I logged in to my facebook account today and saw this notice........

This was a new thing, but not unexpected since I had been very critical of the megalithic business which has been silencing conservative voices in an exponential fashion. I had just come off a 3 day personal ban for sharing this article ....... The ban may have been justified but I wouldn't know since I never read it and still haven't. But I will eventually. I share many, many articles which I think others may be interested in, but posting does not indicate that I agree with their content [but I usually do agree with the tyros of academia at XYZ]. On opening the ACCOUNT WARNING, the XYZ article was the first listed of several [violations] as per shown here ........

BUT IT IS THE SECOND ARTICLE OF JAN.24 THAT IS THE SUBJECT OF THIS BLOG POST. Believe it or not, this was only the second time that I had seen an advice that this article was a violation while the first advice was only 10 days earlier even though my original post was shared back in January - and there was no ban back then nor was there a ban 10 days ago. SO, WHAT WAS THE ARTICLE THAT WAS DEEMED AS "HATE SPEECH"?

THIS .......

SO, YES, THEY WERE MY OWN WORDS WITHOUT ANY ACCOMPANYING LINK, STORY OR PICTURE. I had previously shared the story amid the crazed milieu of Drag Time Story Hour for young children which was becoming prevalent around the world, and the story concerned a drag Queen, Kitty Demure, who had issued a public warning against holding such events since he was well aware of the unsuitable deviants in the drag community of these impersonators. Many colleagues of mine did too and had posted their revolting performances during these story hours as well as interviews and investigations into them. BUT, MY POST FROM KITTY WAS DELETED BY FACEBOOK AND CLASSED AS "HATE SPEECH". HUH? HATE SPEECH AGAINST WHOM? The deletion gave rise to my reaction above and my suggestion that facebook had enabled child abuse since they had deleted a warning by Kitty intended to protect children. HERE IS KITTY'S POST [screenshot] .........

There then are the 3 post "violations" for "HATE SPEECH"....
1. The Caldron Pool article on Kitty
2. My personal reaction to facebook's deletion of Kitty's warning
3. The XYZ article which had more to say about, I presume, the Marxist connection to the powerful sodomite bloc intent on destroying the traditional family [which is a consistent theme of theirs].


A visit to the Drag Queens.....
Abused 12 yr old Drag Queen "Desmond The Amazing" coming down under......
Sidney Watson on Drag Queen Story Time .....
Leftists hate our kids but love Drag deviants ......
High Life for Pedos .....
And ........


This post must be placed in perspective: that perspective is the attack on the family and the Natural Order [LOGOS] intended for the advancement and progress of mankind towards a better and just world in a hierarchy of Rights beginning with the right to life and including the right to free speech and the right of the most vulnerable to protection [i.e. children, including the unborn children]. There is a war now being waged on the traditional family and on the next generation by social/cultural Marxism which goes back to the Frankfurt School, Hegel's dialectics and Karl Marx et al which was refined as practical Communism by Gramsci's notorious "March Through The Institutions", the evidence of its success now visible in the leftist university hierarchy and graduates, as well as Lucak's anti-family policies adopted by the Soviets in 1930. Our present day has seen the impetus of the same sex marriage law changes and the consequences which we now live with. These consequences are not readily recognized by the larger community where the bulk of society - commonly called "normies" meaning normal citizens who are not activists - do not appreciate the persecution of those trying to maintain free thought, uphold the moral fabric of communities and the nation, and to halt the indoctrination of the future generation via sexualization programs such as the Drag Story Hour and the insidious "Safe Schools" and similar run in Australia by a transgender Communist under the tutelage of a paedophile sympathizer. This post refers only to the aspect of facebook's role - not to mention other tech giants - in the decline of the moral fabric by silencing warning voices as their preferred method of promoting godless cultural Marxism. "To discover who controls you, discover those whom you may not criticize."

Further reading on the Left's Control from our blog ....
Facebook Oversight Board ....
The Purge of Christian Conservatives ......
YouTube [which has removed all vids from Prof. Jones in my posts] ......
A ban on climate opinions ......


God Bless.



ORIGIN OF COVID-19 [New Report 15.7.2020] #8

A new proposition on the origin of SARS-CoV-2 was published yesterday by Drs. Latham and Wilson. Their institutional details are given here:-

What follows below is a summary of their original article for the purpose of brevity from the Swiss Policy Research site but readers should read the full article in the link provided.

Additionally, readers can catch up with our series on "origins" by clicking on labels "Covid Origins" for our previous 7 articles. The previous most recent #7 is here:-

Covid-19 Virus Origin: The Mojiang Miners Passage Hypothesis

Published: July 16, 2020; Languages: DE, EN
Share on: Twitter / Facebook

Virologist Jonathan Latham and geneticist Allison Wilson have proposed a new hypothesis for the origin of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and the Covid-19 pandemic.

It has been known since February that a bat virus called RaTG13, collected by the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) in 2013, is the closest known relative of SARS-CoV-2.

It has been known since May (to some) that RaTG13, previously known as BtCoV/4991, was found in bat feces in a mineshaft near Mojiang in southwest China, after six miners fell ill with Covid19-like pneumonia and three of them died. The WIV itself didn’t disclose this link, however.

It is also known that RaTG13, despite its 96% similarity, cannot be the direct ancestor of SARS-CoV-2, as natural mutations in the environment would have taken at least several decades. But it has been shown computationally that RaTG13 can itself already infect human lung cells to some extent.

It is also known that the sick Mojiang miners, exhibiting severe Covid19-like pneumonia, were hospitalized for up to four months before being either discharged or dying back in 2012.

Latham and Wilson now propose that the Mojiang miners were originally infected by RaTG13 and/or similar coronaviruses during their up to two week stay in the mineshaft inhaling aerosols from bat feces. RaTG13 then turned into SARS-CoV-2 through mutations and/or recombinations in the lungs of the miners during their up to four month stay in the hospital (the Mojiang miners passage).

Thus the infected lungs of the miners may have served as a ‘human incubator’ enabling RaTG13 to adapt to both the human ACE2 cell receptor and the human immune system in just four months instead of several decades as would have been expected in a natural (animal) environment.

The Wuhan Institute of Virology in 2012/2013 received tissue or blood samples of the surviving or dead miners that may already have included what is now known as SARS-CoV-2. WIV virologists may then have been waiting five more years, until the completion of their BSL-4 (high security) lab in 2018, before beginning to do research on what is now known as SARS-CoV-2.

SARS-CoV-2 may then have escaped, probably in autumn 2019, from the WIV BSL-4 lab, perhaps through an infected lab worker, initiating what is now a global coronavirus pandemic.

This, in short, is the Latham-Wilson Mojiang Miners Passage (MMP) hypothesis. It can explain most or all of the unusual properties of SARS-CoV-2, including its very strong binding to human ACE2 cell receptors and its very low mutation rate, without even having to assume gain-of-function research (i.e. genetic engineering) — though not excluding it, either.

The MMP hypothesis would also explain why SARS-CoV-2 can be so dangerous to those whose immune system cannot readily neutralize the virus (using mucosal and/or T-cell immunity), and why early (or even prophylactic) treatment in people at high risk or high exposure is so important.

Read the full article by Latham and Wilson:

A Proposed Origin for SARS-CoV-2 and the COVID-19 Pandemic (ISN, July 15, 2020)

See also:


ORIGIN OF COVID-19 [New Report 15.7.2020] #8

A new proposition on the origin of SARS-CoV-2 was published yesterday by Drs. Latham and Wilson. Their institutional details are given here:-

What follows below is a summary of their original article for the purpose of brevity from the Swiss Policy Research site but readers should read the full article in the link provided.

Additionally, readers can catch up with our series on "origins" by clicking on labels "Covid Origins" for our previous 7 articles. The previous most recent #7 is here:-

Covid-19 Virus Origin: The Mojiang Miners Passage Hypothesis

Published: July 16, 2020; Languages: DE, EN
Share on: Twitter / Facebook

Virologist Jonathan Latham and geneticist Allison Wilson have proposed a new hypothesis for the origin of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and the Covid-19 pandemic.

It has been known since February that a bat virus called RaTG13, collected by the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) in 2013, is the closest known relative of SARS-CoV-2.

It has been known since May (to some) that RaTG13, previously known as BtCoV/4991, was found in bat feces in a mineshaft near Mojiang in southwest China, after six miners fell ill with Covid19-like pneumonia and three of them died. The WIV itself didn’t disclose this link, however.

It is also known that RaTG13, despite its 96% similarity, cannot be the direct ancestor of SARS-CoV-2, as natural mutations in the environment would have taken at least several decades. But it has been shown computationally that RaTG13 can itself already infect human lung cells to some extent.

It is also known that the sick Mojiang miners, exhibiting severe Covid19-like pneumonia, were hospitalized for up to four months before being either discharged or dying back in 2012.

Latham and Wilson now propose that the Mojiang miners were originally infected by RaTG13 and/or similar coronaviruses during their up to two week stay in the mineshaft inhaling aerosols from bat feces. RaTG13 then turned into SARS-CoV-2 through mutations and/or recombinations in the lungs of the miners during their up to four month stay in the hospital (the Mojiang miners passage).

Thus the infected lungs of the miners may have served as a ‘human incubator’ enabling RaTG13 to adapt to both the human ACE2 cell receptor and the human immune system in just four months instead of several decades as would have been expected in a natural (animal) environment.

The Wuhan Institute of Virology in 2012/2013 received tissue or blood samples of the surviving or dead miners that may already have included what is now known as SARS-CoV-2. WIV virologists may then have been waiting five more years, until the completion of their BSL-4 (high security) lab in 2018, before beginning to do research on what is now known as SARS-CoV-2.

SARS-CoV-2 may then have escaped, probably in autumn 2019, from the WIV BSL-4 lab, perhaps through an infected lab worker, initiating what is now a global coronavirus pandemic.

This, in short, is the Latham-Wilson Mojiang Miners Passage (MMP) hypothesis. It can explain most or all of the unusual properties of SARS-CoV-2, including its very strong binding to human ACE2 cell receptors and its very low mutation rate, without even having to assume gain-of-function research (i.e. genetic engineering) — though not excluding it, either.

The MMP hypothesis would also explain why SARS-CoV-2 can be so dangerous to those whose immune system cannot readily neutralize the virus (using mucosal and/or T-cell immunity), and why early (or even prophylactic) treatment in people at high risk or high exposure is so important.

Read the full article by Latham and Wilson:

A Proposed Origin for SARS-CoV-2 and the COVID-19 Pandemic (ISN, July 15, 2020)

See also:



This is a short read. At the end you will be directed to another site with a video. We have not linked it here is it may be censored.

Banned Video: Get Ready For The Great Reset

Source: Mac Slavo

YouTube has put the pedal to the metal and is banning anything that doesn’t align with the New World Order and the agenda of slavery. They don’t want you to know that the Great Reset is further enslavement to the system and they definitely don’t want you to prepare by exiting the current system.

There will be a new one-world digital centralized currency. It will be owned by the elites and your transactions will be monitored and controlled by a very few other people.  They will take what they want and call it “tax” whenever they see fit and this will happen. But there are ways to prepare for it. You’ve got to think outside the box and understand what’s really happening though.

In a video banned by YouTube, Max Igan describes how horrific the Great Reset will be for everyone except those in power over you. He also explains the solution. It’s a simple solution and one we’ve suggested multiple times. All you have to do is wake up and realize you own yourself and you do not have to acquiesce to power. No one has rights you don’t have and you are not obligated to be anyone’s slave. No cop, no politician, no president, no trillionaire, no banker, no other person has additional rights that you do not have.

Their system is over once enough people figure this out, and that’s what they are truly afraid of.

Video Here




This is a short read. At the end you will be directed to another site with a video. We have not linked it here is it may be censored.

Banned Video: Get Ready For The Great Reset

Source: Mac Slavo

YouTube has put the pedal to the metal and is banning anything that doesn’t align with the New World Order and the agenda of slavery. They don’t want you to know that the Great Reset is further enslavement to the system and they definitely don’t want you to prepare by exiting the current system.

There will be a new one-world digital centralized currency. It will be owned by the elites and your transactions will be monitored and controlled by a very few other people.  They will take what they want and call it “tax” whenever they see fit and this will happen. But there are ways to prepare for it. You’ve got to think outside the box and understand what’s really happening though.

In a video banned by YouTube, Max Igan describes how horrific the Great Reset will be for everyone except those in power over you. He also explains the solution. It’s a simple solution and one we’ve suggested multiple times. All you have to do is wake up and realize you own yourself and you do not have to acquiesce to power. No one has rights you don’t have and you are not obligated to be anyone’s slave. No cop, no politician, no president, no trillionaire, no banker, no other person has additional rights that you do not have.

Their system is over once enough people figure this out, and that’s what they are truly afraid of.

Video Here


According to Yusra Khogali, one of BLM's founders, it's the melanin stoopid. Melanin converts sunlight into knowledge you see. If you don't have it, you are dumb and defective.

She has a point. My friend of longest standing and about the only one left who can even stand, has melanin and he beats me at chess regularly. He is a Silly Wanken ....... darn, I'll have to install spell check, that should be Sri Lankan. And plus, three kids in my nuclear family were black and the other five were white. [My wife just proof read this post and insisted that I mention the black ones were our foster children, so there, I did a late edit but I can't see her problem, but she is also melanin deficient so none too bright. But please note..... "All Wives Matter"]. Oh and plus, plus, I lived with and worked for melanin enhanced people for 8 or 9 years and I definitely can't recall any of the scores of them being genetically defective. Borrowing from Yusra's logic progression, and since all those blackfellas were not defective, then all whiteys must be defectos if anyone is. Right? Makes sense.

Before advancing, I would like to remind you that I have written other pieces about the BLM that you may want to look at too. Here's the link to the post about their association with other intellectual giants such as the nice people in Antifa and their mentors of the friendly Muslim Brotherhood. This was our most read post ever with 1444 views ............. ..... and  this one that was a bit of a flop with 105 views .... .

APOLOGIES that the Lovely Yusra's picture has burst its banks and flowed into the next column as you will see below, but it's worth the enlargement to truly take in her beauty and besides there's nothing important in the farc olumn. I could fix it, but not sure how, due to my lack of melanin.

BLM Leader Yusra Khogali: ‘White People Are Genetic Defects’

Yusra Khogali (Photo: Facebook screenshot)
Yusra Khogali (Photo: Facebook screenshot)

A Toronto-based leader of the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement was exposed dehumanizing white people. A Black Muslim and race supremacist, Yusra Khogali was caught in a series of social media posts that attacked people based on nothing more than the color of their skin.

Khogali’s social media post goes into a pseudo-scientific rant on melanin and concludes that the lack of melanin in white people means they have “genetic defects.”

Khogali adds that white people have a “higher concentration of enzyme inhibitors” which suppresses melanin production, adding that melanin is important for a number of things such as “strong bones, intelligence, vision and hearing,” which for her means that black people are super humans. She continues in comments to her original Facebook post, “melatonin directly communicates with cosmic energy.”

The posts have since been deleted.

The irony of the attack is not lost. BLM prides itself for uplifting the value of black lives, yet, in attempting to do so, uses dehumanizing narratives and racial attacks against others.

Speaking to the extremism, Clarion Project’s National Correspondent Shireen Qudosi shares how BLM isn’t rooted in human rights but is deeply rooted in the language of divisiveness.

Khogali’s social media posts and presence in the Canadian activism sphere are nothing new and have been ongoing for at least the last three years. In fact, they’ve been deflected by BLM leaders when reporters drew attention to them in the past and, instead, BLM has been rewarded by the community.

Given the rise of the cancel culture that affects conservatives for saying the wrong word at the wrong time, it’s unlikely Khogali will be canceled, let alone corrected for her extremist views.

Yusra's tweets, posts and other pics and things can be seen in the source article below.


To paraphrase a bloke who is well known in my town [ I don't own it but just live here really], and connected to football: "YOU'RE QUITE BRILLIANT YUSRA"!.


According to Yusra Khogali, one of BLM's founders, it's the melanin stoopid. Melanin converts sunlight into knowledge you see. If you don't have it, you are dumb and defective.

She has a point. My friend of longest standing and about the only one left who can even stand, has melanin and he beats me at chess regularly. He is a Silly Wanken ....... darn, I'll have to install spell check, that should be Sri Lankan. And plus, three kids in my nuclear family were black and the other five were white. [My wife just proof read this post and insisted that I mention the black ones were our foster children, so there, I did a late edit but I can't see her problem, but she is also melanin deficient so none too bright. But please note..... "All Wives Matter"]. Oh and plus, plus, I lived with and worked for melanin enhanced people for 8 or 9 years and I definitely can't recall any of the scores of them being genetically defective. Borrowing from Yusra's logic progression, and since all those blackfellas were not defective, then all whiteys must be defectos if anyone is. Right? Makes sense.

Before advancing, I would like to remind you that I have written other pieces about the BLM that you may want to look at too. Here's the link to the post about their association with other intellectual giants such as the nice people in Antifa and their mentors of the friendly Muslim Brotherhood. This was our most read post ever with 1444 views ............. ..... and  this one that was a bit of a flop with 105 views .... .

APOLOGIES that the Lovely Yusra's picture has burst its banks and flowed into the next column as you will see below, but it's worth the enlargement to truly take in her beauty and besides there's nothing important in the farc olumn. I could fix it, but not sure how, due to my lack of melanin.

BLM Leader Yusra Khogali: ‘White People Are Genetic Defects’

Yusra Khogali (Photo: Facebook screenshot)
Yusra Khogali (Photo: Facebook screenshot)

A Toronto-based leader of the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement was exposed dehumanizing white people. A Black Muslim and race supremacist, Yusra Khogali was caught in a series of social media posts that attacked people based on nothing more than the color of their skin.

Khogali’s social media post goes into a pseudo-scientific rant on melanin and concludes that the lack of melanin in white people means they have “genetic defects.”

Khogali adds that white people have a “higher concentration of enzyme inhibitors” which suppresses melanin production, adding that melanin is important for a number of things such as “strong bones, intelligence, vision and hearing,” which for her means that black people are super humans. She continues in comments to her original Facebook post, “melatonin directly communicates with cosmic energy.”

The posts have since been deleted.

The irony of the attack is not lost. BLM prides itself for uplifting the value of black lives, yet, in attempting to do so, uses dehumanizing narratives and racial attacks against others.

Speaking to the extremism, Clarion Project’s National Correspondent Shireen Qudosi shares how BLM isn’t rooted in human rights but is deeply rooted in the language of divisiveness.

Khogali’s social media posts and presence in the Canadian activism sphere are nothing new and have been ongoing for at least the last three years. In fact, they’ve been deflected by BLM leaders when reporters drew attention to them in the past and, instead, BLM has been rewarded by the community.

Given the rise of the cancel culture that affects conservatives for saying the wrong word at the wrong time, it’s unlikely Khogali will be canceled, let alone corrected for her extremist views.

Yusra's tweets, posts and other pics and things can be seen in the source article below.


To paraphrase a bloke who is well known in my town [ I don't own it but just live here really], and connected to football: "YOU'RE QUITE BRILLIANT YUSRA"!.


The list that follows is summarized by one, Andrew Fleming, a mouth piece for ANTIFA. [I like to call him Phlegm for short, as we Aussies tend to do with names]. Actually it's a useful list if the bias and derogation can be ignored since, like any under-achieving Cretin, his language is littered with really, really cool jibing jargon to appeal to fellow failures. You will note, of course, that when Phlegm says "far right" he includes Qanons, Pauline Hanson and supporters, the guys at XYZ and The Unshackled, Fraser Anning, and so on. Still, there are some actual "far" right orgs and personalities listed but oddly enough Phlegm simultaneously decries their effectiveness while implying their dangerous influence. He employs guilt by association through the use of the name of the New Zealand mass murderer. But that's okay since lefties are not all that logical. As a "bonus" he adds a comment to his summary about Jordan Peterson's praise of Hitler and Nazism.

NOTE: Recently we dumb plebs have been subjected to some hysterical warnings from ASIO, via your ABC, that the country faces a really, really dangerous threat from far right extremists - worse than Islamic jihadis, worse than a CCP takeover, worse than Covid-19 and even worse than killer tomatoes. These orgs and persons listed by Phlegm - as insignificants - ARE THE POTENTIAL TERRORISTS THAT ASIO REFERS TO. Yes, that's you Malcom Roberts, Tim Wilms and all youse Q followers !! Happy reading........

A Brief Guide To The Australian Far Right (July 2020 Edition)


In June 2015, December 2016 and April 2019 I published brief guides to the contemporary Australian far right. These were intended to provide a brief survey of some of the more prominent groupings and projects, and came with various provisos; not least that the lists were non-exhaustive, formal groupings typically draw from informal networks, and the milieu is dynamic. In any case, the massacre committed by a far-right militant in Christchurch in March 2019 has had some effect upon the contents of this guide and resulted in a number of scratchings. In other respects, however, the song remains much the same. I wrote last time that:

… in media reportage on the killer’s situation within the Australian far right milieu, much attention has been drawn to three organisations in particular: ‘Antipodean Resistance’ (AR), ‘The Lads Society’ (TLS) and the ‘United Patriots Front’ (UPF). In this context, it’s important to note that, first, while there are critical differences between them, and only AR openly espouses neo-Nazism, all three are the natural outgrowth of the wave of public organising undertaken by the far-right under the umbrella of ‘Reclaim Australia’ (2015–). Secondly, members of all three groups remain politically active and, finally, all can be read as particular expressions of much (much) larger political and social networks, for which the dominant social media and publishing platforms — Facebook, Twitter and YouTube — have provided and will continue to provide a critical part of their organisational framework.

The social media giants continue to play this role, and to facilitate the growth of the far-right. That said, problematic content linked to death and destruction is subject to periodic crackdowns, typically as and when public outcry or political pressure forces the corporate sector to adopt measures to avoid legal and/or financial penalty. Thus the UPF lived and died on Facebook, and the hundreds of boys who flocked to its banner while Facebook gave it licence (2015–2017) have either grown up, found other things to do/abuse and/or joined The Lads Society and its political extension, the National Socialist Network (NSN). The NSN is an exciting NEW! entry to the guide, and represents an interesting if provocative (and problematic) development in the fortunes of the UPF/TLS and its fellow travellers.


