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YOU WILL BE HAPPY ..................... OR ELSE. |
The United Nations has a new web site. They do. It's called....... [wait for it]...... NEW WORLD ORDER. I kid you not. But we weren't the first to discover this, even though the new web site is very recent.
[What follows is preliminary research without excessive detail because I want to get this expose out ASAP so that others can dig into it before any links or videos disappear. Even so, there will be a lot of hyper links in the following to be investigated further by anyone wishing to do so].
NOW, talking about links and videos being 'disappeared', the above information which I first saw and screenshot HAS BEEN CHANGED. Below is a shot of the most recent "about" page of the web site .........
NOTICE THAT THE TWO NAMES, Jamie Illien, and Ndaba Mandella, HAVE BEEN OMITTED !! I will tell you why I think the particular name NDABA MANDELA has been omitted in a moment, but first let me tell you what the initial approach and methodology of this NWO web site is promoting ..........
IT'S "HAPPINESS". It is. Really. The NWO is promoting HAPPINESS Big Time. Later, as one reads through, it gets to the ..........[ you guessed it] ......... AGENDA 21, 30 and 50 and the 169 SUSTAINABILITY GOALS. Having omitted Ndaba Mandela [Nelson Mandela's grandson], the Front Men for HAPPINESS are Jamye Illien and Luis Gallardo. It appears to me in my cursory and preliminary search that these two chaps started "Happiness Movements" separately as International Days but now have melded their efforts and been adopted by the United Nations as the initial thematic of the New World Order promotion. Jamye began his Happy Clappy days as his own idea. Here he is from a while back ......
Our other player is a Public Relations tyro running a company called Brands and Rousers Foundation which aims to improve companies performance through, yes, happiness because happiness is "A Human Right" - oh, and by changing the world vibrations and such crap. Here he is .........
[The link to them on the NWO page can be found here: https://happytalism.com/ ]
International Day of Happiness 2020 Campaign Theme: HAPPINESS FOR ALL TOGETHER
United Nations NWO (UNNWO) Launches COVID 19 Coronavirus Focused Campaign and World Happiness Fest launches the World Happiness Awards recognizing individuals and communities that are working towards an effective resolution of the damaged created by the COVID 19 around the world.

Responding to the unprecedented, sudden threat of COVID 19 to the health, happiness, and wellbeing of all humanity, as well as the worldwide quarantine, and disruption to the global economy across every sector, industry, and the everyday life of billions of people, the United Nations International Day Of Happiness (UNIDOHappiness) is launching the HAPPINESS FOR ALL, TOGETHER March 20, 2020, International Day of Happiness global campaign theme, to promote and advance worldwide solidarity and unity, in winning the global fight against COVID 19 coronavirus.
The Rest can be read Here: https://thriveglobal.com/stories/international-day-of-happiness-2020-campaign-theme-happiness-for-all-together/
OKAY, so now you know how we're going to beat Covid-19........ "Don't worry - Be happy". Don't forget to check the NWO page for further advise, such as - do yoga and meditate.....
Sorry for the delay, but let me now come to the other Ambassador for the NWO - NDABA MANDELA, and why the title of this post "UN SPOKESMAN CONTRADICTS W.H.O. HEALTH ADVICE ON COVID-19 AND SLAMS VACCINES. ... Facebook, What are you gunna do about this?"
First though, I have to tell you why I mentioned facebook. We all know by now that they and other Tech Tyrant Platforms will ban, delete, cover posts or restrict feed if you depart from those lying Commie-loving hounds and the health advice of the W.H.O. You will be punished if you so much as mention Hydroxychloroquine, Vitamin treatment, sun and air exposure or even good health regimens to mitigate Covid-19. AND, FACEBOOK HAS A NEW TACTIC. This new tactic to shut you up is the mafia 'heavies' style threat where they do not like yhe trend of your posts but cannot point to anything you post in particular because you have been very careful to post wisely with questions or coding or argument. It must frustrate them. So, now they are dropping "hints" on your feed to put the "frighteners" on you to dissuade your getting to the truth of the scamdemic. Here is an example of their latest tactic where they give NO reference to an 'infringement' of their community standards, NO link to an offending post, NO date of the post, nothing. Check this .......

So, John hasn't a clue what post or when or why he has violated their standards. BUT HE HAD BETTER WATCH HIS STEP BECAUSE FACEBOOK MIGHT, UM, ER, DO SOMETHING.
IN ALL THESE CASES OF SO-CALLED INFRINGEMENTS, YOU WILL ALWAYS BE DIRECTED TO THE W.H.O SITE, presumably to be re-educated and indoctrinated !! They are also getting tough on any adverse mention of VACCINES. And this brings me at last to that fine upstanding exemplar of the progeny of the Communist ANC, Ndaba Mandela, who was noted in the original NWO web site as their Ambassador. Yes, and here is the BOOM.! What if this UN front man was to recommend alternative therapies for the CURE of Covid-19 in direct contradiction of the W.H.O. advice on their spiel against "myths" about cures and treatments? Hmm? What if he were to criticize western medicine? What if he decried vaccines?? Oh my goodness - that would never do for the UN, for the WHO, or for Facebook and others, would it? HERE HE IS. I will leave you with this article. Read it and weep - NO, read it and laugh ! You know - BE HAPPY.

Ndaba Mandela during official memorial service of the late Struggle icon Winnie Madikizela-Mandela. (Photo by Gallo Images / Frennie Shivambu).
After testing positive for coronavirus in late March, Ndaba Mandela has announced that he was cured by indigenous herbal remedies.
The grandson of the late world icon Nelson Mandela was required to be under quarantine for 14 days, while he observed the symptoms of the pandemic that has swept the whole world.
He said in an Instagram video: "European doctors and scientist’s shame on you. I guess you will never change"
He also revealed that he had tested negative for the corona, no vaccine.
"Anyone who comes here talking about the vaccine, it's time to get the hell out of here," he said.
He then explained that he he has been taking some Eucalyptus, lemon, ginger, honey, garlic clove that he would chew, and hot water during his quarantine.
Ndaba said he beat corona with that concoction and anyone who talks about a vaccine was lying.
What most people did not know is that he alleges that he was cured by traditional medicine. One of his relatives, Ndikela Mandela, also collaborated his story by posting on Facebook that her brother Ndaba was cured by indigenous herbal remedies.
"To all those foaming at the mouth about the efficacy of umhlonyane and other herbal remedies, my brother Ndaba took indigenous herbal remedies after testing positive for Covid-19 - that's a fact. After two weeks of taking such remedies, he went for testing and they came back negative. He's been negative since. All remedies he took ranging from ginger, black pepper, oranges, turmeric, garlic are the ones that made him better!!"
Source: https://www.dailysun.co.za/Celebs/ndaba-mandela-beats-covid-19-20200511
I almost forgot - YOU CAN PLEDGE MONEY FOR HAPPINESS YOU KNOW. Here is a screenshot of the latest pledges just FOR MORE LAUGHS [oh my, some people have really taken the mickey and good for them. The funny part is that the UN NWO thinks they are serious].....

Please check our next post for the results of further inquiry into the UNNWO or click here>>
I almost forgot - YOU CAN PLEDGE MONEY FOR HAPPINESS YOU KNOW. Here is a screenshot of the latest pledges just FOR MORE LAUGHS [oh my, some people have really taken the mickey and good for them. The funny part is that the UN NWO thinks they are serious].....
Please check our next post for the results of further inquiry into the UNNWO or click here>>
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