Banned Video: Get Ready For The Great Reset

Source: Mac Slavo
YouTube has put the pedal to the metal and is banning anything that doesn’t align with the New World Order and the agenda of slavery. They don’t want you to know that the Great Reset is further enslavement to the system and they definitely don’t want you to prepare by exiting the current system.
There will be a new one-world digital centralized currency. It will be owned by the elites and your transactions will be monitored and controlled by a very few other people. They will take what they want and call it “tax” whenever they see fit and this will happen. But there are ways to prepare for it. You’ve got to think outside the box and understand what’s really happening though.
In a video banned by YouTube, Max Igan describes how horrific the Great Reset will be for everyone except those in power over you. He also explains the solution. It’s a simple solution and one we’ve suggested multiple times. All you have to do is wake up and realize you own yourself and you do not have to acquiesce to power. No one has rights you don’t have and you are not obligated to be anyone’s slave. No cop, no politician, no president, no trillionaire, no banker, no other person has additional rights that you do not have.
Their system is over once enough people figure this out, and that’s what they are truly afraid of.
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