Source: Mac Slavo
The elitists who planned this scamdemic from the beginning are now warning us that we are going to face a “dark winter.” This is not about health and hasn’t been from the beginning. This is about control and they are trying to use fear to manufacture your consent to enslavement. DO NOT FALL FOR IT.
Straight from the biggest player in propaganda and fake news, CNN, comes an article designed to terrify. It says Rick Bright has warned Congress of the “darkest winter in modern history” without a ramped up coronavirus response. Meaning, unless you submit to even more tyranny and fully enslave yourselves to the ruling class, it’ll be “dark winter.” The lies coming from CNN it’s contributions are unbelievable at this point. It’s hard to believe anyone tunes in anymore. Do not let these puppets of the tyrannical ruling class scare you anymore.
They have to make this “dark winter” a reality in order to convince people that enslavement is their only salvation. Watch below:
So, who is this Dr. Rick Bright? An ousted vaccine chief. He’s going to pushing for a vaccine, one he’ll make a lot of money off of by forcing everyone to take it. Now that we know this propaganda is taking place, at least we can see these people as who they really are instead of the “heroes” CNN attempts to make them out to be. Bright, in fact, explicitly states what he wants from the American public: submission to their enslavement.
“Our window of opportunity is closing. If we fail to develop a national coordinated response, based in science, I fear the pandemic will get far worse and be prolonged, causing unprecedented illness and fatalities,” Bright is expected to say Thursday, according to his prepared testimony obtained by CNN. “Without clear planning and implementation of the steps that I and other experts have outlined, 2020 will be darkest winter in modern history.” –CNN
So, unless you obey, you will face a dark winter. Personally, I’d much rather face any dark winter than the tyranny they are attempting right now. So Bright can get lost.
“The virus is out there, it’s everywhere. We need to be able to find it, to isolate it and to stop it from infecting more people,” Bright plans to say. “We need tests that are accurate, rapid, easy to use, low cost, and available to everyone who needs them.”
That means mass surveillance of your every move is coming. This has nothing to do with health and everything to do with control. It’s past time to wake up if you haven’t already.
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