1. First covid vaccine test volunteer dies [see our page post].

2. Protest in Berlin. Appears to be anti-lockdown. One person seems to be upset about what other people eat. Freiheit is Freedom.

3. The BAD news:
The GOOD News:
There is no reason to believe a single thing you hear from the communist revolutionary World Health Organization, a byproduct of the communist revolutionary ‘United Nations’.
(Nothing is expected to change in North Korea except the media is gonna fawn all over his sister if she takes over and will be touted as a role model for the USA.)
KIM JONG-UN, North Korea’s Supreme Leader is dead – according to multiple sources coming out of North Korea and the Far East, though due to the hyper-secretive nature of the pariah state the exact picture remains unlcear tonight.

It was being reported as fact by media outlets in China and Japan that the 36-year-old dictator was dead. Other sources said he was on his death bed in a vegetative state with no hope of resuscitation after botched heart surgery. Because of the nature of the ultra secret regime in North Korea claims of Kim Jong-un‘s death are very difficult to verify before an official state announcement.
(Socialist medicine. At least unlike most totalitarian communist dictators, he had the integrity to subject himself to local health care.)
(I guess the UN only cares about the “Rohingya” when its a non-Muslim country that doesn’t want them. When Bangladesh or other Muslims countries refuse them entry it just doesn’t seem to spill as much ink)
Human Rights Watch has requested the Bangladeshi government grant refuge to hundreds of Rohingya Muslims stranded in two fishing boats off its coast for up to several weeks, saying they need urgent access to food, water and health care and that rejecting the boats would be “inhumane”.
Bangladesh’s Foreign Minister Abdul Momen said on Thursday the country would not allow entry to any more Rohingya refugees, who have been fleeing mass atrocities in neighbouring Myanmar.
“I am opposed to allowing these Rohingya into the country because Bangladesh is always asked to take care of the responsibility of other countries,” said Momen, adding that the coronavirus pandemic has caused an influx of Bangladeshi nationals returning to the country.
(More evidence that the left doesn’t care what is true, and in fact insists on distorting what is true to create the illusion that things are as leftism insists things must be. Once again, the quote from Hitler’s Propaganda minister, Goebbels:
“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”)

Professor of vaccinology at the Jenner Institute, Sarah Gilbert, who led the pre-clinical research, has said she has “a high degree of confidence” in the vaccine currently being trialed.

However, one of the university’s own professors reacted with dread to the idea of the UK discovering a vaccine, admitting to being “worried” Britons will be proud of their country.

Dr Emily Cousens, who researches at Oxford Brooke’s but teaches at the University of Oxford, said: “The race is on and researchers at Oxford are doing vital, life-saving work. But races have winners and losers.

“If my university is the first to develop the vaccine, I’m worried that it will be used as it has been in the past, to fulfil its political, patriotic function as proof of British excellence.
“The story will be clear: China, once again, has unleashed a threat to civilisation. But the best brains of the UK have saved the world.”
The cathedral of Lérida (Lleida in Catalan) in Catalonia was recently violated by five Muslims equipped with a powerful audio system from which they then broadcast the azan — the Muslim call to prayer.
Many thanks to FouseSquawk for translating this article from the Spanish news agency Europa Press. The translator notes: “The text in the article says that the loudspeakers were set up next to the cathedral, though the video shows they are at or on the cathedral.”
PP criticizes Lleida for permitting call to prayer during Ramadan
The press spokesman of the PP [Partido Popular/People’s Party] in Lleida [Lérida], Xavier Palau, has criticized the Town Hall for allowing the Muslim community of the city to install loudspeakers next to the Cathedral of Seu Vella for the call to prayer during Ramadan, the party announced in a statement this Saturday.
He declared that the Catholics of Lleida didn’t receive any type of concession during Holy Week, since religious rites and processions have been suspended due to the coronavirus, and he opined that this “demonstrates the sectarianism that the Town Hall defends.”

But, this is not an act of islamic supremacy though, right? Just so we’re clear…

8. Planet of the Humans. A Micheal Moore production, which many people say is very good despite that.

“Planet of the Humans,” released this week free of charge on YouTube to coincide with Earth Day, argues that replacing fossil fuels with renewable energy is not only a pipe dream, but that solar arrays, wind farms and biomass are doing enormous damage of their own to the environment.”
(Apparently its about how we have been duped by Green tech companies or something. Not seen it yet, but a few people have sent it in and insisted its very good.)
A 26-year-old man has been arrested by police in France for selling and delivering pre-made Molotov cocktails to rioters in the Haut-de-Seine department.

The suspect was arrested alongside two other alleged accomplices and is said to have driven around the area, which has been plagued by riots every evening since Sunday, selling beer bottles filled with petrol and cloth wicks to rioters in the commune of Gennevilliers.

Police say that they found evidence that the 26-year-old had manufactured the Molotov cocktails from pictures saved to his mobile phone. He is said to work as a deliveryman and is already known to local police for minor crimes, Le Parisienreports.
(They don’t seem to name the suspect for some reason)
10. UV Light videos REMOVED by Youtube
“YouTube Takes Down Bio-Tech Firm’s Video Explaining Potential UV Light Treatment for Coronavirus Patients”
by Kristinn Taylor – April 24, 2020
3 Videos: “Attention MSM — Here’s the UV Healight Technology discussed by President Trump…”
by Kane – April 24, 2020
(It becomes increasingly obvious that the left is willing to see a lot of people die just to make sure that President Trump cannot be correct about anything)
Thank you M., Wrath of Khan, ML., PePi, EB., Malca, ET., Richard, Coram Deo, Johnny U., and all who contribute occasionally or regularly for all our benefit and the benefit of all sentient beings who may chance upon this site.
Curiouser and curiouser

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