ANTIFA RUN OUT OF TOWN. ...... WATCH. [ A follow up to our previous post].

HERE we go again - this time in California - ANTIFA guy gets the sh.. kicked out of him - [we mean the "shoe" or the "snot" if you watch the vid].

This follows our previous post at :


TOWN FIGHTS ANTIFA: ‘They Just Beat the Ever-Loving Snot Out of Them’

“They just beat the ever-loving snot out of three or four guys,” said an unidentified man who was filming the beat down. “The Antifa guys are not doing well at all here. They’re getting the **** kicked out of them.”
At least one of the Antifa thugs lost his shirt and one of his shoes as he was chased around a parking lot.
“You can’t come to Yucapia with this ***,” the videographer said.
The Antifa thugs finally got the message and scampered off – but not before a local resident offered a helping hand.
“Hey homie,” the man yelled. “Here’s your shoe, dog.”

Which leftist governors or mayors are really dealing with the riots?
Here in my hometown of Yucaipa Ca we deal with our own! Armed and posted protecting our city. Antifa was ran out of town as quickly as they came in.

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