seem to be on different sides of the road. But I don’t see what about the rear door looks photo shopped. Also, the only white parts on the vehicle are the doors…so the open door blocks the white parts of the vehicle. It can easily be the same truck.

 8 hours ago

Food for additional thought:     LOTS of puzzling Questions about the Floyd George Incident: 1. Why does one photo from behind show the man on the road is not handcuffed and the video from the front that he is handcuffed? 2. Why is the cop car in the restaurant surveillance video different than the one Floyd was lying behind (different car numbers)?  3. Why were the cops in the surveillance footage that arrested him different than the police in the actual incident? 4. Why does the video show the diesel fuel price as 99 cents instead of the regular… Read more »

K Joy Pohl
K Joy Pohl
 4 hours ago
 Reply to  Beverly

Awesome thoughts.

 7 hours ago

Here is some additional video footage The Washington Post put together–

 6 hours ago

Another point: “George” was picked up and hustled away by guys wearing cop-like uniforms, not paramedics.

 4 hours ago
 Reply to  James

Those two men had on bullet proof vests. They were not paramedics.

 4 hours ago

I have always wondered about Chavin’s incredibly skinny arms. they don’t look like a cops that likes rough stuff!

 3 hours ago

The SUV filming behind cop car left and did a uturn and parked across the street. To keep an eye on the situation.

 2 hours ago
 Reply to  Anonymousviewer

There is a video online showing Mr. Floyd, handcuffed, being walked across the intersection to a second police car. (watch end of video link for this event)… Discussion surrounds how Mr. Floyd got to the street side of the second vehicle( major safety issue) after being seen approaching the drivers side, but not being put into the car. That footage seems unavailable. Other online discussion seems to confirm the EMTs are wearing local EMT uniforms(Hennepin County??). Do some checking to confirm/deny this and dont assume they are police, despite their poor handling of the unconscious Mr. Floyd. Hoping to… Read more »

 48 minutes ago

(1) Cup Foods/Shawn King appears to be the door camera for the grocery store at 3759 Chicago Ave, on the NE corner which faces south towards 805 E 38th shows action on north side of E 38th. (2) Dragon Wok/Camera 02 appears to be the door camera for Funky Gritz which is above the fire hydrant/yellow traffic light pole on the SE corner facing northeast, on the south side of E 38th. (3) dash cam facing east down E 38th. (4) the kid’s smart phone camera. location? appears to be moving into the middle of the road.